Monday, August 26, 2024

Introductions: who are you, why're you here?

My longer intro is in the sidebar. 

My short answer to those two questions:

  • I'm the teacher, and have been doing this at MTSU for about a quarter century. 
  • I'm here because, like my favorite philosopher William James (1842-1910), I believe in philosophy devoutly.
Tell us who you are, and why you're here, in the comments space below. (Try to say something more interesting and original than that you're here because you need the credit.)

See you on the 27th.

Dr. Oliver
P.S. Almost forgot to tell you to please include your section # (1, 2, or 3) with your posted comments (#H1 meets at 9:40, #H2 at 1 pm, #H3 at 2:40.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I read your comment before you removed it, I hope you've not curbed your enthusiasm!

  2. I am a freshman student.

    One reason I am here is because philosophical differences and discussions are fascinating to me. Sometimes other people's philosophical points of view cause you ask questions you never even thought of before, and maybe would never have thought of if it weren't for that differing perspective.

    Hunter Dickson

    1. Exactly. We're here to ask better questions and listen respectfully to others' answers. When we disagree, we should do so politely and with gratitude for the opportunity every exchange offers to revisit one's perspective from that of another. Everyone has something to teach us, if we're receptive.

  3. My name is Annlee Head, and I am a freshman here at MTSU. I am here because in my high school classes, I was intrigued about the philosophical principles we briefly learned about, and I want to expand my knowledge on the subject.

    1. I'm always pleased to hear that philosophy has been mentioned in a High School classroom. It was not, in mine.

  4. Hey guys, my name is Makayla Meredith and I am a junior at MTSU. I decided to take this class to challenge myself and I am always up for learning something new. I have very little understanding of philosophy but that what this class is for, to better understand.

  5. My name is Braden Clapper, and I am a freshman at MTSU. I am here because the class seems interesting, and I believe it will be a fun class.

  6. Hello, I am Mai Gibbons and a freshman student. I am here because I have always been interested in complex topics such as morals and purpose, and would like to learn more about and discuss such concepts.

  7. Hey, I'm Amelie Oakes, I'm a freshman. im taking this class because ive never taken a full philosophy course and have been hoping to take it for a while.

    1. But you've had partial exposure? Better than naught!

  8. Hello! My name is Ella Helms and I am a freshman here at MTSU. I chose to take this class because I am interested in learning more about philosophy and to grow a better understanding of the topic.

    1. Personal growth is good. (I'm not convinced that every form of growth is ultimately good: cancer, hubris, gnp, ...

  9. Hi! My name is Brandon Furr and I'm a freshman this year. I'm taking this class because I've always had a slight interest in philosophy and I'd like to learn more about the field!

    1. Philosophy is indeed a field of academic study, but before it was that it was a feeling of wonder. (Philosophy begins in wonder, said Plato.) I'll bet you all have some sense of that already.

  10. Hello everyone! I'm Maheswari Ramesh, and I go by Maahi. I'm a sophomore at MTSU majoring in Aviation Management and minoring in Honors.
    Since I've always wanted to pursue my undergraduate degree at one of the best universities in the US, I'm here at MTSU, although I'm originally from India. I love the university and the culture here, and philosophy interests me the most after aviation. So, this semester, I've taken this course to learn more about it and delve into existence and reality.
    I'm dedicated and hard-working, and I strive to give my best in everything I do. I believe that consistency is the key to success, so I push myself hard to achieve what I want.
    I'm very eager for this semester, and I'm looking forward to meeting you all and connecting with you to learn, grow, and become the best versions of ourselves.

    1. So glad you're here, Haahi!

      At the Fall Faculty Meeting the other day, the lifetime achievement award went to a long-time aviation professor who talked about encountering so many of his former students over the years in the cockpits of commercial airliners. I wonder how many of them were also interested in philosophy! (Not enough, I suspect.)

  11. My name is Garrison Goodroe, but I go by Bobby (it doesn't have anything to do with my name, my sister just couldn't pronounce the word baby when I was born) and I'm taking this class because I love philosophy and as someone who grew up in an environment where being open-minded wasn't exactly encouraged, I'm looking forward to being exposed to a diversity of ideas and personal philosophies.

