Monday, July 31, 2023


This might help some students remember how to pronounce "Nietzsche"... but never mind "Kant"...

Knowing vs. understanding

To understand anything — another person's experience of reality, another fundamental law of physics — is to restructure our existing knowledge, shifting and broadening our prior frames of reference to accommodate a new awareness. And yet we have a habit of confusing our knowledge — which is always limited and incomplete: a model of the cathedral of reality, built from primary-colored blocks of fact — with the actuality of things; we have a habit of mistaking the model for the thing itself, mistaking our partial awareness for a totality of understanding. Thoreau recognized this when he contemplated our blinding preconceptions and lamented that "we hear and apprehend only what we already half know."
Maria Popova

Sunday, July 30, 2023

Hannah Arendt’s Gifford Lectures

When Hannah Arendt became the first woman to give the prestigious Gifford Lectures, she delivered a staggering meditation on the life of the mind, thinking vs. knowing, and the lacuna between truth and meaning

Monday, July 17, 2023

An admirable legacy of BS

Harry G. Frankfurt, Philosopher With a Surprise Best Seller, Dies at 94

"...The essay was originally published in the journal Raritan in 1986, but it was not popularized until nearly two decades later, in January 2005, when Princeton University Press repackaged it as a small, spaciously lined 80-page book. It was an unexpected commercial hit, becoming a No. 1 New York Times best seller. Soon Professor Frankfurt was making television appearances on "60 Minutes," the "Today" show and "The Daily Show With Jon Stewart."

The book's popularity seemed to be fueled in part by the recent re-election of President George W. Bush, many of whose critics viewed his administration, with its purported dismissal of what one Bush aide called the "reality-based community," as exemplifying the very blitheness about truth that Professor Frankfurt had described..."

Harry Frankfurt (1929-2023)

Historians and philosophers of the future will look to his work for insight into these inglorious times.