Friday, April 14, 2023

How to embed videos & links

Videos: in Blogger, after clicking on "New Post"--

1. Copy the URL of the video you want to share.

2. Click on "More options" on the far right of the toolbar above, then Insert Video icon (3d from left)

3. Select YouTube

5. Select Search

6. Paste the URL & Select it


To insert links:

1. Highlight a word or phrase in your text

2. Click on the link icon 

3. Paste the URL address of the site or passage you want to link to


To insert graphics, either just copy-&-paste... OR, click on the "insert image" icon (to the right of the link icon, to the left of the "insert video" icon) and select the appropriate option


To embed Google Books pages:

1. Find the book you want to embed.

2. Select Preview

3. Select (click on) the page you want to embed.

4. Click More Actions (the three vertical dots in the upper right)

5. Select Embed (unless you just want to link the page)

6. Copy the code

7. In edit mode on blogger, select the pen icon in the upper left and click on HTML view

8. Paste the code

  • Familiarize yourself with the edit icons in the drop-down menu (link, insert image, insert video, etc.)
  • Always make sure, after you Publish, that the formatting is correct on the blogsite. If not, click More options (the three horizontal dots in the upper right) and then Clear Formatting on the far right (the T with a diagonal slash).
This is all demonstrated in the D2L video for sections 6 & 7 on April 13.


  1. Where do we find where to post our final blog posts. I haven't recieved any emails regarding it, and am just overall confused about it

    1. Post here. You need to be an author. Sign up in class to receive an author invitation, then open it.
