Thursday, August 24, 2023


 We're just a few days away from the Fall '23 semester Opening Day on Tuesday the 29th! Let's introduce ourselves. 

My brief bio is in the right sidebar. Who are you? Why are you here  (at MTSU, in an Intro to Philosophy class, on the planet...)? What's your present understanding of what philosophy is? Do you have a personal philosophy you can summarize in a few words, or a favorite philosopher? Have you had any particular experiences you've found philosophically instructive? What else would you like to say, by way of introduction?

Indicate your section # (10, 11, or 13), we're all sharing this site.

Looking forward to seeing you on the 29th!



  1. Hello everyone! I'm Joshua Swartz. I'm currently here at MTSU because I served 13 years in the Army and am now pursuing my bachelor's degree. I'm an English major with a minor in secondary education. I took this class because I've always had an interest in philosophy and I am hoping it will help me to better understand philosophical concepts so that I can then effectively teach and communicate philosophical themes in works of literature that I teach to my students. I personally have always viewed and defined philosophy as a love for wisdom and knowledge. I believe we use philosophy to seek knowledge and understanding in all facets of life. My favorite philosopher would probably be Aristotle. I've always enjoyed this quote of his: "You will never do anything in this world without courage. It is the greatest quality of the mind next to honor." It's a quote that has really stuck with me over the years and has really led to my own personal philosophy. My personal philosophy in life is that we need to face our fears. Everytime I've faced my fears whether it be in the Army, or starting school, or a new job, etc. I've found I've learned way more about myself and have ultimately become a better version of myself than I have in times of taking the easy way out. I'm excited to get this semester started and looking forward to learning more about philosophy. Good luck everyone!

    1. Also, I forgot to mention I am section 11.

    2. Thanks for going first, Joshua. I've found that most of my fears over the years have been unfounded or exaggerated. What did the old self-help title say, "feel the fear and do it anyway"? And the next time, the fear is gone.

  2. Hello my name is Nwamaka and I am a freshman at MTSU. I am currently majoring in data science. I am here because I want to learn and listen to different perspectives on different philosophies of the world. I think philosophy is more so the understanding of life through different perspectives. I do not have a favorite philosopher yet because i haven't researched the different philosopher yet. My favorite person philosophy is, "You only live once". it reminds me to live life the fullest without any regrets.

    1. One life is one more than all the merely-possible people (who vastly outnumber we the living) got, we should definitely not squander it. And the only regrets worth entertaining are those that help us live better going forward.

      Gonna need help pronouncing your name.

  3. *My class section is 011

  4. My name is Allie Autry, and I am in section 13. I am a freshman here at MTSU and chose this school because it felt right when I was researching and praying about potential colleges my junior year of high school. To me, philosophy is the search for why we believe what we do and the desire to understand our fundamental beliefs. A personal philosophy of mine is that mistakes are learning opportunities and that a mistake is not truly a mistake unless you do not learn from it. This was instructive to me the last few months as I was graduating from high school and preparing for college. I was so scared to mess something up, but my grandma reminded me of that advice, and it helped me to be more confident in what I was doing.

    1. I'd add that, besides understanding our actions and our fundamental beliefs, philosophy challenges us to critically evaluate and sometimes alter them. As for mistakes, check out the quote under "our errors" in the sidebar. Grandma is right.

  5. My name is Natalie and I am a freshman at MTSU. I am majoring in Business and I am in section 10. I am at MTSU because I have lived in Tennessee almost my whole life and this school has so many opportunities. I took this class because I have always had an interest in philosophy, but never had the chance to dive into more until now. My introduction into philosophy was reading the "Allegory of the Cave" by Plato and that paved the way for my interest in philosophy. My favorite person philosophy is do not waste your life living for other people. This philosophy always helps me to remember to never feel guilty about living my life the way I want to.

    1. Emerson said "make the most of yourself, for that is all there is of you."

      We'll talk about Plato's cave on Thursday.

  6. Hello there! My name is Jaden, or you can call me Jay. I am a freshman at MTSU, and I am majoring in Psychology. I am in Philosophy class section 13. I honestly took this class because growing up I found myself falling in love with thought and fluid discussions with peoples ideas, thoughts, concepts, ideology, etc. I felt alive when I was talking with others and felt kind of human, if that makes sense. It felt nice to see and hear different perspectives than just those I was raised with as I consider myself to have a very open mind to most ideas or beliefs. My small introduction to Philosophy itself was in my high-school AP English class as my teacher loved to bring up thought and discussion into his class and i found it to be what I looked forward to every day. I am a Psychology major for one of those reasons, I love to see how the brain ticks and what's going on in peoples minds, and what causes this. I am really looking forward to this class and to get more in depth with Philosophy!

    1. It's good to feel kind of human! As John Prine sang, some humans ain't human.

      My favorite philosopher William James wrote the original book on psychology, "Principles of Psychology" (1890)

  7. Hello everyone my name is Hassan. Before MTSU I was at Nashville State and then I transferred over to MTSU. I am majoring in Biology I am also in section 11. I am taking this class because I believe that philosophy is important when it comes to real life. I don’t know much about philosophy but some of the philosophers I am familiar with like Socrates and Confucius Some of there beliefs have gave me the idea to keep a positive mindset no matter what happens.

    1. Socrates did keep a positive mindset, even when they handed him the hemlock. Always look on the bright side, as they sang at the end of "Life of Brian"... though they were being somewhat ironic--"life's a piece of shit/when you look at it..."--that's going a bit far, don't you think?

