But Opening Days are still a big deal. We get to introduce ourselves, and I get to begin introducing the course. Everybody's still in first place, we've all still got high hopes (I hope).
If you haven't guessed, from my sporting metaphors, I'm a baseball fan. Raised in the St. Louis area, I went to my first live Cardinals game several stadia ago. I've not got to see them in action much yet in 2020, bunch of them came down with the virus.
My wife and I were in Scottsdale, AZ back in March, enjoying Cactus League Spring Training, when the plug was pulled on this baseball season. The rest of Spring Training was canceled (glad we got to see David Price pitch for LA earlier in the week), MLB's Opening Day delayed ('til late July, it turned out, and that turned out to be too soon). Resumption of our Spring semester was also delayed, and we haven't been in the brick-and-mortar classroom since.
But let's look on the Bright Side. Many of us, thanks to these extreme measures, social distancing, masking etc., have managed to dodge COVID-19. We're healthy enough to carry on by other means. We'll be communicating, in my classes, on this platform and on Zoom. And we'll look forward to the day when we can again share physical space on our currently-lonely campus.
Meanwhile, in spite of everything, it's Opening Day again. As Mr. Cub used to say, let's play two! (He got to play on grass under the big sky at Wrigley Field, before they conformed and added lights and night games, we'll play on Zoom-CoPhi first, then Environmental Ethics). But since I'm a peripatetic, I'll again urge us all to find our own piece of turf and sky each day. I guarantee it will improve your and our experience of the course. As Chris Orlet reminds, in Gymnasiums of the Mind: Solvitur Ambulando, "it is solved by walking"--for pretty much any it.
Meanwhile, in spite of everything, it's Opening Day again. As Mr. Cub used to say, let's play two! (He got to play on grass under the big sky at Wrigley Field, before they conformed and added lights and night games, we'll play on Zoom-CoPhi first, then Environmental Ethics). But since I'm a peripatetic, I'll again urge us all to find our own piece of turf and sky each day. I guarantee it will improve your and our experience of the course. As Chris Orlet reminds, in Gymnasiums of the Mind: Solvitur Ambulando, "it is solved by walking"--for pretty much any it.
Nearly every philosopher-poet worth his salt has voiced similar sentiments. Erasmus recommended a little walk before supper and “after supper do the same.” Thomas Hobbes had an inkwell built into his walking stick to more easily jot down his brainstorms during his rambles. Jean- Jacques Rousseau claimed he could only meditate when walking: “When I stop, I cease to think,” he said. “My mind only works with my legs.” Søren Kierkegaard believed he’d walked himself into his best thoughts. In his brief life Henry David Thoreau walked an estimated 250,000 miles, or ten times the circumference of earth. “I think that I cannot preserve my health and spirits,” wrote Thoreau, “unless I spend four hours a day at least – and it is commonly more than that – sauntering through the woods and over the hills and fields absolutely free from worldly engagements.” Thoreau’s landlord and mentor Ralph Waldo Emerson characterized walking as “gymnastics for the mind.”Read the rest, if you're curious about the peripatetic life. It's a short essay, but if you follow the peri-philosophers' footsteps it may just change your life.
Also by way of introducing myself, I suggest you take a look at Carl Sagan's Pale Blue Dot [video]- he was an early influence on me and my version of Cosmic Philosophy.
And William James's opening lecture on Pragmatism, wherein he insists that we all have a philosophy whether we know it or not.
And my book...
And Brian Cohen...
For the record, here's how things began the last time we commenced a real (on ground, in person) semester:
For the record, here's how things began the last time we commenced a real (on ground, in person) semester:
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Opening Day!
Or Opening Deja-vu, all over again. Like last time, and the time before, and the time before that, but also different. [Fall 2019]
Another fresh start, a blank slate, a return to that form of life we call academia and philosophia. Call it what you will, the first day of a new semester is an always-welcome recurrence I'm happy to affirm. I say yes to the challenge of introducing the next generation to this odd but essential practice of mature reflection on behalf of our adolescent species. The break was actually a little long, in some ways, though the break from that congested commute down I-24 to the 'boro was (as always) a time-giving, anxiety-relieving happy respite.
We'll do our usual Opening Day round of introductions: Who are you? Why are you here? I always encourage students to be creatively and playfully thoughtful with their responses to those questions, and there's usually a small handful of creatively playful responses mixed in with the dull literal Joe ("Just the facts, M'am") Fridays. "I'm Bill, I'm in concrete management, I'm here for the GenEd credit..." Thanks, Bill. Anybody given any thought to who you are independent of your academic and career aspirations, why you're living this life, in this place, with these goals and intentions?
Philosophers and physicists wonder why there's something rather than nothing, a universe where there might (we suppose) have been nought at all. Beyond that, as William James said, there's a mystery as to the existence of every particular, "this very thing," in its very particularity. Today begins, again, the worthy task of getting more of my young charges to grasp and grapple with (or at least acknowledge and value) that mystery, and grow from the encounter.
Atheism and Philosophy begins again today too. In addition to the usual questions we'll ask: Do you have firm convictions regarding religion, spirituality, an afterlife, a deity...? Do you think religion and science are (or can be) compatible? What sources of meaning and purpose in life do you recognize?
So, shall we hit the ground running? And not say, like that jaded bowl of petunias, "Oh no, not again!"

Or maybe I'll just talk about my dogs again, and my canine philosophy. (Did someone mention Diogenes? (He revelled in the nickname of 'the dog' (kyon), which is how the Cynics, or 'dogmen', got their name...)
Let's introduce ourselves, Fall 2020 CoPhilosophy collaborators. (I'll tell you "in class"--eventually I'll stop putting scare quotes around Zoom "classes," I actually had some really good ones in July with my MALA Evolution in America course--why I call my version of the Intro course "CoPhilosophy." But maybe you can guess, from the William James quote above.)
I invite you all to introduce yourselves in the comments section below, and answer some very basic questions: Who are you? Why are you here? (in this course, on this campus, in this state, on this planet...) What do you think Philosophy is? Do you have a favorite philosopher? Do you have an easily-summarized personal philosophy? (Maybe something short like Charlie Brown's sister Sally's?--"No!")
We'll not go over the syllabus or get bogged down in the nuts and bolts of course mechanics on Day One, there's plenty of time for those details later. Peruse the blogsite and syllabus (linked in the right margin) before next class and let me know what's unclear. Meanwhile, read your classmates' intros and post your own.
I'm Dr. Oliver. I live in Nashville with my wife, two dogs we "rescued" in 2018 (Nell, a sweet & gentle Pit/Boxer, and Pita, a sweet and feisty Dachsund/Lab), and an old cat (Zeus). Older Daughter lives in California. Younger Daughter is one of your peers.
My office is 300 James Union Building (JUB), but of course I'm not going to be around there much in the foreseeable future. Remote office hours are listed in the right sidebar, call or text at those times and let me know if you'd like to arrange a private Zoom session.
I've been at MTSU since the early '00s, teaching philosophy courses on diverse subjects including atheism, childhood, happiness, the environment (I'm teaching the Environmental Ethics course this semester, check out my Honors Lecture on the subject if you're interested), evolution, the future, epistemology, identity, metaphysics, Anglo-American philosophy, consciousness, and bioethics. I'm always open to working with students on Independent Readings courses as well, if you don't find a listed course in something you're interested in. Let me know if I can ever help you with that.
My Ph.D. is from Vanderbilt. I'm originally from Missouri, near St. Louis. My undergrad degree is from the University of Missouri ("Mizzou") in Columbia MO. (I wish my schools weren't in the SEC-I don't approve of the inordinate emphasis on major collegiate sports culture or football brain injuries, as I'm sure to tell you again. But I admit, I did enjoy the Titans' playoff run last winter.)
My philosophical expertise, such as it is, centers on the American philosophical tradition of William James and John Dewey. A former student once asked me to respond to a questionnaire, if you're curious you can learn more about me there.
What you most need to know about me, though, is that I'm a peripatetic and encourage you to be one too (If you're not sure what a peripatetic is, ask me. Or look it up.)
I post my thoughts regularly to my blogs Up@dawn and Delight Springs, to this and other course-specific sites, and to Twitter (@osopher). I've experimented with podcasting as a classroom tool, and with supplemental audio and video content. Follow me if you want to.
But of course, as Brian Cohen said, you don't have to follow me or anyone else. (Rhetorical extra credit if you get that reference.) Sapere aude, as Immanuel Kant said. (Real extra credit if you get that one. NOTE: my extra credit is in the form of "bases," as in the umpire's instruction to "take your base.")
So you don't have to follow me, but when a blog or audio link ("LISTEN") or video turns up you might find it helpful to read, listen, or watch.
I think maybe the best way to introduce myself is to introduce you to some recommended texts, videos, and pdocasts:
William James, Pragmatism lecture 1; Gymnasiums of the Mind (on the Peripatetic philosophy); Pale Blue Dot, & WATCH: Pale Blue Dot (Sagan). Also recommended, for general knowledge: What's Philosophy for? School of Life (SoL); LISTEN: What is Philosophy? and Who's Your Favourite Philosopher? (PB Philosophy Bites). And check out the This I Believe website, for examples of others' personal philosophies succinctly summarized.
