Up@dawn 2.0 (blogger)

Delight Springs

Monday, August 12, 2024

Welcome, CoPhi class of Fall '24!

Welcome, Intro (aka CoPhilosophy or just CoPhi) Honors class of Fall '24. The syllabus is under construction and coming soon. Meanwhile, these are the texts (which I'm happy for you to access on any and every platform you find useful: book, ebook, or audiobook):


  • Nigel Warburton, LITTLE HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY (Note: etext is linked in the right sidebar)
  • Susan Neiman, WHY GROW UP: Subversive Thoughts for an Infantile Age
  • John Kaag, SICK SOULS, HEALTHY MINDS: How William James Can Save Your Life
  • Eric Weiner, THE SOCRATES EXPRESS: In Search of Life Lessons from Dead Philosophers

RECOMMENDED (and available for 3-day checkout at the library):

  • Mariana Allesandri, NIGHT VISION: seeing ourselves through dark moods
  • Kurt Andersen, FANTASYLAND: How America Went Haywire: A 500-Year History
  • Julian Baggini, HOW THE WORLD THINKS
  • Catapano & Critchley, eds., QUESTION EVERYTHING: A Stone Reader
  • Kaag & J. van Belle, BE NOT AFRAID OF LIFE: In the Words of William James
  • Robert Richardson, THREE ROADS BACK: How Emerson, Thoreau, and William James Responded to the Greatest Losses of Their Lives
  • Kieran Setiya, LIFE IS HARD: How Philosophy Can Help Us Find Our Way

See you soon.

Dr. Oliver

(posted to D2L)


UPDATE, Aug. 19:

Welcome, Intro to Philosophy (aka CoPhilosophy or just CoPhi) Honors class of Fall '24. The syllabus is now linked on our blogsite in the right sidebar. Go to the comments space under Introductions and introduce yourself: Introductions: who are you, why're you here?

If you read Laughing Without an Accent, scroll down and tell us what you thought of it. (If you didn't, tell us why not.)


See you on the 27th!


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