  8. Hi my name is Emily and I am a freshman at MTSU and I am in section 11. I chose to go here because I am majoring in fermentation and not many schools offer that. I also picked MTSU because its close to home. I chose this class because I always found philosophy to be interesting. I'm excited to learn more about it. I don't have any favorite philosophers but I do live by one personal philosophy. Everything will be okay in the end and if its not then its not the end. I find this to be very inspiring and I think about it a lot. there is no reason that something always has to end badly. Keep on going and there will be good outcomes to it.

    1. "Keep a'goin" was a memorable (again ironic) line from the Altman film "Nashville"...

      True, fermentation science is a rare field of collegiate study. My daughter took a class in it here, brewed some pretty good beer. Fortunately that was before I decided to stop drinking.

  9. Hi everyone! My name is Jude and I'm a sophomore. I began my journey here at MTSU in the audio production program, and enjoyed my first year creating music and learning about the industry. I also experienced just how chaotic the entertainment industry can be, and discovered a new passion in the more "big picture" moments of life. This led me on a personal deep dive into ideas from all cultures, times, and perspectives, my favorites being Buddhist and alchemic philosophies. My personal philosophy resonates from the slave-turned-philosopher Epictetus' statement, "in memento mori." This means remember that you are mortal, and that you will pass. This idea could seem quite bleak, with an almost pessimistic tone. But for me, it means that each moment is to be lived and appreciated to the fullest extent. Not only is the human experience unique, from scientific and spiritual perspectives alike, but it is also an opportunity to experience real beauty and the laws of the cosmos before our very own eyes. This is where the avenues of spirituality and the occult cross paths with philosophy, but I digress. My purpose here at MTSU is to learn how to be most in touch with my experience, and to one day use my love for music, paired with my love for people, to provide sound therapy to improve the lives of everyone I can.

    1. I am also section 10 :)

    2. I'm with you about Epictetus and spirituality, not so much about the occult; maybe we have different notions of what spirituality entails?

      Sound therapy is a great ambition!

  10. Hello everyone! My name is Lauren Harris, and I am in Section 10. I am currently a freshman at MTSU, majoring in physics concentrating in astronomy. I came to college to not only learn more about topics that interest me but also to develop a sense of who I truly am. MTSU seemed like a great place to accomplish those two goals while introducing me to a variety of experiences and individuals along the way. I have always understood and viewed philosophy as the way in which we live our lives. In other words, what we believe gives our lives meaning and purpose. Everyone has a unique philosophy that they strive to live by. My personal philosophy, for example, is that everyone needs kindness and understanding in every situation. I am excited to learn more about the ways others think and their own personal philosophies!

    1. I tried to concentrate on astronomy as an undergrad but lacked the math proficiency. But I still count Carl Sagan as a personal hero.

  11. Hey everyone, my name is Amanda Burbage and I'm a freshman in section 10. I'm planning on getting a duel degree in psychology and philosophy, and I decided to go to MTSU because it's close enough to where I live to commute. I really enjoy learning about all the different perspectives and ideas that people have, and I just think philosophy is an important subject that anyone can benefit from studying. It's such a broad field of study that if I had to define it I would have to say it's just asking questions that nobody can really answer with complete certainty. My favorite philosopher is Diogenes, just because he was really unhinged; I think it would have been entertaining to meet him, at the very least.

    1. Diogenes was a piece of work, for sure. He did things in public that would get him arrested and probably institutionalized. "A poor man's Socraates," he's been called.

  12. Hi! My name is Ana Galbo and I am a junior in section 10. I am majoring in video and film production with a minor in theatre. I chose to take philosophy because I feel like it goes hand and hand in history and understanding human nature, both subjects of which I am incredibly interested in. I don't really have a favorite philosopher because I haven't delved into the subject a whole lot yet. If I absolutely had to choose one I would say socrates because one of my favorite movies is Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure. As far as a personal philosophy goes, I guess something along the lines of 'it's always darkest before the sun rises ' would be where I currently stand. I am very excited to learn nore than what I know from the movies in this class!

    1. That's one of the more interesting reasons to like Socrates I've heard!

  13. Hi, my name is Ellison Salvig. I am an upcoming MTSU senior, majoring in Music Theory and Composition >:). Personally, I don't know if I have a huge background with philosophy? I took a theory of knowledge class in high school and that is my only point of reference. With help from my therapist, I actively try not to dwell on the existential crises that have plagued my existence-- because most of the time they are fueled by my own insecurities. Subsequently, I would argue that my philosophy, or 'conclusive' concept, of existence on this planet is too large for my monkey brain to visualize. Trying to unravel that idea shall be simultaneously pleasant, dreadful, and necessary. I am excited to gain more creative resources. I think philosophy will help broaden the horizons that I have cautiously avoided. If not, I'm sure something useful shall make room for itself in the recesses of my mind. At the very least, I am interested in learning about Nietzsche because of his influence on some 20th century German composers. I am in section 10.

    1. We're descended from monkey-brained organisms but surely our evolved human brains are capable of wrapping themselves around a practicable philosophy of life. As Emily Dickinson said, "the brain is wider than the sky..."

  14. Hi, My name is Nevaeh James. I am a freshman this year at MTSU, I will be majoring in Philosophy. I have hopes to one day apply to law school and those that are knowledgeable of philosophy carry the necessary "skills". While I do not have a favorite philosopher, I do have a personal philosophy that I live by. Life works almost as a boomerang in the sense that your actions and words will always return to you whether that is negative or positive.

