Tuesday, March 29, 2022

What Was Liberal Education?

From our upcoming Lyceum speaker Richard Eldridge:

"IN OUR CURRENT historical moment, STEM disciplines, with their experimental-mathematical methods and measurable results, are central in educational practices, and humanistic education is in decline. At my own elite liberal arts college, Swarthmore, only 15 percent of the students now major in the Humanities or the Arts, and 75 percent major in Computer Science, Engineering, Biology, Economics, or Political Science. To some extent, this is natural. After all, in a difficult world like ours, why should anything as vague and unmeasurable as cultivation be taken seriously? Why should one learn Greek or art history or music composition, unless one just happens to enjoy such things? And why should the public or parents pay for these private enjoyments that seemingly lack significant public effect and value for the conduct of life?Yet education is a historically evolved and evolving ensemble of practices, and it is also possible to wonder whether we might have lost our collective way. Do we really know what we're doing in turning so strikingly toward STEM and away from the humanities? And are there good reasons for this turn?" (continues)

1 comment:

  1. Currently in my Argumentative Writing class, I'm writing and arguing for integrating arts into STEM education. There was actually a book I encountered in the library database during my research called The Integration of the Humanities and Arts with Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine in Higher Education: Branches From the Same Tree that goes over this topic as well. So I've been very passionate about this topic for a while and fully agree that humanities and the arts are very important in education, not just STEM.