But, enough about me. Who are you? (Where are you from, where have you been, what do you like, who do you want to become,...?) Why are you here? (On Earth, in Tennessee, at MTSU, in philosophy class)? Reply below with your introduction, and read your classmates'...
Looking forward to seeing you on Zoom starting Monday the 24th (connection info emailed and, eventually, in the right sidebar under "NEXT")...
Please always include your section number (10, 11, or 12) in your reply below, and in all future posts on this site.
Our assignments for our second class meeting: (you can always find future assignments listed under "NEXT" in the upper right corner):
Please always include your section number (10, 11, or 12) in your reply below, and in all future posts on this site.
Our assignments for our second class meeting: (you can always find future assignments listed under "NEXT" in the upper right corner):
W 26/Th 27 Socrates and Plato-LH1, FL 1-2, HWT Intro & prologueLook for my dated Questions posts, before each scheduled class date, if you need ideas for what to think and write about in connection with our assigned readings.
Hello all! My name is Matt and this class for me is a stepping stone as I plan to major in recording arts. I recently moved out here a year ago in my pursuit to work in audio within games and other media, which was a big change for me as I had previously been majoring in business back in Colorado where I lived a majority of my life.
ReplyDeletePhilosophy to me is somewhat of a mindset, where you analyze and perceive life or the world based on different aspects such as history or even actions in this current moment.There are so many different schools of philosophy that it's somewhat of a pick and choose. I myself am not very familiar with philosophers so I can't say I have a favorite.
I personally have a philosophy that I follow to do what makes me happy, along with listening to those around me and offering what aid I canto them.
I look forward to our semester together despite the current setbacks in our day to day lives.
Section 010
DeleteI agree with your personal philosophy and have been trying to integrate that into my everyday life for a few years.
DeleteLike you I am not very familiar with any philosophers, but I completely agree with your personal philosophy.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI'm Moustafa Shamdeen, born in Seattle, Washington, moved here when I was young, 19 years old, a junior in college, just switched my major to General Mathematics from Computer Science, I still have a Computer Science minor though, and this is the second time I've changed my major, so hopefully this one sticks.
ReplyDeleteCan't really say I know why I'm on this Earth, all I know is that like I said I was born in Seattle, Washington, but my parents moved here when I was 3, and it's pretty hard being a self-sufficient 3 y/o so I moved here with them, I grew up in Antioch and have lived here in TN ever since. I'm at MTSU because it's the only school I applied, and I don't really have any regrets about that decision because it's a nice school, no real complaints, and I'm in this course because I had an elective slot available and my friends said this was a cool course, so here I am.
I think philosophy is just as simple as trying to explain the workings of the universe in relation to yourself, but while it's simple to describe, it doesn't necessarily mean it's easy to do. I don't really know too many philosophers so I can't say I have a favorite, but I watched a video on Diogenes recently and he seems pretty cool in a "I would never want to be associated with him" type of way.
Finally, I think I have two major philosophies, one is "minimum for the maximum" because I don't like to expend extra energy and if I can achieve a goal without going all out I'd much rather do that, and my second philosophy is "maximizing my leisure time" so I'll try and get all the boring stuff I can out of the way, so I can relax for as long as possible. Thats all I got, I look forward to the class.
Course 1030 Section 012
I definitely agree with the idea of "minimum for the maximum." After all, it's way more efficient as a lifestyle choice and fits right in with my pragmatic tendencies. I think one thing that has been really interesting about studying philosophy as a pastime is that it really builds your critical thinking muscle to the point where it's not even a real effort anymore. I find that a lot of what we consider to be "normal" or "right" in today's world has a far less noble reasoning behind it than people give credit for.
DeleteA classic example: Much more so a few decades ago but still very relevant today, many people have a very strong opinion on what kind of food a guy should eat or activities they should do or characteristics they should have to be considered a "proper" man's man. The same could be said for women. All the while people tend to forget that marketing and capitalism is a strong incentive for reprogramming the majority to think a certain way to profit off of those concepts we mistakenly judge to be "right" and "normal."
I definitely agree with the idea that back then, and even now, capitalism has kind of altered the moral compass of man. Stuff like healthcare, housing, and education among many more are all looked at more in the business aspect rather than for the good of the people. People don't always just do what is right, me included, there's what usually seems like scale in everyones head that weighs the profit before acting.
DeleteAug 20th: Posted intro (+3)
DeleteAug 27th: Replied to Daniel Lopez (+1)
Aug 27th: Replied to Eli Barlar (+1)
Aug 27th: Questions Aug 26/27 (+3)
Total: hypothetical 8/5 capped at 5/5
I am very interested in your thought process of "minimum for maximum". For me personally, I find that using all of my energy in multiple areas tends to be very exhausting and stressful, but this is where I find the joy in the hard work. I find it more fulfilling accomplishing a task when I put forth "more than normal effort."
DeleteAfter a short reflection on your thinking, I find that I myself may also need to do the "minimum of the maximum" because often times I place myself in stressful situations with the amount of energy I put into academics and so forth. Sometimes we just need to live life in leisure rather than in constant stress. I am intrigued by your thoughts, Moustafa!
Section 10
DeleteIntroduction - Aug 24th
Replied - Moustafa Shamdeen Aug 27th
Replied - Adam Shannon Aug 27th
Replied - Anna Collins Aug 27th
I'm Kate Allen and I'm from Nashville I've lived here all my life. I'm here because I have always found philosophy very interesting. I think philosophy is a different way of thinking about life and reality. It challenges our perceptions on what is real. I don't know many philosophers so I can't say I have a favorite philosopher. My personal philosophy is to do whatever makes you happy because life is short and I don't want to live with any regrets. Section 011
ReplyDeleteI 100% agree with your philosophy. I have always been told to do what makes you happy and that is what I plan to do.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeletePosted my blog on saturday +3
DeleteReplied to Anna Johnson Wednesday +2
Replied to Khushi Patel Wednesday +2
section 11
I agree with the way you explained philosophy . It truly does make us think about life and the world we live in, in a different way.
DeleteI love your philosphy. Keep yourself happy and everything should fall into place.
DeleteMy name is Simon Pergande and I am looking forward working with you all during the Fall 2020 semester! I am majoring in Biology with a concentration in Organismal Biology and Ecology. I also have mixed course work in Forensic Anthropology and Criminal Investigations. My interests include forensic anthropology, forensic entomology, law enforcement, and research.
ReplyDeleteSection 010.
I do not know much about philosophy but I certainly hope to learn a great deal in the course! If I had to say what philosophy I live by I would say is to always ask questions and be open to new experiences. I believe that this leads to a higher quality of life that will bring much value!
DeleteCorrection, I am section 012.
DeleteHey Simon! I agree with your philosophy. I think curiosity and new experiences keep life interesting and your mind working.
DeleteHey Simon, I'm a Forensics major and have a lot of the same interests you do.
DeleteHi Simon, I am also interested somewhat in anthropology. Probably not the same type of anthropology but I hope you you succeed in what you are aspiring to do.
DeleteMy name is Alexandra Jasso and I am from Nashville, TN. I'm an English major and I plan on being a teacher but also a writer. For as long as I can remember, I could only read the world through patterns and repetition. What drawn me to philosophy was being about to understand not just the world but reality itself. To see the world of what it could be despite of the way that it is. But to also adore and learn to apprecate it while we still can. Despite this year's drawbacks, I'm excited to be here and looking forward to this. Section 010.
ReplyDeleteI love that you view the world in a very unique way.
DeleteCorrection: Section 011
DeleteI also tend to view the world in a way of patterns and cycles! Cause and effect kind of deal, in my mind.
DeleteI like what you say about not only understanding the world but reality itself. It's a rather amusing question that I sometimes find myself sitting down and thinking about. Thinking about reality has often lead me to some strange places.
DeletePosted my introduction blog on August 22 (+3)
DeleteReplied to Harris Cavin on August 26 (+1)
Replied to Jurnee Holloway on August 27 (+1)
Total Points this week: +5
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteHello! My name is Mai-Thi Kieu, I'm from Murfreesboro, TN. Currently studying Graphic Design as my major and I hope I get to work as a concept artist or create comics of my own, but I'm opened to other options.Not sure what my purpose is on Earth, but I'd like to think is to learn and embrace what we have now, and cherish what matters most along the way, whether it be our friends,family,our passion. I mostly like to learn and understand about how life is viewed or revolved and how they understand the world based on their beliefs or teachings. I think it would be nice to have a conversation and dwell deeper in philosophy. I don't have any particular favorite philosopher or philosophy yet, but maybe this class will help me see more. I'm kinda nervous about this year and how it'll turn out but, I 'll do my best, I look forward to meeting everyone in this class!
ReplyDeleteSorry about that,just to clarify I'n in Section 10
DeletePosted my introduction blog on Sunday (3+)
DeleteReplied to Kaitlyn Stephens Tuesday (1+)
Replied to Zalen Ingram (1+)
This week: 5 points
POSTED FOR JERRY. My name is Jerry Slowinski and I am at MTSU to expand my mind and humble my conscience. I do not know why I am in this reality/dimension, but I want to give other philosophies that exist here a chance to reshape what I believe. I think philosophy as a subject is the study of thought and perception, but I think to the individual, it is a reconstruction that establishes the limits to their thought and decisions. I do not have a favorite philosopher now but plan to find one this course. I follow the philosophy that everything is infinitely real and many others that I hope to explain in an educated way by the end of this course!