    1. Welcome to the program, Nevaeh! Would you like a tee-shirt that says "MTSU Philosophy"?

  15. Hi, my name is Emmy Tharp and I am in section 13. I am a sophomore and I just transferred to MTSU because community college wasn't for me. I understand philosophy as the study of knowledge or wisdom. Personal philosophies I have are to stay open-minded and to be kind/respectful to everyone. I have experienced philosophy to be instructive. For example, when I find reasons to be grateful every day, I am much happier.

  16. Hi, my name is Arsal Siddiqui and I am in section 10. I am a sophomore and I just transferred to MTSU from Nashville State. I am a political science major with a concentration in pre-law. I have limited knowledge or experience with philosophy. If I had to choose a favorite philosopher, then I would select Plato. The only reason for this choice would be my lack of knowledge of any other philosopher.

    1. I'll try to persuade you that Aristotle's better than Plato, and William James is better than both of 'em. But you don't have to follow me...

  17. Hello everyone, my name is Nick Bagwell and I am in section 10. I am a junior with a Middle Level Education Major (Middle School Level Teaching), and I am here mostly to finish a lot of my general education requirements, but also because I have heard a lot of my friends discuss about how interesting their Philosophy courses were. I don't really know much about philosophy, but from what I partly understand, it is sort of discussing how, why, and what we think about. A personal philosophy that I have is that time heals. I have no clue if that is a philosophy, but it is something that I definitely want to share. I have no experiences with any philosophy courses, so there are no real references that I am aware of. However, I am excited to learn.

    1. A common misconception about philosophy is that it's exclusively cerebral, only concerned with what we THINK about. It's really, at least in my conception, about the entire range of human experience--actual and possible. As Woody Allen said in one of his films, the brain--understood strictly as a thinking organ--may be overrated. As a locus of every kind of experience, though, it's obviously indispensable. But it isn't just for thinking. Feeling, imagining, delighting in experience, entertaining wonder and gratitude, fostering kindness and compassion... these too are fodder for philosophy.

  18. Greetings! My name is Dixon Drost and I am in Section 011. I am a Junior studying Fermentation Science. I have very minimal knowledge on philosophy and honestly couldn't name a single philosopher off the top of my head. I look forward to gaining more knowledge and ideas on what philosophy is and it's impact on our world.

    1. If you create something fermented in that class, and non-alcoholic, feel free to share.

    2. That course of study, I shoulda said.

  19. Hello, my name is Alivia Wilkinson (liv) and I am in section 011. I am an incoming freshman studying psychology. I honestly dont know a plethora of infromation about philosophy which is why I wanted to join this course; however, i have many opinions and hypotheses about life and how we as humans effect each other. I am hoping to gain a deeper understanding of the phrase “philosophy”.

    1. You don't need a plethora to have a philosophy. Opinions and hypotheses, subject to the bar of experience and interchange, will do just fine.

  20. Hi my name is Sam Tompkins I'm a freshman and I took philosophy to learn more about how people think about life. I don't have any prior knowledge on philosophy but my favorite philosopher is Aristotle.

    1. How can you have a favorite philosopher if you don't have any prior knowledge of philosophy?

  21. Hi my name is Ca' Mari Harris. I am currently a sophomore attending MTSU. I took philosophy to understand how humans perceive human behavior, and deeper understanding of life. I don't have any prior knowledge of philosophy, but i enjoy reading famous quotes from great people in America history.

    1. Well, some of the great people in American history count in my book as philosophers. Not just the obvious ones like William James and John Dewey but also the likes of Jefferson, Lincoln, Obama... and lots of great authors, Twain, Emerson, Thoreau... and figures even from pop culture. I'm doing a course next summer called "Americana" where we'll explore that.

  22. My name is Rimas Ikar and I am in section 10. I'm a freshman majoring in psychology. I am at MTSU because it's close enough to commute. I don't have much of an understanding of philosophy but I have always been interested in it. I don't have a personal philosophy either but I am hoping to learn.

    1. I tried to choose a school closer to home too. Belmont hired me. Their provost un-hired me the next day for being too sympathetic to varieties of religion he didn't like. That was 20 years ago, I'd like to believe they're more enlightened and progressive at Belmont now. But despite my annoying and occasionally life-threatening commute, I'm glad to have been at MTSU all these years.

  23. Angela ThongdinharathAugust 29, 2023 at 10:33 AM

    Hi I'm Angela Thongdinharath and I'm in section 13. I'm a freshman majoring in engineering technology. I'm taking this class to satisfy my gen ed requirements but I'm also interested in learning about philosophy. I"m hoping to learn more about life in general.

  24. Hi, I'm Malyssa. I am a sophomore at MTSU majoring in Agribusiness. I have studied a lot of philosophy throughout highschool. I really enjoy the study. I can't really pick a favorite philosopher but if I had to choose one it would be Aristotle.

    1. Many say Aristotle lately, I wonder where that's coming from?

  25. section #11
    Hi my name is Abbie Moley I am a freshman at MTSU, majoring in psychology. I chose to attend MTSU is because the environment is not like anything I have ever experienced before. I am not originally from the U.S so this type of institution would have only been a thing of my imagination a couple of years ago. I am so grateful I get to experience it. I have no prior knowledge of philosophy but am excited to understand and comprehend all the corresponding parts of the subject. My own personal philosophy would be strength in unity and understanding.

    1. "Better together"=strength in unity, right? I'm interested to hear more of your story. Also, I note an uptick of psych majors lately. Wonder what's pushing that?

  26. My name is Race Irwin. I am a freshman majoring in exercise science. Moving to MTSU from knoxville in itself has been a philosophical lesson that has wisened me to adult life and what independence means. If I had to pick a favorite philosopher, I don't know any, but theodore roosevelt has said some really cool stuff.

