Thursday, July 11, 2024

Baruch Spinoza and the Art of Thinking in Dangerous Times

"… it is Spinoza's dedication to freedom of thought—what he called libertas philosophandi—that makes him a thinker for our moment. In his new book, "Spinoza: Freedom's Messiah," a short biography in Yale University Press's Jewish Lives series, Ian Buruma observes that 'intellectual freedom has once again become an important issue, even in countries, such as the United States, that pride themselves on being uniquely free.'"

Monday, July 8, 2024

An appalling place

Ray Kurzweil Still Says He Will Merge With A.I.

Now 76, the inventor and futurist hopes to reach "the Singularity" and live indefinitely. His margin of error is shrinking.

...He recalled a conversation with his aunt, a psychotherapist, when she was 98 years old. He explained his theory of life longevity escape velocity — that people will eventually reach a point where they can live indefinitely. She replied: "Can you please hurry up with that?" Two weeks later, she died.

Though Dr. Hinton is impressed with Mr. Kurzweil's prediction that machines will become smarter than humans by the end of the decade, he is less taken with the idea that the inventor and futurist will live forever.

"I think a world run by 200-year-old white men would be an appalling place," Dr. Hinton said.
Unless we eliminate the threat of dementia (and patriarchy) first, maybe...

Racing to Retake a Beloved Trip, Before Dementia Takes Everything

My dad always remembered his childhood journey through Europe. Now, with Alzheimer's claiming his memories, we tried to recreate it.
by Francesca Mari

Sunday, July 7, 2024

A.I.-coming for my job?

…Unlike Apple's Siri and Amazon's Alexa, ElliQ can initiate conversations and was designed to create meaningful bonds. Beyond sharing the day's top news, playing games and reminding users to take their medication, ElliQ can tell jokes and even discuss complicated subjects like religion and the meaning of life...