ReplyDeleteHello. My name is Eli Barlar and I am computer science major, considering double-majoring in political science. I hope to work as a programmer for a while, and maybe get into politics if the opportunity presents itself. As for my purpose, who knows? Perhaps it's to worship one god or another, or maybe there is no purpose. At the end of the day it matters little to how people live. All I think we should be doing is trying to leave the world better than when we were put on it, both for each other and for those who come after us.
ReplyDeleteI agree with your view and how we should leave the world in a better place than the one we lived through.
DeleteHello Eli! I think your personal philosophy is very interesting. I agree that we should leave the world a better than place than where we find it, but are you not contradicting yourself if you say there is perhaps no purpose then? On a side note, I admire you for double-majoring and pursuing political science. I have always found that interesting, but don't believe I would do very well with that major.
DeleteYo Eli, I think that ideology is really admirable, as far as we know, this is the only planet with life, it would be a shame if that very life that is supported by the planet, ruins the planet itself, so I can definitely agree with trying to keep this place healthy in every way for generations to come.
DeleteHello! My name is Barbara Frizzell and I'm a freshman majoring in nursing. As to who I am, I would generally say something about being the middle child of nine kids, that I'm a christian, or that I'm very clumsy. But if I were to talk about who I was on a deeper level, I would need pages to talk about it. I'm here at MTSU because it was the best school for me financially and none of my older siblings went here (which was important to me). I think I'm on Earth to help people. With everything going on in the world, I have this want to fix everything. I know this is impossible, but I know that on a smaller level I can make a difference. That is why I chose to major in nursing, because it gives me the opportunity to touch the lives of my patients.
ReplyDeleteI don't know much about philosophy except what I learned through watching "The Good Place". It's a tv show where a group of people navigate the afterlife and use philosophy to help better understand their situation. I didn't pick up much from the show, but I remember that one of the character's favorite philosophers was a guy named Kant. I don't have a favorite philosopher yet because I don't think it would be fair to pick one before I really understand what philosophy means to me. I do have a philosophy that I live by, it's "just do the next right thing," from "Frozen 2". I know it seems silly that it's from a children's movie, but it was the first time I had heard the idea put so simply. I'm excited to learn more this semester and I can't wait to work with all of you.
We'll encounter Immanuel Kant's philosophy in "Why Grow Up"...He might very well accept "just do the right thing" as a good summary of his ethical philosophy.
Deletesection 011
DeleteSunday: posted my introduction (3 points)
DeleteTuesday: commented on Simon Pergande's, Matthew Pace's, and Ashleigh Moffett's introductions (3 points)
Total points this week: 6
Hello Barbara! I love your personal philosophy of "just doing the next right thing." It is put so plainly, but can offer so much depth in our lives. I am also a christian and have watched the Good Place. Although I didn't finish the show, I thoroughly enjoyed the messages and different ideas it presented.
DeletePOSTED FOR AIDAN. Hello, My name is Aidan Rose ( you can call me A.I.) and as of right now I am a freshman that is undecided. I was born in New York City and Moved to Tennessee when I was in the 3rd grade. I'm here so I can expand on my education and become a better person overall. I think Philosophy is about the way you think, your morals, and the way you decide to perceive the people and world around you. I don't have a favorite philosopher but I do find certain things they say interesting. As for my own philosophy I am not quite sure yet.
ReplyDeleteMy name is Bailey Stephens. I am 18 years old and I was born in Normal, Illinois. I have lived in Indiana for most of my life and moved to Nolensville 3 years ago. I am studying Industrial / Organizational Psychology and I can't wait to get to know all of you more. Some fun hobbies I like to do are singing and winterguard. I don’t really have a favorite philosopher but there is a quote I do take to heart: it is by Rene Descartes. “ You just keep pushing you just keep pushing I made every mistake that could be made but I just kept pushing.” This quote gives me the confidence to try things and to never give up on myself and others.
ReplyDeleteSection 11
That's an interesting quote but it really doesn't sound like Descartes. Anyway, though, "keep pushing"!
DeleteHello Bailey! I think it is amazing you are studying Psychology. I have always found that field of study intriguing. As for your personal philosophy, I have never heard a quote like that and I find it very hopeful and encouraging. Especially right now and the global pandemic we are all experiencing, to always keep pushing is a great way to think positively about the situation.
DeleteHi, my name is Matt Pace and I'm currently living in Murfreesboro while planning to move to Queens, New York after college. I've always found the idea of philosophy interesting but I know little about it, so I hope I can learn something. My interests are gaming, films, acting, history, and making music. Section 012.
ReplyDeleteI share all of these interests. A friend of mine and I are starting to write a short film and will definitely need actors so i will keep you in mind if you are interested.
DeleteI am definitely interested, thanks!
DeleteCONTINUATION OF ORIGINAL POST: My all time favorite philosophy comes from a poem written about the 3 great Japanese unifiers during their Sengoku Jiddai/Warring States period: Oda Nobunaga, Toyotomi Hideyoshi, and Tokugawa Ieyasu. "A Zen master asked the 3 men what they would do if the canary would not sing for them. Oda Nobunaga would say 'if the bird doesn't sing, kill it', Toyotomi Hideyoshi would say 'if the bird doesn't sing, make it sing', and Tokugawa Ieyasu would say 'if the bird doesn't sing, wait until it's ready'." Oda Nobunaga was known for his cruelty and as a result was nicknamed Devil King, Toyotomi Hideyoshi brought an end to civil war by using his military might to stomp all opposition into submission, and Tokugawa Ieyasu remained calm and reserved until both men were out of the picture before making his move and successfully unifying Japan. The philosophy in the poem relates to the temperaments and strategies of all 3 men, likening the unification of Japan to the singing of a canary.
DeleteThis poem is really interesting! I definitely like Tokugawa Ieyasu's philosophy best.
DeletePOSTED FOR KIERA. My name is Kiera Riordan and I am from Maryville Tennessee. I am currently undecided when it comes to my major. I am somebody just looking for my purpose in life and that answers the question of why I am at Middle Tennessee State University. I hope to find a passion in something that I can do for the rest of my life.
ReplyDeleteWhen it comes to philosophers, I am not very educated, but when it comes to philosophy, I am familiar. I do find myself asking questions, as many philosophers do, about the existence of man, reality, and knowledge. I am a very open-minded person and that is why I thought it was important for me to take philosophy. I look forward to taking this class with hopes of broadening my perspective on life.
Ey I'm Kaitlyn Stephens - I've moved around a lot, but I'd say I'm mostly from Indiana. Though I currently live here. - I'm 20 years old and a junior in the animation major focusing on 3d model development and storyboarding. I still have an interst in pure 2d and stopmotion animation but since it's not offered as a focus at MTSU I'm workin on it on my own.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite philosopher is obviously garfield (the cat). His ideas of focusing on your own personal joy despite peoples expectations for you is something I respect. Even if in his particular case it's not balanced with any other ideals to make it function. (Garfields obviously more of like a joke pick, but I do think he's a very interesting character that's had an funny resurgence as an eldritch being)
No clue why I'm here in general! If I had to pick a reason why I'm here in this class specifically It would be because of a friend who majored in philosophy. We tend to share similar interests otherwise so I assume I'd be able to focus well/enjoy this class.
Section 10
Good luck with the animation, I've heard its really difficult though you can make quite a lot of money with it.
DeleteOh that's awesome that you have an animation major, I have Graphic Design as my major.Because I've always wanted to create some sort of story with my characters through animation, but I chose this major because I thought it would give opportunities for job,so I'm really trying to build a reputation.The reason I chose this class was because I thought I could learn more about just have chat with people. But I wish you the best of luck with your major!
DeleteOK I am absolutely obsessed with Garfield that was the most clever philosopher you could've put down. It made me smile and laugh righting the middle of the MT library now people think Im nuts. I need to be more like Garfield in that sense and focus more on myself because Im always trying to put other needs before mine. Any way Im from out of state as well, Virginia.
DeleteHello, My name is Cade Banks and I'm from Lewis County Tn. I am majoring in Aerospace Technology. I have very little knowledge of philosophy, but I am very excited to learn as much as possible throughout this semester.
ReplyDeletesec 10
DeleteAugust 23 Posted introduction. 3+
DeleteAugust 25 Replied to ELi. 1+
August 25 Replied to Alexandra Jasso. 1+
I'm James Robinson I'm a pro pilot at mtsu starting my instrument ratings this semester. I just finished watching the matrix so my view of the world is kinda skewed. But I think our purpose on this earth is to help each other by following in jesus's footsteps
ReplyDeletePOSTED FOR ELI. My name is Eli Feck, and I'm from Shelbyville, TN. My major is Political Science, and I hope to attend law school in the future. I've been interested in philosophy ever since I read a book about early philosophers in high school. I enjoyed seeing how individulas took different approaches to the same questions, and how philosophers built off of the ideas of those that came before them. For myself, I have never adopted a specific belief. From my limited knowledge of philosophy, I would have to say my favorite philosopher is Plato. This probably seems pretty oldschool, but I prefer the early philosophers, where the ideas did not seem to be repeats of their predecessors. I'm very excited about the upcoming semester, and look forward to this new experience. Section 012
ReplyDeleteHello, my name is Kimmie Steakley, and I'm from Franklin,TN. My major is Psychology, and the main reason I signed up for Philosophy is to fill a GenEd requirement. However, I am interested in learning about the subject and hope to enjoy researching different philosophies. As of now, I have not studied many philosophers, but I think some basic ideals like treating others how you want to be treated and putting yourself in someone else's shoes are good philosophies to follow. Section 012
ReplyDeleteI posted this as my first essay on Monday, then commented on Autumn Daniel and Adam Shannon's posts.
