Wednesday, October 27, 2021


Michael S Roth
My take on Dick Rorty: "Pragmatists can only point out that we depend on one another & thus should develop narratives that will encourage us to listen to one another in order to find more inclusive solutions to the problems that plague us" ⁦‪@LAReviewofBooks‬⁩…
10/27/21, 10:48 AM

"[W]e do not, if I am right, need a theory of rationality, we do need a narrative of maturation." He is committed to the anti-authoritarian Enlightenment project of replacing obedience to the Divine (whether in the shape of a deity or a monarch) with obedience only to "a law one gives oneself," as Rousseau and Kant had it. We may arrive at an agreement about the laws we give ourselves — we don't discover the One True Law. Pragmatism is anti-authoritarian because it rejects the notion that we need something nonhuman (God, Reality, Truth) for our salvation.

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