    1. I am section 13

    2. Hey Race, great discussion post! My name is Mariam boushra and we are both in the same class. Welcome to Middle Tennessee, I hope you're liking it here so far. I will agree with you that Theodore Roosevelt said some really cool stuff.

    3. TR? Hadn't thought of him, but his advocacy of "the strenuous life" etc. makes sense as a philosophy for an exercise science major. He started out scrawny and made himself vigorous and strong.

  27. Hi, my name is Cannon Cofran. I'm at MTSU because I think that they have a good psychology program. I'm taking this philosophy class because I'm trying to become smarter and I believe that changing the way you think is a good way to do that. I don't know much about philosophy; the ideas, and the people behind them. But, I find an interest in it.

    1. Do we have a good psych program? Where did you encounter that reputation, just word of mouth or... ?

  28. My name is Chloe Pack and I am in section 11. I am a Sophomore, but this is my first semester here at MTSU! I'm majoring is Psychology with minors in Criminology and Sociology. I chose to come here because it had the best psych program and was relatively close to home. I have very little prior knowledge of Philosophy, but I am extremely eager to learn as much as possible and hope to take this knowledge and apply it later on. My own personal philosophy that I try and live by is "Do all the good that you can and when you can".

    1. There is goodness in a philosophy of doing good.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. Hi, My names Adele! I'm a freshman, (section #13). I'm a commercial songwriting major. Philosophy has always been intriguing to me. I love learning about other people opinions as well as how I create my own.

    1. Cool that one can major in songwriting. Wish I'd majored in bestselling novel writing. Just kidding, I'm in the right field for me.

  31. Hello, My name is Aiden Ward and I am majoring in finance, I am in section 13. I am here at MTSU because i believe this university has a higher quality classes including the psychology course. I am taking this class because i am trying to understand how other people think and why they think in these ways. This has always been an interest of mine since high school where i first learned of socrates and his beliefs, my favorite philosophy would have to be Socrates, "human wisdom begins with the recognition of one's own ignorance". I am really excited to begin learning about it.

    1. Higher quality than...?

      I'll repeat, we're not exclusively about thinking. Living's the thing. Socrates agreed.

  32. Hi, mu name is Emma Riley and I am a Freshman currently majoring in Finance. I am also in section 13. I am here to get a more understanding of philosophy and how the world views things. I know very little on Philosophy, but very eager to learn. I chose to go to MTSU, because it is close to home and has a wide variety of majors if I decide to change my mind.

    1. We do have some unusual major options. Fermentation. Music industry. Concrete...

  33. Hello! My name is Liam Cole, a freshman journalism major in section 13, and whether there is a reason or not that I am here in the world, here in this place, is a question to ponder. There is no true reason as to why anyone is here, other than the fact that it is the cycle of life and death. The reason I have come here to MTSU is because I have come here not only to pursue skills that will work out in my future endeavours, but also to enhance my own personal knowledge and to learn from others, both faculty and students. My personal philosophy is to live life as freely as possible. If a situation cannot change, then there should not be any excessive work to try and overrule the natural order of things that are out of the hands of man. I suppose this can be summarised as a mix of nihilism and stoicism. There is much that I hope to learn from this course to better enhance my understanding of the world.

    1. I don't think we can say conclusively that there's "no true reason" etc., but if there's no antecedent universal reason then maybe we're free to fashion our own? That'll be the exitentialists' line.

      I'm not a fan of deciding in advance that the natural order precludes human intervention. Definitely not a fan of nihilism.

  34. Hey guys,
    My name is Mariam boushra, I am in section 13. I am an incoming freshman at MTSU. I am majoring in computer science and I might double major. I am here, at MTSU, in an Intro to Philosophy class, on the planet, because I am fond of complicated ideas. My current understanding of philosophy is complex ideas being lectured or expressed. I don't believe I have a specific, personal, philosophy that I can summarize.

    1. You're on the planet because you're fond of complicated ideas? That would seem to imply some pre-birth foreknowledge of self. Hmmm...

  35. I'm Kelly, and I'm a freshmen at MTSU. I'm here in section #13 of philosophy class because I have an interest in philosophy I want to develop further. I feel like philosophy is life rules you can live by. My favourite philosopher is Marcus Aurelius, I've read his work, "Meditations" more than once. I feel like my personal experience with my illness is philosophically instructive, because it reminds me life is short, so I should always make the most of it!

    1. Marc was great. I begin each day (when I don't forget) reciting his morning meditation: "When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive - to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love… Dwell on the beauty of life. Watch the stars, and see yourself running with them." --Marcus Aurelius

  36. Hi, my name is Jeremy, and I am a freshman exercise science major. I am in section 11. I am in this Intro to Philosophy class for one of my fine art classes, and to learn more about the world and how different people interpret ideas and beliefs. My current understanding of philosophy is a way people can take certain beliefs or values they hold true to themselves and apply them in their everyday lives. Although I do not have a favorite philosopher, a personal philosophy I believe in is to not take things in life for granted. Often, I feel that we as humans do not truly appreciate something we have until it's gone, and I think it is important to cherish the little and big things in life that we go every day without even thinking about.

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. Hi! My name is Gabriella Two-Axe and I'm in section 13. I'm in my 3rd year and MTSU and I'm in the Audio Production program! I'm not super cultured when it comes to knowing different philosophers, but one that I have always found interesting is Albert Camu and absurdism. He believes, as harsh as it sounds, that life is meaningless and that a life without meaning is not worth living. However, death has no more meaning than life, so he proposes other ways to put value back into our lives, but those options are ultimately pointless due to lack of evidence and/or knowing that our opinions are essentially random. To think about and simply accept that life is nonsensical and even foolish can feel agonizing, but it can also be comforting. I'm truly fascinated by the human desire to find meaning, but that's a never ending cycle, so all you can do is 'be'. I'm looking forward to learning so much more in this course!