DeleteHey Everyone!!! My name is Killian Alexander Gunn, I am in SECTION 10, and I am taking 6 online courses from home in Knoxville, TN. I am the middle sibling of 11, and I am double majoring in Psychology and Political Science. I love Psychology, talking with people and building rapport. Who I want to become is a blend of being a political leader, counselor, public speaker, policy manager, and activists. I am here to challenge my way of thinking and your way of thinking. For me, Philosophy is as simple as seeking to understand something and it is as difficult as trying to put together a black and white puzzle that has identical-shaped pieces. I do not have a favorite philosopher but I do in fact appreciate a large sum of them. One of my most popular philosophies is “If you speak it, you’ll make it.”
ReplyDeleteHi, I'm Zalen Ingram from Murfreesboro, part of section 10. I am a sophmore and I am majoring in Computer Science, undecided my first semester of college. My dream is to go into the Video Games industry, however if my skills are required elsewhere I will not hesitate for the opportunity. I am in PHIL 1030 because I think philosophy is the most interesting out of all the general ed courses that are provided at MTSU. I am not all too familiar with philosophy as a study, however I do understand the concept and have had deep conversations with close ones. I am hoping to strengthen my understanding on the subject further while enrolled.
ReplyDeleteOh I also dreamed of going into the Video game industry as well, because I really want to be concept artist and design characters, but I'm majoring in Graphic Design because I thought it would give me more room to find other jobs, a little variety, but I hope someday I can get into the video game industry as well.I took Religion and Society as well as Sociology, so I thought maybe taking philosophy will help me understand how people see the world and how deep they think about things.
DeleteI used to dream of going into the same industry - sadly while I have given up on it, I think it's awesome you are! So many people like to think it isn't that difficult, but I know it can be pretty taxing in the long run. Best of luck!
DeleteHello everyone, my name is Anna Collins and I am from Johnson City, TN. I am in course 1030 and section 10. This will be my first year here, as I am a freshman and majoring in audio production. I love music and collaborating with people with the same interests and values as me. Although I know very little about philosophy, I have always found it interesting and I hope to learn more about the world and the reality of our existence. Because of this, I don't have a favorite philosopher but believe God can guide us and give wisdom, direction, and clarity to our questions of the world. I believe we are here to find our purpose and love others and the earth through whatever that may be. In my opinion, philosophy is trying to understand the meaning of existence and reality. It is trying to grasp our purpose as human beings, and acknowledging why exactly we are here in this moment and put on this earth to do.
ReplyDeleteMonday: Posted introduction (3 points)
DeleteWednesday: Replied to ejbarlar, Barbara Frizzell, and Bailey Stephens
(3 points)
All Together: 6 points
I too think that God has a purpose in our studies of philosophy as well. Whether it be in the presence or absence, He is somehow working through someone or something!
DeleteHello! My name is Douglas Hauser, but you can call me Graham. I am from Louisville, Kentucky, but born in Niles, Michigan. I have travelled to Central Europe and Jamaica. These travels have added different perspectives to how people live and think in different part of the world. I love music of all types and can respect the production that goes into to making any song. I am hoping to be come an artist manager and represent artist that I believe in. i Would also like to be a music supervisor to be able to pick out music and scores for films and/or series. I believe i am here to spread music from different cultures and hope to popularize different cultures into mainstream media. I joined this class in hopes of being introduced to different perspectives of life and thinking, not just for my GenEd qualifications. I look forward to learning and interacting with other students even if this is online only.
ReplyDeleteSec 12
I'd love to travel to Central Europe someday too, Munich in particular.
DeleteHello everyone, My name is Jacqueline Pelletier. I am an integrated studies major. I thought this class would be interesting to take and so I decided to do it. I needed an elective and this was one of the classes I chose. I think philosophy is the study of knowledge, all of which I think is up to interpretation. I do not have a favorite philosopher and I do not think I have a personal philosophy. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteHi, I'm Zoe from Murfreesboro, I'm in section 10. I'm 21 and my major is English and minor is Psychology. I'm in this class because while I attended Motlow in Smyrna I took several Philosophy classes that I loved so I'm here to expand my knowledge and practice of Philosophy. I don't have a favorite philosopher but I live by the Janis Joplin quote "Don't compromise yourself, you're all you've got".
ReplyDeletecorrection ** section 12** my bad :)
DeleteSo cool that your major is English, with a minor in Psychology! Two great subjects to study.
DeleteI love that you live by Janis Joplin's quote, and what a great quote it is, to live by. Is Janis your favorite musical artist? Do you have any other quotes, from a similar genre, that you live by? :)
Take Care,
Hi everyone! My name is Hunter Bowling, I am part of section 12. I am a sophomore majoring in Audio Production and minoring in Criminology. My initial plan was to take to the music industry and record music, but I have recently found myself being drawn to law enforcement - hence my minor in criminology. I've never studied or had a huge interest in philosophy. If I'm being honest I picked philosophy because it sounded better than dance history...but I do hope to gain some new knowledge and greater perspectives on the things we discuss this semester.
ReplyDeleteI absolutely understand you! I know nothing about Philosophy and am taking this class as a general education class and it seemed the most interesting to me as well. I looks forward to learning about philosphy since I heard many good things about it!
DeleteALso, I myself am on the forensics route and am interested in law enforcement and hope to work for the FBI one day. I originally started off as a forensic science major but chemistry got to me and I switched my major to biology and took credits in forensic anthropology and criminal justice classes.
Two of my friends are actually majoring in Audio Production and Criminal Justice as well, I think both are pretty cool.
ReplyDeleteHi my name is Kanecia Hunter but go by Kae for short. I'm from Memphis,TN and I like to make music. The question why am I here for some reason trips me up. I'm not certain as to why I am here just yet. Before I came to college I thought I knew but as the years went by I slowly started to notice that I had no clue. I do know that I'm here at MTSU majoring in audio engineering.
I definitely can relate, with not fulling understanding the rest of your path, and not having 100% confidence that you're on the right track. Life sucks, and will throw every obstacle that it can at you, but I know you can do it, and that you are on the right track!
DeleteI think Audio Engineering is a really cool major, and whatever happens, is meant to happen. :)
Kind Regards,
ReplyDeleteHello! My name is Adam Chambers, but you can call me whatever you’d prefer as birth names can be a bit generic. I’m currently a Mechatronics Engineering student here at MTSU after having been in the army for a few years and am taking this class because I have a passing interest in Philosophy and wanted to engage with it further. I think philosophy, similarly to the sciences, is a pursuit of understanding that which is around us as well as us ourselves and why we’re here. I wouldn’t say I have much in the way of a summarized personal philosophy, but I like to remain open-minded.
I look forward to seeing all of you in class.
My names Ashleigh Moffett and Im in mechatronics engineering as well. I am a freshman though. I really liked your belief of what philosophy is, I also believe It Is a further study into ourselves and our world.
DeleteHello, my name is Jasmyne Goodine, I am from Cleveland Tennessee. My major is forensic science, I took this class because I think this will be an interesting class to take. I am here because Mtsu was one of the only schools that I wanted to go to that had a forensics major. Philosophy to me is how people interpret the world. I hope by taking this class my knowledge on this subject will strengthen.
ReplyDeleteI'm also in section 12.
DeleteHello, my name is Ammar Idris. I live in Antioch TN and i previously took philosophy in high school.I really enjoyed the class in high school and when i saw it as one of the available classes i just knew it was for me. I want to pursue computer science because i find interesting and opens a lot of career opportunities. I believe philosophy is finding the purpose of life.One of the most famous and personally my favorite philosopher is Plato.
ReplyDeleteHello, my name is Mohap Siddig. I am from Nashville Tennessee. I went in undecided but i'm here because there is a variety of majors to study from. I took this class because it sounded interesting but I have no experience with philosophy so i can't say I have a favorite philosopher but hope to gain more knowledge about philosophy. I look forward to this class.
Greetings! My name is Jason Alvarado and I am a part of section 10. I have been living in Nashville most of my life. Throughout my life I have heard about philosophy, but never have actually taken a class over it. The reason I am here is because it was one of the available classes that caught most of my attention and interest me in learning more. I know philosophy is the study of knowledge, reality, and existence. One of my favorite philosophers is MindSmash he explains the philosophy be hide combat sports. Regarding my summarized personal philosophy i do not really have one specifically but I do have morals that keep my personal principles in check.
ReplyDeleteRE-POSTED FOR JASON. Greetings! My name is Jason Alvarado and I am a part of section 10. I have been living in Nashville most of my life. Throughout my life I have heard about philosophy, but never have actually taken a class over it. The reason I am here is because it was one of the available classes that caught most of my attention and interest me in learning more. I know philosophy is the study of knowledge, reality, and existence. One of my favorite philosophers is MindSmash he explains the philosophy be hide combat sports. Regarding my summarized personal philosophy i do not really have one specifically but I do have morals that keep my personal principles in check.
