Up@dawn 2.0 (blogger)

Delight Springs

Thursday, February 25, 2021


(Posted this morning)

Don has left us, credential in hand. The Dean who first headed our Master of Liberal Arts program made sure of it, made sure Don got his diploma. Sometimes, in some ways, there is justice in this world. There'd be a lot more, if there were more people like Don... (continues)


(Posted Monday)
The big thaw is happening here now, puddles of melt-water and piles of slush, dotted by shrinking patches of white, are all around. The dogs finally got a decent walk yesterday. And I got to Zoom with Older Daughter in LA and Younger Sister in MO. That's the good news.

The sad news is that my student Don, who retired and returned to school when we began the Master of Liberal Arts program at MTSU several years ago, who has taken just about every class I offer, who rode with me to Dayton TN for the Scopes re-enactment a few summers ago, who is an expert on the history and significance of the women's suffrage movement, and who is just a capstone project away from finishing his degree, is very ill... (continues)

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