Up@dawn 2.0 (blogger)

Delight Springs

Tuesday, April 25, 2023


"Wisdom is not a product of schooling but of the lifelong attempt to acquire it."
— Albert Einstein


  1. Couldnt agree with this quote more. I believe the most wise people are the ones who put in the most effort to acquire it. Most people have the capacity to truly be wise but very few actually seek it out. This is because it can be challenging to dive into why we believe what we believe or ask questions that lead to new discoveries.

    "What these thinkers all have in common is their willingness to ask questions and challenge established beliefs." This was a quote from the last blog post and I remember really liking it when I read it. The idea of challenging established beliefs is something I will take beyond this class. This way of thinking has helped me evaluate established beliefs like "if you dont believe in God you cant go to heaven" this is a Christian perspective. Before I thought this was the way but now I see that there are many religions and neither is right or wrong it is just your perspective. I would argue if you arent a happy person you wont go to heaven I dont think it is solely a belief in God that justifies this

    1. I think the happiest & most satisfied people are those who do their best to find peace and fulfillment in this life and on this planet, "the only home we've ever known."