ReplyDeleteI am Ashleigh Moffett from Loudoun County Virginia. I am here because I love reading and have an interest in philosophy, but Im at MTSU to pursue Mechatronics Engineering. I think philosophy Is the study of the humans soul through words or the natural world outside of humans including the reality of which we live in. I don’t have a favorite persona philosopher quite yet but Im excited to gain one. A personal philosopher for me would not be easily summarized such as my grandfather, he’s a very complex intellectual.
ReplyDeleteYour major sounds really cool and I liked your definition of philosophy. I also really like that your favorite philosopher is your grandfather; I think my favorite philosopher is my grandpa, too.
DeleteMy name is Taylor Christian from section 010. I was born and raised in Nashville. I'm majoring in business marketing with a double minor in business administration and leisure/sports management. I decided to take this course because I feel like I will not only learn more about the world around me, but also learn more about myself. I feel as if philosophy has many different aspects and I'm curious as to what the course will consist of. I am completely knew to philosophy with no knowledge about it so I currently do not have a personal favorite philosopher. I'm looking forward to this course!
ReplyDeleteI like how you mentioned this class will be informative on how the world works, but also on our own personal experience. This week we discussed and read about Plato's cave story and it has definitely ignited my excitement for this course. I hope to gain a new perspective or perception that will assist my life long term.
DeleteHello, everyone!
ReplyDeleteMy name is Blake Hughes, I'm from Dandridge, TN, and I'm in section 1030-010.
I wish I had a definitive answer as to why I'm here, but I'm still working on figuring that out, so we'll just say to be kind, and to build an education for myself, lol.
My personal opinion on what philosophy is, is the study of life. I feel like there are so many ways that could be answered, with so many labels put on it, so I'll just categorize it in an overall net, if that's acceptable.
While I don't have a favorite philosopher (yet), one of my personal philosophies is the Lady Gaga lyric "Don't be insecure, if your heart is pure." To me, it represents loving yourself, and standing by what you believe in, regardless of what other people may say/think.
I hope everyone has enjoyed the break, and is staying safe. Good luck, and best wishes, for the new semester! :)
I posted this on Monday, and commented on Zoe Hovinga's and Kanecia Hunter's posts, on Wednesday. :)
DeleteHi everyone! My name is Brittney and I'm from Mufreesboro, Tennessee. I'm a major in Geosciences with a concentration in Earth Science. Honestly I've never studied philosophy before, but I'm very interested to see what I learn from this course! I feel like philosophy itself is the analyzing of life from a moral standpoint and the views of others besides yourself - that being said, I currently don't have a favorite philosopher just yet. I'm from section 011
ReplyDeletei like the way you define philosophy, I feel the same way about it, I hope to find a favorite philosopher myself.
DeleteHello everyone. Section 011. I look forward to listening to your ideas and learning from Dr. Oliver and everyone.
ReplyDelete1. I am a human being of the Order – Primate, Genus – Homo, Species – sapiens. For the more mundane details, I am seventy-four, married forty-six years, with three children all graduates of MTSU. I was born in the U.S.A. and live in Murfreesboro. I am working on a degree in Liberal Arts.
2. If the question of “Why are you here?” refers to why I am on Earth – I haven’t figured that out yet. If it is why I am in this class – that is easy, I want to learn more about what the great thinkers, past and present, thought about life.
3. For me philosophy is a discipline that includes reading and studying the writings of the ancient, recent past, and current philosophers and using the knowledge that I gain from them and this course to enhance my observations and experiences so that I might ask some new questions that are relevant to today’s events and issues. I realize that it is an umbrella over multiple disciplines like logic, ethics, metaphysics, and epistemology so one must to study those as a way to understand philosophy
4. As for classic philosophers, I would have liked to have known Epicurus based on what others said about his philosophy since none of his writings survived. It seemed to be that one should strive to improve their life and find happiness; I like that.
5. At the risk of being simplistic, I believe that astronomers have concluded that a long time preceded my existence. I am alive for a short time in the great span of time. A long-time will follow after I cease to exist. I choose to use the short time I have, to learn as much about life as I can, share that knowledge and to help others live a better life.
I am "blessed," as some native southerners might say, to have TWO 74-year old students this semester. Maturity, the residue of assimilated experience and accreted wisdom, is a wonderful thing. The rest of us should be inspired by the example of our more mature peers who've committed themselves to the pursuit of "lifelong learning." We'll talk about that when we get to Susan Neiman's "Why Grow Up" later in the course.
DeleteSection 10
ReplyDeleteHi! My name is Anna. I'm taking this course to fulfill the humanities requirement for my degree. I chose philosophy because my boyfriend recently graduated from Belmont with a BA in Philosophy and I'd like to know more about his interests. I'm attending MTSU to get a degree in Accounting. I live in TN to be close to my family. I am on this planet because circumstances have allowed it. I'm not super familiar with philosophy (yet!), but I think of it as the study of "Why?" My favorite philosopher so far is Hannah Arendt. I stole my personal philosophy from my mother, it is that "Things have a way of working out."
Hi Anna, I totally agree with you and your mom's philosophy! I myself try not to stress over problems and like to think they have a way of working themselves out. I am also not very familiar with philosophy.
DeleteHello, My name is Jared Quillosa but some of my friends call me "Quesadilla" because they can never pronounce my last name right. (its pronounced "Kil-E-O-Suh") I am 19, live in Smyrna, and majoring in music education with a concentration in percussion studies. I love to write, play, and do all things music with friends and colleagues. I am a runner, gamer, and dedicated learner to courses I have interest in, and this class has already gotten my eye! I am always curious about how others' minds think in certain situations, why they act a specific way, and how they come to conclusions that I never seem to notice. I hope that this class expands my pre-existing (and also little) knowledge of philosophy and also bridge some gaps to other classes so that I can piece all of this knowledge together like a never-ending puzzle! I am also curious as to how this class compares to my 1st philosophy class in high school. I am getting similar vibes from my old teacher and he was pretty cool so I am excited for this semester despite the circumstances.
ReplyDeleteMy name is also very hard to pronounce, so I feel your pain.
DeleteHello! My name is Harris Cavin. I'm a Pro Pilot Major, kind of a dime a dozen these days. I'm honestly really excited for this class. I had a few prior experiences with philosophy in high school, but nothing substantial. Nihilism and Stoicism have always been interesting to me. I hope to find more perspectives on life, and I look forward to it. I am in section 10
ReplyDeleteHi Harris. I'm pretty excited for this class too as I've always been intresested in philosophy. Also, I've always been interested in the ideas of nihilism and stoicism as the two have shaped my own philosophy and views.
DeleteHello, my name is Jalen Dewalt . I am from Ripley, Tennessee, a small town about 3 hours from Murfreesboro. This is my second year of college and I am majoring in nursing. In my some of my past classes some of ur readings were by different philosophers, which caught my attention. I know very little about philosophy, but I hope to learn more.
ReplyDeleteHello i'm Khushi, and i am majoring in nursing as well. all the very best for this semester and college as well!
DeleteMonday - Wrote intro +3
DeleteThursday - replied to 2 classmates intro +2
hi! i'm adam. i'm an an infp, 4w5, and an aquarius, but none of that means anything unless you assign meaning to it. but that's the case for everything i suppose, to to revise: those statements mean very little in regards to who "i" am. i'm majoring in psychology, and depending on how this class goes i might minor in philosophy.
ReplyDeletei like to draw, and i was in band all through high school and middle school save for senior year so i know a bit about music, though i don't play much anymore. i also like a few cartoons, anime, games, and other media that i consider important to me.
i don't really have a "labelled" "philosophy" because i don't want to throw myself in a box and i frankly cannot pin myself down half the time, but it's something like "nothing matters so it doesn't matter if nothing matters." i only do what i want to do, or things that will get me to what i want to do. i try to live in the present. i've never gotten anxious over the question "what if it's all a simulation/coma/dream/etc" because it doesn't matter to me. i am also currently realizing how fake most labels and binaries are and how humans construct binaries out of thin air a lot of the time. i am currently Pondering: about how no one will ever truly Know who "i" am, and whether or not i am distressed by that.
also, im in class 1030 section 10. you don't want to get me started on my thoughts as to "why" "i" am "here."
DeleteActually I do, that's my job.
DeleteI'm also an Aquarius! The fluidity of being is something I'm also very interested in exploring.
DeleteI find it intriguing to me when people say that nothing matters and most often times those very same people have many things that matter to them, for instance you said your signs enneagram did not matter. You did however take the time out of your short life (when looked at relative to the life of the stars around us) to type it out and you wanted people to know and understand it. When you say nothing matters I ponder on how true or untrue the statement is.
DeleteI like the clear way that you state and explain your opinions. I am also an infp and enjoy learning about my zodiac sign, but agree that they do not have as much meaning to me as others, but are more valid to me than some. I think that it's good to not be scared of what comes after life, because no one really knows for certain and we can't control it.