    1. Actually, if you read Camus' Myth of Sisyphus, he doesn't think life is ultimately meaningless.. though it is often absurd.

      Your very cool name reminds me of Arthur "Two Sheds" Jackson... (more Monty Python)

  39. Hello! My name is Abigail. I am section 11. I am a freshman and my major is Psychology. I chose MTSU so that I could stay close to home and I also just love the campus. Philosophy has always intrigued me so I thought I might as well take a class for it. Philosophy to me is the questions, and the assumed answers, about our existence. As someone mentioned in class earlier today, I also believe in "you only live once." I remind myself of that every day so that I continue to take risks and always live my life to the fullest.

    1. There shouldn't be any "assumed answers," just provisional ones subject to reflection and experience. I think we only live once, too. But I'd love a second act, if I can retain what I've learned the first time around.

  40. #13. Hello everyone, my name is Jamie McDaniel. I am a freshman here at MTSU, majoring in computer science. I chose MTSU for the campus and the good environment. The number of people attending MTSU is a very big difference for me seeing as I come from a high school consisting 800 students. Personally I have always lived my life with a very stoic philosophy. Philosophy has always intrigued me and I am excited for the semester.

  41. #10. Hello everyone, my name is Kelson. I am a junior majoring in aerospace. As for why I am here on a small scale, it is because taking this class is part another stepping stone for me in achieving my life goals. But as for being on this planet on a grand scale, there are really two possibilities that believe are possible. It is either due to long running series of coincidences, accidents, and random events, or the direct will of a greater power that very intentionally put us here and guided us on this path. As for which is more true, I honestly couldn't say but I don't think many people really have the proof to say one way or the other for certain. As for my understanding of philosophy, I couldn't give an exact definition, but I think it is the exploration of human emotion and our understanding of natural logic on a grand scale. The only instance of studying philosophy outside of this class that comes to mind would be Plato's cave so I am curious to explore more and discover what philosophy is really all about. I am sure I certainly do live by some specific philosophies but I cannot name them yet. Maybe that will change after taking this class.

  42. Hi, my name is sophia hession (section #13) I am a freshman and I am currently majoring in psychology. I am at MTSU to further my education and eventually get my degree in psychology as I am hoping to work in some clinical psychology field. I am in this class because I am super interested in philosophical theories and philosophers as a whole. Another reason I am taking this course is because of my major, since some of the topics covered go hand in hand.

  43. Hello! My name is Sidney Martin and I am a freshman majoring in forensic science. I am at MTSU because I wanted to stay close to home and the forensic science program can give me great opportunities in the future. I am taking this class because I have always enjoyed learning about philosophers and how they think. I don't really have a ton of outside knowledge of philosophy so another reason I am taking this course is to broaden my knowledge of philosophy. (section 11)

  44. #10 Hello,
    My name is Luna, and I'm studying at MTSU to become a therapist. I've read about some philosophers from psychology books. René Descartes' theory of felt sensation being animal spirits flowing through the body has been my favorite. A personal mantra I keep close to mind is "stay present." I'm excited to learn more about the study of philosophy.

  45. Hello, everyone! My name is Reuben Cruz, and I'm in the #10 section and in my second year at MTSU. My first thought when pondering the question, "Why am I here?" is of a rock hurtling through space and depositing the first microbes onto the surface of Earth, which went on to become the varied and complex organisms that walk around today. On a more personal level, though, I'm at MTSU because it was nearby and financially accessible to me. I'm pursuing a degree, and hopefully a career, in Chemistry, and MTSU was a place where I felt I could get that. As far as my favorite philosopher, that would have to be Karl Marx, co-author (co-philosopher, perhaps) of the infamous Communist Manifesto. I gotta confess that I haven't read much of his work firsthand; most of my understanding of his work comes from others who are interpreting or repackaging what he wrote about. Despite this, I think my personal philosophy is well summarized, for the most part, by a quote he popularized: "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need." Marx was an economist, and was writing thus about the economy, but personally I think that the attitude that he had, which as I understand it is kind of, "all that one should be expected to do is what they are able to, and they deserve what they need in return," is more universally relevant. Whether it be in a job, a hobby, or even a relationship, I think if someone is truly putting in all the effort they realistically can, expecting more of them is unreasonable (importantly, they should still be expected to put in effort). This semester I hope to gain both more insight to develop my personal philosophy and a richer vocabulary to verbalize it to other and myself!

  46. Chandler Wiggins Sec.11August 29, 2023 at 8:08 PM

    Hola, my name is Chandler Wiggins. I am majoring in construction management. I enjoy philosophy, because when I was searching for ways to slow down my mind, I picked up a random book and it happened to be philosophical. (Tao-te Ching by: Lao Tzu "highly recommend") I have been reading books focused on this genre since. I took the class because I enjoy insightful conversations with people, hope there are many in this class.

  47. Hello, my name is Leon Bouldin and I'm in section 13 of this class. I’m an Animation Major here at MTSU. I came to this college to pursue my lifelong passion for the creative arts. To me Philosophy is the study of life, and doing so by questioning everything. At the moment I do not have a personal favorite philosopher, but I do have a personal philosophy. My personal philosophy is: Try everything once. I used to look at my life with a lot of regret. Regret for untaken paths, regret for trying enough, and regret for not questioning previous life decisions. So, with this fuel to the fire, I have started living my life giving more things a chance. Joining clubs I never previously thought to try, applying for jobs I thought I wouldn’t be able to keep up with, and with most of my daily life choices. So far, I’ve quite enjoyed thinking this way, and it’s opened me up to a bunch of new possibilities. Looking forward to this class and this semester!