    1. If I were you I'd be glad to be a Bobby and not a Bubba (which is the name most often hung on older brothers whose siblings couldn't pronounce the word). And I'm a big fan of the only other Garrison I've ever heard of, Garrison Keillor (who was just Gary to his family).

      Many students through the years have told me they came from similar "environments"... I'm always eager to help them discover the more heady environment of philosophy!

  12. My name is Aerika VanDerSlik, I also go by Quinn. I'm a freshman at MTSU majoring in Criminal Justice Administration. Philosophy is something my brother has been interested in the past year, so I decided to take a class on it. While I have not had much interest in philosophy before, I hope this class will further my current interest.

    1. Me too! Thank your brother for evoking your interest.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. I believe philosophy to be a broad belief, one's own interpretation plays into the belief, but it also becomes a mindset too. As I have not been into philosophy before, I do not have a favorite philosopher, nor do I know many. One general personal one might be to look back at where you came from, no matter how small the improvement was, it still was an improvement. #H3

  13. Hello, I'm John Pardue! I am a Film and Broadcast Maj and a Junior at MTSU. I enjoy movies and books and any kind of storytelling really. Excited for this class. I was registered for a normal philosophy class as it seemed like the most interesting class that would fit my timeslot when I realized I needed an honors cred and this was available and the professor had reviews on rate my professor that seemed promising and intriguing.

    1. I never read those reviews, if you see a bad one don't tell me about it.

  14. Heya! My name is Andrew Brooks, I'm a sophomore majoring in interactive media. I love expressing myself creatively through a variety of avenues like writing, music, and videography. Although this is my first exposure to philosophy as an academic subject specifically, I enjoy deeply thinking about and critically examining my life in ways I had never thought about previously. In this class I hope that I'll have more opportunities to learn more about the philosophies of the past and have those moments of personal reflection!

    1. That's a fascinating major, one that definitely wasn't around "back in my day"... There will be plenty of opportunities, not just to learn about past philosophies but to fashion your own for the present and future.

  15. Hello, my name is Chelsie Gordon. I am interested in building upon my scientific understanding of the world paired with the element of moral values within humanity. My major is environmental science and am eager to add any knowledge to help me one day leave this planet better than I have found it.

    1. If you need another course, I'm doing Environmental Ethics this semester. Oh wait... I see you're already taking it. Great!

  16. Going forward, y'all, please include your section # with your posted comments (#H1, #H2, or #H3).

  17. Hello, my name is Kaylin Whitt. I am a freshman majoring in nursing. I was hesitant to take this honors course, but I decided to do so in order to challenge myself. I have never taken a philosophy class before, so I am eager to being and to gain a clear understanding of it. I am hoping to learn how to be more open minded and further my thinking tendencies.

    1. You (and others aspiring to health-related careers) might want to consider taking my Bioethics course next semester. In fact, everyone who aspires to a future life of health and happiness should consider taking it. (And also my Philosophy of Happiness course.)

  18. Hello, my name is Roman Phillips and I’m a freshman studying aerospace. I’ll be sincerely honest; I am enrolled in this class because I needed a humanities course for my major, but I am still looking forward to learning more about philosophy this semester.

    1. I appreciate your candor, even though I prompted you to "try to say something more interesting and original than that you're here because you need the credit."

    2. I believe I’m in H03

    3. This is Roman again, I read the link not the directions at the top.
      My moral compass guides me to be truthful. Two of the best pieces of advice I follow are from Dr. Seuss and Walt Disney. Some of my personal philosophical beliefs have been guided by attentive parents and Ms. Pat, who teaches the children’s sermon at my church in South Carolina. I also had an amazing Scouting career spending a considerable amount of time in nature. I try to be open-minded when meeting new people and I love learning about new things. I am in H3

  19. Again:
    Going forward, y'all, please include your section # with your posted comments (#H1, #H2, or #H3).

    Maybe I should also have said: please read the earlier posts...

  20. #H1
    Hello, my name is Will Stout and I am a freshmen here at MTSU. Throughout high school I have been challenged by concepts such as purpose and life's meaning, which has caused me to develop a fascination with philosophical ideas and problems. Ultimately I have found answers I believe to be most probable through Jesus Christ, but I still hold a curiosity about other peoples belief systems and ideas. I am excited for this course and I hope to have my own ideas challenged while also challenging the ideas of my peers.