DeleteI feel the same way in that I do not really care if people know who "I" am. For me personally, it carries a humble aspect. I find that it is easier to focus on the present when you embrace yourself and let the past be what it is or let the future come and go. Life is only enjoyed in the present moment (unless you can enjoy the past for what it was?). Your words and thoughts have sparked some personal ideals of my own which I need to reflect which is great! thank you!
DeleteAlso, I was in band as well from middle school to high school. Although I am still playing and am currently majoring in Music Ed!
I'm Andrew Kroger in section ten i'm not sure what my major should be but maybe I'll know it when it's time. My favorite philosopher is Diogenes because of the living in a pot thing and I think philosophy is a way to cope with question that don't have answers I like excepting. I'm in this class because I'm stubborn.
ReplyDeleteMe too.
DeleteANd I also like aspects of Diogenes' philosophy, though not his lifestyle or domicile. I like his "cynical" dog-philosophy of being unimpressed by conventional rule-following for its own sake. He carried that much too far, with gross public indecency... but at least he got people to think about why they did or didn't do things in public. Getting people to think, again, is my job.
I think the idea of using philosophy to cope with questions we don't have answers to is very interesting. I've never thought of it like that before. In a lot of ways, I feel like that's what religion is for, and I'm a religious person. lol
DeleteNot to bash anyways views in anyway, however as Carl Marx once said, "Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people" I think that this has deeper meaning than the words behind it and I think it really shows you that in some strange ways, us as humans crave this odd connection. I was thinking with my friend last night and we got to talking about humane and inhumane punishments and I find it to be one of the most austere things that the worst thing that can happen to you is that you are alone. Solitary confinement is the punishment of all punishments and I think that says a lot for the efforts of humanity. We as a people often want to separate ourselves and act like we need nothing when in reality we need nothing but each other. Anyways those are just my thoughts for the day, continue in your thoughts.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteThe topic of humane and inhumane punishment is interesting I've always thought that we should punish people by forcing them to improve themselves. Though that would most likely not work for any sort of major crime.
DeleteHi! I'm Khushi Patel. I was born and raised in India and I recently moved here. It has been a great experience staying here so far.I'm from Lebanon TN.This is my first year in the college and I am majoring in nursing. i have never studied or taken any philosophy course before, and hence, I'm excited to learn new things! hope y'all are doing great.
ReplyDeleteHi Khushi! I'm from Nashville so we aren't too far apart! It is also my first year in college. I have never taken a philosophy course before either and I am also excited to learn new things this year!
DeleteGracie Ray
ReplyDeletePHIL 1030 Section 12
Hi guys! My name is Gracie and I am a rising Junior majoring in Risk Management and Insurance with a minor in Business Administration. I consider myself a hard worker with drive for creating a better future for myself and my family. I have a deep passion for helping others in the community and volunteer work. I have a lab/pit mix named Sochi who is 5 years old as of June, and she's the sweetest girl in the whole world. I'm in this class to pursue my degree as an elective.
Forgive me if this is off, but I think philosophy is an individual's outlook on life- their solution to the question of why people do certain things and how the world works. I've never been asked my own personal philosophy but if I had to put it into words, it would be the phrase "Treat people the way you want to be treated." Although this may not be true for some, so far I've been privileged enough to be treated kindly when I put that same energy into someone else; vice versa.
I'm looking forward to this class and learning more about philosophy. All the best.
Hi! i liked the way you phrased the philosophy of treating people and that's so true! all the best to you as well.
DeleteHello, Gracie
DeleteWhat is Risk Management and Insurance? I never heard of it before, so I believe it is new. We have the same degree in Business Administration and I wish you the best with this course :)
Hi guys, my name is Adam Hachicho and I'm from Smyrna Tennessee. I am a junior at MT majoring in Biology and minoring in Business administration. This is my first time taking Philosophy and I am excited and interested to see what I learn from this course. I hope everyone is okay and good luck this semester.
ReplyDeleteThanks best of luck to you as well.
DeleteHey my name is Tyler Jones. I am from Lebanon, TN and am majoring athletic training. I am a below knee amputee. I am interested in learning as much as I can.
ReplyDeleteHello, my name is Mason Schoonover from section 010. I am from Springfield Illinois which is about 4 hours south of Chicago and about 6 hours from here. I am going to MTSU to major in Pro-Pilot. I want to one day fly for FedEx as a cargo pilot. I think it would be fun to travel the world and see it from a different perspective up in the air at 30,000 feet. I do not really have a favorite philosopher because I don't really know any. I am looking forward to learning a lot because I have never taken a class like this. I think it will give me a better understanding of people and the thoughts people have had throughout history and time. The definition I give philosophy off the top of my head is the nature at which people think, the way humans react, and the way it can be traced back to the surroundings in nature.
ReplyDeleteI find it very interesting that you seem to have a solid plan for your future and also seem determined to complete your goals and become a cargo pilot. I personally am scared of plans so in my eyes you are a brave soul.
DeleteHi, my name is Henry Moseley and I am with section 010. I am from Murfreesboro and have lived here pretty much all my life, however I have traveled all over the world. I love learning about history and other cultures. I have never really studied philosophy, but I am always interested in learning new things and new ways of thinking. I hope this class can benefit me and I am excited to be apart of it.
ReplyDeleteHey everyone! My name is Alexa Kruszewski and I'm from Chattanooga, TN, but I originally moved there from Michigan when I was six. My major is Literary Studies with a minor in Theatre and I'm very passionate about expression through art and literature! I'd say the trait I find that weaves its way through my every day life is my love for people. I'm a natural born nurturer and have been lucky enough to stumble upon some of the most fantastic people that the world has to offer. Philosophy to me is something that can kind of sneak up on you. The way you view life and how it operates around you isn't something that's always prevalent in your mind, but you can find yourself thinking about it out of the blue. In my case, at least, that seems to be its impact. I don't know enough about philosophers to pick a favorite, but I have read bits and pieces of Walden and I quite enjoyed it. I hope one day to be a teacher and bring the same love and optimism I harbor to other curious minds. That's what I assume I'll enjoy most about this class. The conversations, the curiosity it brings, and the texts we read will be very eye-opening.
ReplyDeleteI agree. I can't wait to hear everyone's different perspectives on life and other such topics.
DeleteI'm in section 010!
DeleteTuesday: Posted Introduction essay- 3 points
Tuesday: Commented on Adam Shannon's essay- 1 point
Tuesday: Commented on Jared Quillosa's essay- 1 point
Hey everyone! I'm Gavin Brown from section 010. I was born and have lived in Murfreesboro my entire life. I couldn't imagine living anywhere else. I don't currently have a major, although I plan on majoring in Psychology and becoming a therapist/counselor. I am taking Philosophy because I find it very interesting to see other's points of view and discuss deep topics. I am very excited to be in class with all of you and very thankful for the support on GroupMe. :)
ReplyDeleteI am very excited to have deep discussions about different ideas and topics on life during the zoom sessions. I think this class will be very eye opening for a lot of different things.
DeleteHello everyone! My name is Daniel Lopez and I'm originally from Los Angeles. I've lived half my life in California and the other half in Tennessee, but I honestly feel like my identity isn't all that strongly connected with a place. I've only been out of the country twice, once to Venezuela to visit my dad's side of the family, and once a few years ago as a study abroad trip to Japan.
ReplyDeleteI'd say most of my hobbies, my interests, my passions all have something to do with communication in some way. Perhaps not communication in the traditional sense (after all, dance and music are both forms of communication as well), but I always find ways of communicating more effectively since this is arguably one of the best skills you can develop as a human being. The answer to the question of why I'm here has often changed since I first became a student at MTSU. My wide-eyed enthusiasm toward college and life in general has waned over the years as I mature in certain areas of my life. I wouldn't say it has made me a pessimist, just a realist and a cynic. I suppose I also have my many conversations with my younger brother to thank for that, as he was the real history buff and philosopher in our family. In a way, taking a formal philosophy class just before a graduate is my tribute to him and a way for me to gratify my own curiosity regarding philosophical thought.
Section 11
DeleteWhat did you study while in Japan? I really hope your little brother follows into your foot steps with taking philosophy and it was sweet how you tribute that to him and I hope you learn more in this course like the rest of us.
DeleteHello everyone my name is William Murphy, I go by Vince though, i'm in section 011. I'm from outside of Memphis but I've lived in several cities between Tennessee, Arkansas, Texas, and Missouri. I like photography, reading, bowling, and tennis, but I pretty much just work and go to school. I want to be an emergency physician. Not sure why i'm here on earth but I feel like that's part of the fun. I've lived in Tennessee for the majority of my life so when I moved back to Tennessee I decided that MTSU would be a solid choice. I don't currently have a favorite philosopher but i'm sure that will change by the end of the course.
ReplyDeleteI love reading and bowling as well. that so incredible all the states you've lived in. You must bee really good at adapting to new schools and different environments. I agree with MTSU being a solid choice, I really love the campus. Im From Virginia about 45 min form dc and traveled a ton growing upon from playing completive volleyball. I have been to almost every state because of it.
DeleteHello everyone. My name is patrick wolff. I am a computer science major at MTSU. I have been working for vanderbilt in the cyber security department for over a year now. I have created production level software that is distributed all over. I have created algorithms to auto generate music videos using AI. I am also a pen tester Which is just the professional title for a hacker. I have done many planned attacks on systems to review there security systems. I have a website if you are interested. wolffpat.github.io. I have studied philosophy independently for years reading plenty of Carl Jung, Plato, and other philosophers. I hope to be able to give my honest thoughts on some of the philosophers we will be reading about in this class.