  48. Hi, my name is Danielle Petty and I'm in section 13. I am a psychology major as of right now and I mainly came to MTSU because it is close to home and has good opportunities. To me, philosophy is the study of wisdom and knowledge as each individual sees it. A personal philosophy that I have is that you should live your life for yourself and no one else. I have realized that living my life to conform to others has no real pros. I don't have a lot of outside knowledge of philosophy which is why I decided to take this course, because I think it would be interesting to learn about.

  49. Hello, my name is Shema Silvestro, and a sophomore here at MTSU. My major is dietary because I want to help people with their health, the reason why am here is that I always wanted to go to college and come in as a young student to experience a new education that will better me in life. My current understanding of philosophy is just deep thinking about the way we live in life. my personal philosophy is to not rush, If you rush you will not live and experience the lessons and reason in life which will put me in fear that I will miss out on. I don't know much about philosophy so I don't have a favorite philosopher.

  50. Hi, I'm Eli. I am a freshman at MTSU. I am in this class because I needed it for a Gen-ed credit. I haven't studied philosophy before but I am excited to learn more about it. I don't have a specific favorite philosopher. I haven't ever really thought about a personal philosophy.

  51. Hello, my name is David Lagunas. This is my freshman here at MTSU. My major is Video and Film Production. I took this course because I've always been interested in philosophy and the different conclusions people regarding life. I also thought getting to understand how people think could be useful as someone wanting to create art through video and film. A personal philosophy of mine has always been to live in the moment. Constantly being obsessed over the future will have you look over what is happening in the present and your appreciation of it.

  52. Hey! My name is Preston Senters, I am a freshman this year, and I'm here at MTSU, because it is close to home and to find more of what i'd like to, as my major is still undecided. As far as philosophy goes I do not have any knowledge or previous experience with the subject, however I am interested in learning to understand it! #11

  53. Hi, my name is Braygen Jones and this is my first year at MTSU, but I am starting here as a Junior. I chose MTSU because it made the most sense financially for me and it offers a graduate degree program for the field I want to pursue, actuarial science. I have always been interested in ethics and philosophy seems to just be an extension of that. Growing up in a small town I did not experience much difference in terms of philosophical thoughts around me. However, this only led to a fascination with other cultures philosophies later down the road. I really do not have a favorite philosopher, but I really enjoy listening to other people from other religions, cultures, etc. explain how they think philosophically about questions that everyone experiences. I look forward to the conversations hopefully sparked within this class! #11

  54. Hi, my name is Conner Kaufman and I am a freshman. I decided to go to MTSU because it is relatively close to my house and it offered a great construction program. I am majoring in Concrete Industry Management and do not really have any deep present understanding of philosophy. I am looking forward to finding out more through this course. If I were to come up with a personal philosophy it would be to try and take in as much of your surroundings before they change. Sometimes stuff just happens too quickly and you aren't able to really appreciate it. #11

  55. Hello everybody. My name is Graham Pace, I am in section 11 in the Philosophy class and a sophomore here at MTSU majoring in nursing. I do not have any prior experience with philosophy classes which is why I chose to take this course. I think it will be very interesting and possibly enlightening to learn about questions that were pondered for years, and the answers formulated for them. I think this class will broaden my viewpoint along with showing the questions commonly asked and how people think on such questions. My personal philosophical quote would be never fear failure, always take that risk and learn from your mistakes because the moment you stop trying because of fear to fail is when you fail.

  56. Hello, my name is Caleb Green and I am a freshman in section 10. I decided to come to this school instead of APSU (a 5 minute drive) because I wanted to meet new people and experience new situations that I might not of being surrounded by people I have known my whole life. I decided to take this class because I don't have a lot of prior knowledge and I thought it would an interesting class. My favorite philosophy that I try to live by is to stop worrying about things I can't change, and just keep enjoying my life. If things are meant to happen they'll happen.

  57. Hey guys, my name is. Racheal C. Clark! There’s not much to me per se. I am just an incoming freshman curious and ready for college. I am here because I want to understand philosophy and what it truly means. I’m currently taking psychology, so I want to establish and build report in relation to my major. In honesty, I want to develop complex thinking and figure out life’s tough questions for me. I’m really excited for this class and can’t wait!

  58. Hello, my name is Mark Morkos, I am in section 10, and I am attending MTSU to pursue a Mechatronics Engineering degree. I think college is a great place to access new opportunities and expand my horizons and there’s nowhere better to do that than a philosophy class. I understand philosophy as the study of ideas and ideology and philosophers to be seekers of truth and wisdom. I don’t have any personal philosophy that I carefully follow, and I haven’t read enough from philosophers to have a favorite. The only philosophy book I have read was The Stranger by Albert Camus and even some years later I am not sure I completely understood what he was getting at.

  59. Hello, I am Gavin Yarbrough. I'm in section 13 of your intro to philosophy class and I joined because I want to learn something I didn't know yesterday. I have no favorite philosopher but I hope I connect with one's ideas this semester.

  60. Hey my name is Josh I am in section 10 of your intro to philosophy class. I have always been interested in philosophy but never got deep into it. Therefore I have no favorite philosopher but I hope to have one and learn more about the subject.