  21. Hello everyone I’m Mariana Lassiter I’m 16 and I’m a freshman here a MTSU. I got introduced to philosophy through YouTube channels like contra-points and philosophy tube and I found the ideas and strategies behind how to formulate sound and cogent thoughts and reasoning for ideas and societal concepts we often ignore, take for granted, and see as just common sense or just a part of life. Additionally I enjoyed the literary analysis behind it debating and asking why people have certain opinions or think the way they do and I’m excited to start learning how to generate these ideas and discuss these topics myself

    1. Im so sorry I need to get better at reading things fully before answering I’m section H1# 9:40-11:10

  22. #H1
    It's nice to meet you Dr. Oliver! My name is Kenji Matsumura, and I am a freshman this year majoring in computer science. I became interested in philosophy after accidentally clicking on a podcast on Spotify called "Philosphize This!", and the amazing host of the podcast opened me up to the whole network of modern and ancient philosophers out in the world. I'm definitely no Socrates when it comes to philosophy and questioning, but I am open to learning more about such an interesting topic. I'm looking forward to this semester with everyone!

  23. #H2
    Hello, my name is Bryant Kelly and I am a freshman here at MTSU majoring in Aerospace: Pro Pilot. I am here taking this honors course to challenge myself and because I would like to learn more about how philosophical values have evolved over time.

    1. Welcome Bryant, have fun at MTSU!

  24. Hi, my name is Talan. Glad to be here.
    I'm in H3. I'm a freshman majoring in Forensic Science.
    I'm chose this class because I'm still trying to figure out how to be a human being with thoughts and emotions who has exist and continue to do so until death. And, now that I've stopped believing in God, I'm also trying to figure out why I have to do any of that and why it matters in the first place. I'm open to ideas, so I decided to see what the famous philosophers had to say. Transcendentalism, absurdism, whatever it is, I'll hear it out.
    Also, I like writing. I think that understanding the themes present in foundational philosophical literature will help inspire me to explore life and existence through fiction.
    Lastly, I really liked The Good Place.

  25. Section#H1
    Hello, my name is Hayden and I am a sophomore majoring in business. I chose to take this class because I believe I will be challenged intellectually. I am not very knowledgeable with the topics and concepts relating to philosophy, but I believe this class will teach me a plethora of things. I also had an art professor who inspired me to take this class by challenging me to consider different perspectives and ideas while still formulating my own individual thoughts. I love thought-provoking conversations and interesting ideas, so I am excited for what is to come in class!

  26. Section #H1
    Hi! My name is Zoe Kuhn and I am a freshman here at MTSU and my major is entertainment journalism. I decided to take this class because my Grandma was actually a philosophy professor and she teaches at a university in Sacramento and I vaguely remember her telling me some of the things she covered in her class when I was growing up. However, now that I'm in college, I now have the opportunity to learn more about Philosophy and hopefully gain a better understanding of what my Grandma tried to explain to me. I'm very excited for this class and can't wait to have a good semester!

  27. Hey! My name is Sage and I'm in the H2 section. My major is psychology with minors in biology and chemistry. I am a very logical based thinker and pride myself on having an open mind on any perspective placed in front of me. I'm taking this philosophy course to continue to widen my knowledge of what others think of the world which may even alter my own beliefs. I'm looking forward to the discussions that will occur in this class and meeting people who may have a completely different set opinions on the subject matter than me.

  28. #H1
    Hi! My name is Kayla Lee and I am a freshman at MTSU majoring in psychology. I chose to take this class because I believe there is always an opportunity to learn more perspective about anything and everything. I think it would be refreshing to dedicate time to focusing on being more open-minded and educated.

  29. My name is Thad Whitfield and I am a freshman at Mtsu majoring in business. I choose to take philosophy this semester because it fit best with my schedule and seemed interesting.

  30. #H1
    My name is Christian Mikolon and I am a freshman here at MTSU. I have lived in Murfreesboro my entire life. Right now I am currently an Undecided major, and I specifically chose this class because of my deep interest in philosophy since junior year of high school. I enjoyed reading Meditations by Marcus Aurelius because of its unique scope on how we should approach life and ever since I have dabbled in philosophical concepts. I am looking forward to learning more and diving deep into what I believe.

