Monday, May 18, 2020

Story Corps, This I Believe

Story Corps

Here's another final report option: go to the StoryCorps website and read about StoryCorps. Get the StoryCorps app. Use it to record an interview with an older person (grandparent, maybe) you consider wise. Ask them the sorts of questions we've been asking ourselves this semester in CoPhi. Share the result with us, in your final report blog posts, and with posterity.

"This I Believe"

Another final report option: Read and listen to others' "This I Believe" essays, and post your own (as I did-see below), at their website and on ours. I did. (May be time to update this...)

(I believe in) the next 40 years Phil - Nashville, Tennessee Entered on July 20, 2009

I believe that humans have a bright future among the stars. A 12-year old boy might have been excused, on July 20, 1969, for picturing the world of 2009 as far closer to Captain Kirk’s than this. The “space race” had been run and won in a few focused frenetic years, from Sputnik in the […]

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