  61. Hi, my name is Hailey Patel. This is my freshman year at MTSU. I joined this class because I had an interest in philosophy. To me, I think that philosophy is the study of knowledge and the way we think. A personal philosophy that

    1. A personal philosophy that is a great reminder I look back on is "If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things." Albert Einstein. I am glad to be in this class and am excited to start this fall semester. Section #11

  62. Q: "Who are you?"
    A: I am a human, more specifically, a 18 y/o freshman at MTSU who is hoping to get a degree in VFP: Live Production.

    Q: "Why are you here (at MTSU, in an Intro to Philosophy class, on the planet...)?"
    A: I am here because I was born, and now I need to get a job (to make money) so I can have a family and a child of my own. So I might as well pick a job that I'll enjoy.

    Q: "What's your present understanding of what philosophy is?"
    A: Philosophy is one of the many lens to view the world with, and quite a sharp one at that, but one that is a wider lens that doesn't quite zoom in too far.

    Q: "Do you have a personal philosophy you can summarize in a few words, or a favorite philosopher?"
    A: If you do good things, good things will happen to you, and vice versa with bad things.

    Q: "Have you had any particular experiences you've found philosophically instructive?"
    A: Yes, I've found that karma is quite real, and is just as mean as they say.

    Q: "What else would you like to say, by way of introduction?"
    A: I am really looking forward to not only this class, but also to the rest of my time here at MTSU.

    - Matteo D'Urso (Section 13)

  63. Hi everyone! My name is Ivy Womack and I am currently a 19 y/o sophomore at MTSU I am majoring in sociology with a minor in criminology. I am attending MTSU because its close to home but not so close that I have to go back all the time. I took this class because i've always had such an interest in philosophy and am hoping that this class will give me a new look at this world. To me philosophy is our love and strive for knowledge and wisdom. One thing that I live by and always remind myself when things get hard or overwhelming is, "we'll be alright". I'm very excited for this class and hope it is a good semester! #11

  64. Hi, my name is Madelyn. I am a freshman here at MTSU going into exercise science. I'm here, on this Earth, just as everyone else, for a purpose way beyond any of our knowledge. I'm here at MTSU because its close to home and honestly was the best fit financially. I dont really have a understanding of what philosophy is, but I also really don't have a understanding of what anything really is, so I guess I'm on the right track. The only personal "philosophy" I have in my life is when I feel guilty about spending money on something. Like going out with friends, which I have to tell myself that I always have the opportunity to earn that money back sometime someway, but tomorrow is not always promised, and those memories could be a once in a lifetime thing. So yeah, worry about the more important things in life.

  65. Section 11
    Hello! My name is Kyle Pulley, I am a 19 year old freshmen here at MTSU. I am here pursuing a degree in psychology hopefully to go on to medical school and become a psychiatrist. I chose MTSU since it was a very close choice to home and very affordable for me. I selected this class because I have always had an interest in philosophy, I am hoping to learn more about it and gain some sort of new knowledge from this course. I do not have a very in depth knowledge about philosophy but I do know some of Plato's work though some of it I did not agree with.

  66. Hi! My name is Makenzie keen I am a freshman psychology major here at MTSU, and I'm in section 13. I chose to attend MTSU because it is a very large school and I thought it'd be good to take a step out of my comfort zone considering I went to an extremely small charter high school. I chose to take this class because philosophy has always piqued my interest and I love to read and learn new things from different perspectives. My present understanding of philosophy is a love of knowledge and a journey to learn more and more everyday. I don't have a personal philosophy that I live by and I don't have a favorite philosopher either but I have read some of Albert Camus' work and I enjoyed it.

  67. Hi, my name is Martha Felts and I am a freshman at MTSU studying elementary education. I chose to take philosophy because I believe it will help me develop a more rounded teaching philosophy. My present understanding of philosophy is why people think what they think. My favorite philosopher is Maria Montessori because of her theory that education should be self-paced and personalized. #10

  68. Hey, my name is Sam Bean and I am a freshman pursuing a major in athletic training. I took philosophy because I enjoy connecting to people on a deeper level than just normal conversation. My understanding of philosophy is to enjoy the time you have while you have it because life is the greatest gift you can receive. I dont really know too many philosophers so I guess my favorite would have to be Socrates. #13

  69. Hello all, my name is Kersten Ragland. I am currently a freshman at MTSU studying Aerospace with Pro Pilot as a concentration. I believe that I am here to serve others and spread joy and happiness. I think that Philosophy is a way of understanding the truths of people and the world. My favorite philosopher is Voltairine de Cleyre because she embraced feminism in the nineteenth century and taught about reason and empiricism at a very young age. A personal philosophy that I have is no matter the attitude or act given by a person, they are beautiful on the inside. I am excited to be able to get to know all of you hopefully soon! Thank you for your time!

  70. My name is Chance Hall in section 013 and I am here to study Aerospace Technology. I am in philosophy class because I need a humanities and fine arts credit and out of the options before me philosophy is the most interesting to me. I understand philosophy to be more or less the way an individual mentally processes the world around them. My personal philosophy is always advancing as I learn new information and contemplate how it intertwines with life around me. Also I reevaluate old information to understand how I came to other conclusions and decide if I had previously came to a logical solution - as a way of checks and balances. My favorite philosopher's are Seneca and Marcus Aurelius.

  71. My name is Aiden Williamson in section 11. I am studying Music Business with a minor in Audio Production. I am in this philosophy class because it is required for me to take this in order to get my degree. Being completely honest, I have no idea what my personal philosophy is. I just live my life to the best of my ability and try not to let everyone else get in the way. I am hoping that I will find philosophy interesting and excel in this class, but only time will tell. I look forward to this class and I am excited to get started with this class.