    Christian M

  31. Hi! My name is Haley Gauda; I am a freshman here at MTSU. I am enrolled as a biochemistry major; however, I decided to take philosophy because I have always had wonder and curiosity for philosophy. I am excited to learn and broaden my mindset!

    1. Hey, biochemistry is very interesting! Welcome at MTSU, have fun!

  32. Hi, my name is Gavin Cooley, and I'm in H2. I am a Freshman political science-prelaw major, and I am very excited for this class. I took this class because I plan on pursuing a career in politics, and I would like to go into my political career with a better understanding of how people interact with each other and their world. Basically, I've always wanted to know more about what others know or think they know.

  33. My name is Evan Clark, I am a freshman and my major is aerospace pro-pilot, I chose to take this class because of my background in worldview and apologetics in high school, as it always interested me in developing my perspective and faith as a Christian.

  34. Hello, my name is Aidin Card. I’m a freshman from Mt. Juliet, Tennessee and I am studying exercise science to become an athletic trainer. I am in philosophy because I’m a fan of history and philosophy runs parallel with history.

  35. My name is Coven Gallers (H01) and I'm a sophomore from Franklin, Tennessee. I am studying environmental science with the hope that I can work in sustainable agriculutre or conservation. I picked this philosophy class because my dad really liked philosophy when he was in college and we enjoy discussing our thoughts on the world together. I'd like to have more people to do that with and more background with which to talk about.

  36. Hi my name is Nick Luse and I'm in H2. I'm a Freshmen from Chattanooga TN. I am majoring in Sports Management. I am excited to take this class because I am interest in seeing other peoples ideas and the way other people view life.

  37. Hi my name is Kaitlyn Woodland(H02) but I go by Kat. I am a Freshman and my major is Video and Film Production Blended, which means my concentrations are Film making and Live Production.I am from Memphis, Tennessee. I picked Philosophy as an elective because it was either this or History, Philosphy seems a hundred times more interesting. My mom also took philosophy as an elective when she was in college and she loved it, so I decided to give it a go.

  38. Hi, my name is Alan Hernandez, and I am in H2. I took this class because I had an open slot and I was forced to choose one more class. I learned extremely surface level philosophies of figures like John Locke and Jean-Jacques Rousseau for a history class and I found them very interesting. I hope I am able to have fun and acquire a more complex mindset.

  39. Hello everybody im Mariana lassiter but I go by Maria. Im in the H2# group I am 16 and I graduated from Brighton high school in Atoka TN and I am a freshman here at MTSU majoring in finance. I first got introduced to Philosophical thought through the YouTube channels Contrapoints and Philosophy tube I thoroughly enjoyed the discussion of why and the reasons behind topics we usually see mundane, common sense, or simply as facts of life I found the deconstruction of these seemingly fundamental or set in stone topics immensely intriguing. Additionally I found the literary analysis involved very investing. The discussion of the reasons and ancient or modern ideas and concepts that shape past and present thought are great, and I am incredibly excited to start interacting with and discussing these Ideas and concepts

  40. Hi, my name is Floris Okoth. I am I h#3 and I chose this class because I like to learn and hear about the ideas of others and understand different ways of thinking. I really liked the humanities class that I took in high school but wanted to go into depth about the ideas of others and thought this would be a great choice!

    1. Hi Floris! I also chose this class because I think it is interesting to see how other people's mind work and how they think based on the environment they occupy.

  41. Hi, my name is Gino Palilla and i'm a Freshman at MTSU. I'm majoring in mechatronics engineering and am very excited to take philosophy. I'm taking philosophy because of everything I've heard from a lot of the people whether it be from people I look up to or people who helped me through the college search/advising process. Everyone has said that there are courses you'll take in college that will literally change how you see life and how you think. As I've started to grow up, I began asking bigger and more complex questions about myself and my day to day life. I'm excited to see if philosophy will be one of those classes that can help me gain some insight to those questions.

  42. Hello!! My name is Faith Carbonari (#H1), and I'm a Graphic design Major and a Freshman this year. I chose to take Honors Philosophy because I've always been a big fan of deeper questions and thinking, whether they're about existence or just basic morals. I've always been really interested in the subject and was hoping to learn more about it, so I knew taking Honors Philosophy would be a great opportunity to go into deeper discussion in a smaller setting. I'm excited!!

