Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Aristotle & Wendell

 LISTEN. Today in Environmental Ethics we're receiving more Wendell Berry. 

I choose that word deliberately. Wendell's wisdom is a gift, a receipt to treasure. The astute hypothetical aliens who might ask for more Chuck would do well to ask for another Berry too.

In CoPhi it's time for Aristotle. That serendipitously coincides with the lead-off slot I've been graciously asked to fill in the Honors Fall Lecture Series

My CoPhi Section #12 will thus crash their party on the other side of campus at 2:40 this afternoon, where we'll consider Aristotle on friendship and happiness. I'm likely to bring Wendell into that conversation as well. I've already noticed some affinity between he and Socrates, now I think I also detect an Aristotelian strain in the farmer-poet from Port Royal. That does leave Plato the odd man out... (continues)

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