  72. Section # 10
    My name is Nyagoa Tut, an international student from Ethiopia. I'm here at MSTU to obtain my bachelor's degree in nursing. Moreover, I would say that I chose an Intro to Philosophy class because I want to learn to reason philosophically, meaning to find a deeper understanding of life and the environment around me. I comprehend philosophy as a way of questioning truths logically and finding sensible answers to those truths. Bertrand Russell once said, "Science is what you know. Philosophy is what you don't know." I love that definition of philosophy since he literally explains it as the pursue of knowledge and wisdom in another way. I might have had some experiences that were philosophically instructive, but I don't know how to correctly convey any of those experiences.

  73. Hello everyone, my name is Matthew Sprouse. I am a sophomore going into my second year of college and I am pursuing a degree in business management. I love to contemplate different viewpoints which is why I chose philosophy a humanities course over art or theater. currently I don't really have much of an understanding of what philosophy is but I'm excited to figure that out haha. From what I heard on Tuesday I'd say I have more of a stoic philosophy if I understood it correctly, I try not to let things I cannot change bother me. I am in section 10 and I'm looking forward to the rest of the semester!

  74. Hi, my name is Emma Williams and I am in section 10. I am studying Business Innovation and Entrepreneurship. I attended a gap year program last year where I took a philosophy class from a Christian perspective. I am taking this class this year because I did not receive credit last year and I am very intrigued to see philosophy from MTSU's perspective. I think that asking questions about life is super important and I also believe that there is an objective reality. I am excited to see where this class goes, and I am excited to challenge myself, my classmates and Professor Oliver as we go through the semester.

  75. My name is Anthony Bernardi and I'm in section 11. I've always found the subjectiveness of philosophy intimidating and the vocabulary can be tedious and outdated at times but I'm generally curious in the whole point of human consciences and why were here in the first place. My personal philosophy is based on breaking down life into continuous binary situations and trying my best to choose what I feel is the right choice every time. Hopefully I get them mostly right. My favorite philosopher is Steven McTowelie who reminds us to always be prepared and to first always get a little high.

  76. Hi, my name is Josiah Anderson. I am a hospitality management major. My understanding of philosophy is fairly little but I am excited to dive deeper into asking good questions. I see this class as a great opportunity to challenge the thoughts myself, my classmates and professor Oliver. I have sat in a few classes before that argue the Christian perspective of philosophical thinking. I’m very excited to learn more about the history of philosophy and how it has shaped our culture today!

    1. I forgot to mention I am in section 10

  77. Hi, my name is Jacob Cesario studying biochemistry. I am a freshmen and came to MTSU to engage in new learning opportunities and experiences. I’ve never been into philosophy or learned about it, so I don’t have a favorite philosopher or anything. Looking forward to learn more about philosophy!

  78. Hello! My name is Parker Johnson. I am in Section 13. I am here at MTSU to study audio production. I was never really interested in philosophy until earlier this year when my roommate took intro to philosophy. Everyday he had that class we would have long and intricate philosophical talks about whatever it is that he learned about that day. I was always enamored with how one specific subject could evolve into a different conversation completely and ultimately what I had learned by the end of the conversation. While I am not well versed in the most popular names in philosophy I do have one "philosopher" that I look to, that being Steve Albini whose philosophy when it comes to producing for an artist is that of a hands-off approach to getting the artist's ultimate vision realized and unadulterated. I believe that what I am going to learn from this class is going to help me understand others and those who I will potentially work with going forward with my career.

  79. Hi, my name is Ciara Rush and I am in section 13. I came to MTSU because I've seen many great examples of people I know personally, who have thrived at this school mainly because of its community and helpful resources. I am a business major and I am always interested in thinking about things on a deeper level to fully understand them. To me, philosophy is all about giving yourself and others perspective on different things and sharing knowledge on how you process them and grow through wisdom. I am interested in adopting a new favorite philosopher throughout this course, as I do not have one yet.

  80. Hi, my name is Kenley Baltz. I'm in section 11. I am majoring in business administration. I hope to be a real estate agent once I graduate. I have grown up in Middle Tennessee and I have always wanted to go to MTSU since I was little. With the great academic programs and with many of my friends attending the school I was eager to attend. I have no prior knowledge of philosophy so I am excited for the course this semester!

  81. Greetings and salutations! My name is David Sheinfeld. I am in section 13. I am a Political Science Major with a focus on Pre-Law. I wish to become a successful lawyer and even try my hand at politics. Going to MTSU to me was very significant. My parents had previously attended at MTSU, I figured I would follow in their footsteps and enroll. Being a Political Science major, I have briefly studied the works of many influential philosophers ranging from Plato, to Locke. I hope this class will expand upon my knowledge of philosophy, and provide the tools to better understand myself and others.

    1. Apologies for the delayed and hurried nature of my post. I should have taken more time to actually proofread my writing. Hopefully, this will be adequate in informing others about myself.

  82. My name is Dawson Rountree. I'm a visual arts junior. I'm at MTSU because it was the most convenient. I chose Intro to Philosophy class because I love to think. I chose the planet because it was the only one with water. My present understanding of philosophy is a set of rules and observations about life that influences how you live it. A personal philosophy that lingers in my mind is the quote "be the change you want to see in the world", though it's debated who actually coined the phrase. Instead, I'll attribute it to Michael Jackson's song, "Man in the Mirror", because I love that song and it's a lot more inspiring. A philosopher I've found interesting in my limited experience with the field is Søren Kierkegaard. I've watched a few videos that incorporated philosophy as it applies to the modern issues we're facing like climate change, materialism, and gender/sexuality, but not much beyond that.