  43. Karim Al-Amin PHIL-1030-H01August 27, 2024 at 3:38 PM

    Hello, I am Karim and I am a junior here at MTSU. I play for the men's tennis team of MTSU and I am an international student from Germany. I am here because I was always interested in philosophical topics and my favorite philosophers are Thomas Hobbes and John Locke, I am very interested in government theory and Thomas Hobbes' Leviathan was an amazing read.

  44. Hello, I'm Daniel Chera (#H3), and I'm a freshman designated sophomore. My friends and I love having discussions about the ways we think, and why we think the way we do. I'm hoping taking this class will help me sound more educated in our debates. Really though, I love pursuing knowledge, and this is an avenue of it I've yet to partake in.

  45. HI, my name is John Owens I'm a freshman in #H3. I'm a pro-pilot major and I picked this class because my dad had taken philosophy when he was in college and said it was one of his favorite classes. He strongly recommended it for me so I thought I would try something different and take the class.

  46. H#1
    Hello, I am John Wise, I am a freshman transfer Pro Pilot major. I took this course as some of my favorite scientists such as Aristotle, also happen to be philosophers, and I feel that learning more about philosophy will help me to understand why they did what they did better.

  47. H#3
    Hi. I am Hunter Clouthier, a freshman at MTSU majoring in construction management. I am here to learn about my philosophy and how I can help the guys in my future team develop their own philosophies in life. I am excited to learn about how the idea of philosophy has evolved over the many centuries.

  48. Hi Im Ally Brumfield. I am an Audio Production Major from Memphis. I chose this course because my family always enjoys debating philosophical questions and I'd like to become more knowledgable on other philosophers and their ideas.

    1. Hi Ally! I am also from Memphis. My father loves getting to the bottom of the unknown and trying to find the thought process behind the unknown is what I like to do. I like listening to other people's ways of thinking especially those who have been here for a long time. I hope you enjoy the semester!

  49. H2:
    Hello, my name is Aidan Taylor. I enrolled in this class because I believe that philosophy is very integral and important part of life, and I would really like to explore it and understand it much greater than most people.

  50. Hello, my name is Jairo Perdomo and I am a criminal justice major here at MTSU. I'm here because I love ancient history and understand that it is not complete without knowledge of philosophy that shaped many great figures of antiquity (Although this is true for all of history.)

  51. H2:
    Hello! My name is Sawyer Crain, and I am a nursing major in my freshman year. When choosing my classes for the semester, this one stuck out for me in particular due to how intriguing I find the study of human nature. There's a lot to life that confuses me, but I'm hoping to find new perspectives here.

  52. Hello! My Name is Hadleigh Flowers. I am a freshman studying aviation with a pro-pilot concentration. I plan on looking into a dual concentration with dispatch. My advisor reccommended I look into taking an honors course this semester, and this is the one that stood the most out to me. I have always been fascinated by psychology, and have grown to be more interested in philosophy. I love learning especially when it deals with how and why people and things are the way they are, as well as learning about new perspectives. A friend of mine took a dual enrolment psychology class a couple years ago in highschool. I remember reading over her readings and assignments with her wanting to go through the same course eventually. One thing that really stuck out to me, from her readings, was a quote that said, "Do you think your choice is okay or optimal for the world if every single person were to do it?" I often think about this when I am faced with an unfamiliar choice. Anyways, I am very excited.

  53. Hello my name is Traden Davis (#3). I am a freshman majoring in Aviation with a pro pilot concentration. I'm from Atlanta, Ga and I picked this class because I've heard of a few philosophies before and it sounded pretty interesting.

  54. Hello! My name is Elloise Layus, I'm a Music Theory/Composition Major and I am taking this class because I have always been really interested in Philosophy. Sometimes it tied into some of our AP Literature topics, so I'm really excited to learn more!

  55. Hello! My name is Andrew Griffith, and I am in class #3. I am a paleoanthropology major! I am taking this class because I have always been interested in Philosophy.

  56. My name is Alayna and I'm in H1. I'm a psychology major, and I chose this class because honestly I needed another class, but I thought philosophy might be interesting, as long as it doesn't cause an existential crisis.

  57. Hello! My name is Brooke Hale. I am in class #H03. I am a Political Science: Pre-law Major. I am taking this class because philosophy has always interested me. Allowing your brain to form your personal opinion on controversial questions about life is so intriguing!
