Wednesday, June 10, 2020

PHIL 1030, Sections 10-12

PHIL 1030, Sections 10-12 (Dr. Oliver)

Posted Jun 10, 2020 12:01 PM to D2L
Welcome to my Fall 2020 sections of Philosophy 1030, Intro to Philosophy, which I prefer to call CoPhilosophy... after a statement by my favorite philosopher William James: "The pluralistic form takes for me a stronger hold on reality than any other philosophy I know of, being essentially a social philosophy, a philosophy of 'co'..."
More about what he and I mean by that, as the semester proceeds.
CoPhilosophy (CoPhi) / PHILOSOPHY 1030 (section #s 10, 11, 12) returns to MTSU August 24, 2020 as a remote course (that at least is the plan, as of June 2020).
We will NOT be meeting in our originally-assigned classrooms (#10 TTh 1 pm Peck Hall 300, #11 TTh 2:40 PH 300, #12 MW 12:40 BAS S305), but will conduct most of our interactions on the blogsite ("CoPhi") I've created specifically for the purpose (not D2L), supplemented by videos and recorded non-mandatory zoom sessions. Once you've all joined me as authors on the site, our virtual conversations can begin. Philosophy, whatever else it is, is indeed an open-ended conversation among ourselves, with the philosophers of the past, and anticipating those of the future.
REQUIRED TEXTS for Fall 2020:
You may procure these texts in book, ebook, and/or audiobook formats, whatever you think works best in promoting your own learning. Personally I think it's best to take new information in through every available portal.
You can reach me directly with questions at
Stay well, talk with you soon.
jpo (Dr. Oliver)

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