DeleteThat is very cool that you have been doing that over the years. I have always found hacking and technology very cool. I think this class will be very interesting to learn about and I hope we all enjoy it.
DeleteHey Patrick just wanna say keep up the good work man! Working at Vanderbilt as a hacker sounds cool and interesting. I did not know what a "Pen Tester" was and "planned attacks" was until just now. So Thanks for that info learned some new today.
DeleteHey Patrick, it’s great to see that you’re working for Vanderbilt even though you attend MTSU. I’d never thought that there would be a hacker in my class. I was going to declare my major as computer science, but realized math wasn’t for me. Keep up the good work!
DeleteHey! I am also a Computer Science major, and I think what you do at Vanderbilt is super interesting.
DeleteGood Morning everyone! My name is Jeffery Monfort I am from Florida and have been in Tennessee for 7 years now. I am a Junior coming from Motlow for Computer Science. I am in Phil 1030 because i have had a lot of conversations with those close to me involving philosophical ideas. Not necessarily a lot of big though experiments such as those done by Socrates or Plato but more so ones we observe effects of in our day to day interactions. I believe that is what philosophy is about, trying to make sense of what you interact with day to day. I don;t have any favorite philosophers, and my personal philosophy is ever changing based on new experiences I encounter daily.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteHello, My name is Logan Petersen. I Am 18 years old and the youngest of three. I was born in Nashville, and I have lived in Smyrna my entire life. I graduated from Stewart’s Creek High School. I plan on double majoring in English Literature and Philosophy. Throughout my life I have been interested in creative writers and thinkers. I have also realized the importance of critical thinking- the ability to discern truths from lies. In our current society, it seems there are two diametrically opposed versions of reality. I believe that learning to think creatively and critically will help me with my goal of becoming a better writer and give me a clearer perception of the world. My favorite philosopher is Marcus Aurelius. Philosophy 1030-011
ReplyDeleteHey Logan this is Adam. I agree with what you said about how society is different and that it has multiple versions of reality.
DeleteMy name is Nicolas Smith. I was born in the far north of the American south (I was born in Virginia) I grew up in America’s last true frontier—Tampa, Florida. and spent the majority of my life right here adjacent to the hipster capital of the western world—Franklin, Tennessee. I’ve never left the eastern half of the United States but I would love to go to the deserts of Arizona and Nevada.
ReplyDeleteWho would I like to be? In a professional sense I would love To participate in some form of media and entertainment. but as a human being? I would love to be a better man than my predecessors and be missed by my replacements.
Why am I here? To answer all of the levels of that question— I am a christian and maintain the belief that God has lead me to this particular place in my life for some reason— macro or micro— and I trust that this reason will be beneficial.
and when it comes to favorite philosophers... does george carlin count? lol (if not then socrates for his development of the socratic method.)
ReplyDelete(Phil 1030) Hi, My name is Autumn Daniel. I'm 18 years old and the oldest of four.I'm a freshman this year. I'm from Little Rock, Arkansas, but I lived in Fayetteville, AR for most of my life. However, i've moved around a lot no matter where i've lived. Right now, i'm majoring in Psychology. I have always been passionate about trying to understand why i think or feel the way i do and passionate about helping others work through their feelings. To my understanding, philosophy is the study of existence and requires deeper thinking. I took this course because I often wonder myself why I'm here, as well as why basically anything happens/has happened.I don't have a favorite philosopher yet, but i'm sure after this course i will. I can't answer who i am because although i can describe myself physically, i don't know who "I" am. I'm very much looking forward to this class!!
ReplyDeleteI forgot to include i have no idea why i'm here. I'm not religious but i do think every life is connected to the universe/nature in some way, and that every life serves a purpose.
DeleteI feel the same way! I agree and enjoy the idea of a connection to the universe.
DeleteI agree with you in the idea of trying to find out why I think because sometimes I ask myself why or what triggered my brain to create a chain of thoughts in certain moments. Its also cool to see someone with some Arkansas background as well because all of my moms side of the family originated from the northwest part of Arkansas and I love it there.
DeleteHello Good Afternoon, I am Cory Roberts from PHIL 1030 Section 010. I am from Nashville, Tennessee and have been raised there for most of my life. However, for two years of my life around the time I was in 6th and 7th grade, I lived within the state of Florida . I've never traveled outside the country but I have been to different states over the years. I've been to Kentucky, New York, Georgia, Florida as stated before, I've been in Virginia and more. I love to listen to music, watch movies or documentaries, read from time to time, I like to watch or play basketball. My favorite team is Los Angeles Lakers. I'm here at MTSU to major in and gain a degree in Psychology. I would like to use this to pursue a career as a Counseling Therapist. I've wanted to do this for years now because I feel like it will be beneficial to allow people to have someone to talk and vent to when dealing with a battle in the mind and facing hardships in life overall. I joined this philosophy class because it seems like it will be interesting to know how people look at life and to know the ideas and thoughts of others and to know what makes them react in certain ways. At the moment I don't have a "favorite" philosopher but I hope I gain one after learning more about different ones of the past while being in this class and I know that will be something I'd enjoy.
ReplyDeleteHey Cory this is Adam from sec 10. One of the reasons I wanted to reply to this is because I am a Lakers fan as well and if the season does not end we for sure winning the championship. And I definitely agree with you that everyone needs someone talk to no matter what the situation is. I hope u have a great semester and good luck in philosophy.
DeleteHey Cory its nice to see a fellow upcoming therapist! It's also good to know someone else doesn't have a favorite philosopher, but is willing to gain knowledge so that you are able to choose one in the future! Good luck this semester!
DeleteMy name is Wesley Hopper and I from Smyrna, Tn. I am an incoming freshman who is majoring in biochemistry. I am in this class to help my understanding on subjects in the real world and explore the deeper thinking throughout time with the influence of others ways of thinking that are around me in class. My idea of philosophy is taking ideas in reality and digging deeper into thought based upon your ideas and building your morals of life based on your deeper thinkings to help shape your mind and build wisedom. My small philosophy in life is the small idea of giving everything your best effort until you achieve the result that you plan to get whenever you face your obstacles. Unfortunately, I do not know many philosophers besides what I have learned from general history, so I can not say that I have a preferred philosopher. I am looking forward to class besides all the obstacles that have been put in front of us. Section 012
ReplyDeleteHey Wesley I decided to respond to your response because I believe in the same concept of finding the deeper meaning, and finding the true value of things in order to build knowledge. Also, I'm from Smyrna too so I thought that was pretty cool that we have that in common.
DeleteIntro Essay-3
DeleteCommented on Mason Schoonovers post-1
Commented on Autumn Daniel's post-1
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteMy name is Cole Walker and I am from McMinnville, TN. I am a freshman and I am majoring in Biology with focus in Physiology. I am in this class so that I can expand my mind to the teachings of this class and the authors and thinkers around the world. I have always been drawn to great minds whether it be those such as Carl Sagan, Stephen Hawkins, or even those such as John Dee. My personal views on philosophy should be to empower your brain and help yourself and others around you find ways to explore the mind. I think that at its heart philosophy makes not you the better person but the world a better place. My perspective philosophically about life is that a day that goes by without better humanity or civilization is a day that you have not only wasted, but made worse. I have an assortment of knowledge about philosophers, however I would not call myself a master by any means. I am looking forward to the knowledge I can gain in this class and apply in my own life.
ReplyDeleteI would like to add that I don't have a favorite philosopher, however Neil deGrasse Tyson has a magnificent way of putting information out to the masses and I really enjoy that.
DeleteTuesday: Posted my Introduction to Me (3 points)
DeleteTuesday: Commented on Andrew Kroger's essay (1 point)
Tuesday: Commented on Adam Shannon's essay (1 point)
Hello everyone, my name is Carter Stephens, and I'm a junior here at MTSU, this is my first time at a real university since I transferred from a community college. I am here at MTSu because it is a fantastic school with plenty of learning and experience opportunity. I believe that I am here on Earth to do the will of God and live everyday with that purpose in mind. I do not have a ton of philosophy background, but I am taking this class to become more familiar with it, and maybe even to study it further. I believe that philosophy is a kind of differing mindset and worldview that pilots the way a person thinks, acts and lives. Even though, I'm new to philosophy, I have been studying apologetics and Christian theology to become more familiar with the differing views and arguments against it.I find these to be extremely interesting and very beneficial to learn for. On top of these I am a communication major with a focus in human interaction. I hope to learn many things from this class and from this experience. Good luck to you all.
ReplyDeleteso great that you are trying to expand your horizons and knowledge. if you are looking for a good Christian theology book i highly suggest CS lewis' "mere Christianity"! keep up the good work!
DeleteNice Carter! It's great that we can both share the feeling of wanted to know more about Philosophy! ALso it;s good seeing people wan to be more open to enjoy the different views of different people. Good Luck to you as well!
DeleteHello, My Name is Jason Nethanial Carley. I am a freshman at MTSU studying philosophy as a major. I am here at MTSU to hone my skills as a student and find a direction with my future career in christian theology. Philosophy is a great many things in my view. I see it as the foundation of science/mathematics, and the beginning of all higher thought in general. Philosophy to me in short is the art of asking questions and that truly is the root of all knowledge. My favorite philosopher is Seneca for his role he played in the creation of stoicism. My personal philosophy if I had to sum it up into a sentence is the following: All knowledge is available when it follows the right question.
ReplyDeleteso awesome that you are going for christian theology-- i highly recommend CS lewis' "mere Christianity" its a wonderful read and it definitely strengthened d my faith!keep up the good work!
DeleteHello everyone, my name is Jurnee Holloway. I am a junior at MTSU and I was a transfer last semester in the spring from a community college back home in Illinois. I am studying in business and my major is business administration. I am here at MTSU because it was a chance to get away from home and start fresh and I really wanted to branch out. I enjoy being at MTSU because of the atmosphere and the campus is so wide and still expanding on new buildings. I believe I am here on earth to help others and myself succeed in life. I believe in Jesus Christ and I know he has many plans for me and I will accept them and there will obviously be bumps in the road to become successful, but I will not back down.
ReplyDeleteI do not have any idea of philosophy at all but I am willing to learn this semester. I am taking this class to get a better understanding about philosophy and why it is so important to learn from and the overall course. I believe philosophy is a variety of hard thinking but making connections to the past, present, future. I do not know of any philosophers but I will mention one that caught my eye, "Our life is what our thoughts make it"- Marcus Aurelius. I think that Marcus's quote has some deep meaning behind it and to myself that is that we only have one life to live so we must make the best of it whether it is negative or positive. You should feel the lows and high because not everyone is successful off-hand and you can only learn from the mistakes and change for the better for yourself. My personal philosophy would be that I learn a good amount from this class and apply it to my everyday life.
I am in section 1030-012.
Deletewonderful story! it takes a lot of courage to come to a whole new state and suceed! keep up the good work!
DeleteHi Jurnee. I'm kinda interested your philosophy as we try to become the best version of ourselves as we can be. While I don't know that many philosophers, I do believe in how we should make the most of our life. Despite all the good and bad the world has to offer us, we get to choose on where we go from there and create our own version of meaning.
DeleteWednesday: Posted my Introduction to Me (3 points)
ReplyDeleteWednesday: Commented on Daniel Lopez's essay (1 point)
Wednesday: Commented on Gracie Ray's essay (1 point)
When talking about Socrates in class today it reminded me of a quote I heard growing up, which went something like, "the more you think you know the less you actually know." That saying has stuck with me throughout the years and it really put a lot of things into perspective for me.
ReplyDelete(3)Introduction Monday
ReplyDelete(1)Comment Wednesday
(1)commented on kate allen post Monday
sec 12
Are we supposed to track our own points every time we post?
Deletejust for the week so your points can be taken easier.
DeleteHello everyone! My names Pedro Rojas I'm a Freshmen at MTSU and I'm majoring in Concrete and Construction Management. As you can tell I'm a huge procrastinator. Which is why I'm looking forward on breaking that habit very soon. I was born in Los Angeles California, but moved at a young age to Tennessee. Since then I've moved around a couple of times around the Rutherford County District. I'm currently living in Smyrna and have been for a couple of years now. I believe I have various purposes on why I am currently hear. As of for this class I believe I took this course in seeking for knowledge. I have hopes that this course will help me in order to expand my mindset and open up new ideas, so I can input them in daily life scenarios. Let's all face it most of us have only been exposed to one certain path of knowledge given to us by our parents/ Guardians. Either through religion, culture, social behavior or just whatever kind of knowledge that was passed down by someone else. I want to be able to learn and adapt effectively to any unexpected problems. I believe that is what Philosophy really is to be able to explore and learn new ideas or simply create new perspectives/ideas so you can teach others. I believe that no matter how smart you may be you will always learn something new every single day. As of right now I can't say I have a favorite philosopher because I'm not familiar with their work. That's all I have to say, Thank You!
ReplyDeleteAlso, I'm in section #10 for 1:00pm TTH
ReplyDelete[3] Introduction Thursday
ReplyDelete[1] Commented on Wesley Hopper
[1] Commented on Patrick Wolff
POSTED FOR KESHAWN. Keshawn Campbell (Section 11)Hello My name is Keshawn Campbell, and I'm in my sophomore at MTSU, majoring in forensic science but most likely switching to computer science. I never know how to answer where I'm from, as my dad was military, I've never lived anywhere long enough to be "from" there. I've been to, London, Paris, Rome, Venice, Aviano, Malta, Japan, Germany, Morocco, Mexico, Netherlands, Sweden, Spain, Naples, All over Sicily. I have no clue who i want to become but I focus on becoming what the world needs me to become instead. I'm at MTSU because it was a good school for my major. My personal philosophy is to "Simply finishing isn't enough if you want the best rewards, Prove yourself". I don't have a favorite philosopher, unless my dad counts as he's given me some of the most memorable quotes of my life.
ReplyDeleteHello everyone! My name is Isaiah Bryanton or Zae for short. I like to read, watch movies, travel and staying up for hours playing GTA: Online lol.I am a second semester Freshmen at MTSU. I’m from Columbia, Tennessee a small town an hour from Murfreesboro. I major in both Psychology and Film. My dream is to one day become a movie director or a Clinical Psychologist. I’m down with both, but as far as the directing goes, I want to direct Horror and Thriller films. Some of my favorite films are Us, Get Out, The Silence of The Lambs, Kill Bill, Hostel, and Pulp Fiction and my favorite director currently is Jordan Peele.
ReplyDeleteI’m taking this course to get a better understanding of human thought and our existence period, so that it may help my Psychology major. It may even go as deep as helping me build or form a theory or concept for the film. I think Philosophy is basically just the way of thinking about the world and society itself. Currently I don’t have a favorite Philosopher, but after this course I plan on gaining new knowledge that will help me find that perfect Philosopher for me. I think one Philosophy I will always stand by is “If you believe very strongly in something, stand up and fight for it.” With this years’ current events that should be everyone’s state of mind. When we don’t fight, we don’t see a change, and I know we all want change.
Sign this petition: https://act.colorofchange.org/sign/justice_for_jacob?source=coc_main_website :))))
DeleteSECTION 12
DeletePosted my intro blog on Thursday (3+)
Replied to Carter Stephens on Thursday (1+)
Replied to Corey Roberts on Thursday (1+)
I can most definitely relate to stay up Playing GTA, Its probably one of my most played games on my computer. And Jordan Peele is defitely an amazing director!
DeleteI can definitely relate to staying up late at night and it’s nice to see a film enthusiast. Since you’re talking about favorite directors, mine are Christopher Nolan and Martin Scorsese.
DeleteHey i'm Tom Pierce from Long Island, NY. Sophomore at MTSU trying to be a nurse. I am co running the newly formed powerlifting club on MTSU if anyone is into that. Looking forward to philosiphizing.
ReplyDeleteI absolutely love powerlifting. My whole family is full of power lifters especially my brother. thats so amazing ill definitely be looking out for your club!
DeleteHi everyone! My name is Randy Truong. I like to play sports, watch movies, and occasionally read. I am a Sophomore at MTSU. I'm from Nashville, Tennessee. I'm in this class because it is a general education course that needs to be completed. Even though it is a general education course, I am interested in learning the concept and ideas of Philosophy. I think Philosophy is the study of the basis of a branch of knowledge or experience. I don't have a favorite philosopher, but I hope whoever we learn about will peak my interest. A personal philosophy I usually go by is “Do not fear failure but rather fear not trying.” Section 10
ReplyDeleteThursday: posted Introduction Essay- 3 points
DeleteThursday: commented on Patrick Wolf’s Essay- 1 Point
Thursday: commented on Isaiah Bryanton- 1 point
POSTED FOR EMILY. Hey there I'm Emily Klunk and I'm a freshman majoring in Electromechanical Engineering. I'm an Inpatient (Hospital) Pharmacy Technician by trade, a veteran by accident, and a college student by desperation to figure out what I want to be when I grow up. I don't think I'd ever be able to define exactly who I am; depends on who you are to me. Philosophy was not my original class choice this semester, history had made that cut, but it went online and I have an aversion to that type of learning environment so here I am! Philosophy to me is the questioning of everything and then wondering why you question it, how your thought process got you there. I can't say that I have a favorite philosopher; though I do have a rather robust collection of quotes I've written down from all sorts of people, times, and beliefs who seem to have life more figured out than I do. I've always called this a motto but maybe it really is a philosophy- "Rock this sh** today, suck less tomorrow," courtesy of a drill sergeant. Do you very best, learn from it/don't give up, do better next time. Learning is what I love... well the end result of knowledge in actuality is what I love, the getting there is the adventure.
ReplyDeleteCheers to all.
Hello, my name is Brendan Dye and I'm a sophomore from Murfreesboro. I am studying Economics, taking Philosophy as a general education class, but also because I've always had an underdeveloped interest in philosophy. To me, philosophy is simply a way of conceptualizing the world around us, oftentimes using these concepts to make sense of things we don't understand. My favorite philosopher would probably be Socrates; I appreciate his definition of wisdom as understanding how much you do not understand. My personal philosophy is based around this, understanding the limits of understanding; you can't learn if you already know everything.