Monday, August 22, 2022


Looking forward to seeing you all on August 23. I'll tell you then why I prefer to call this course CoPhilosophy, why I call myself (and encourage you all to become) Peripatetic, and why I sometimes introduce this course on Opening Day with references to Monty Python's Argument Clinic, Brian Cohen, and Douglas Adams's whalePOV gun, and answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything. Extra (moral) credit to anyone who can translate and explain the philosophical significance of the Latin phrases Solvitur Ambulando and Sapere Aude, and who can find first base on a baseball scorecard (or diamond).

And since I'm also teaching Environmental Ethics this semester, I'll probably say a bit about the quotes in the sidebar under "A proper education" and "The college project"...

We mostly will NOT use D2L for online discussion and course support. We WILL use this site... where you'll find the syllabus, texts (required and recommended), and other information and resources. 

Before first coming to class (if you happen to have read your email and found this page before Tuesday) click on "Introductions" below and share your own. Click on "comments" below, tell us who you are, why you're here (in class, at school, on planet earth...), what you understand by "philosophy," if you have a favorite philosopher or a concise personal philosophy, and anything else by way of introduction. (Include your section #: #7-9:40; #11-1 pm; #12-2:40 pm.)

That'll get us started, before we dive into Little History of Philosophy, How the World Thinks, and our other texts. 

Enjoy the remainder of your summer, and get ready for some important and exciting conversations.


(Dr. Oliver)


  1. Hi! I'm Laney. I'm a freshman. I'm in section #11. I chose to take philosophy because I don't know much about it, but it is something that has always interested me but wasn't available as a class in high school. My limited exposure to philosophy makes me understand philosophy as the idea of studying the nature of humans and our lives. I'm excited to gain a deeper understanding of it during this semester!

    1. Hey Laney! I can't wait to learn more about philosophy too! I definitely also want to expand my knowledge on it too!

  2. I'm Betti, but you can call me Kara. I'm a sophomore. I'm in section #12. I think in order to get a feel on why I'm here, I should list out my top 3 priorities. In order of importance: 1) My best friends. They're my support system, and I'll drop everything to help them if anything happens to them. 2) My cat. She's my child, and I'll do anyhthing for her. 3) School. It is my goal to make a better life for myself and my loved ones, and school is the next step towards that goal. I like to think of philosophy as how people act and view the world and those around them and how we can use that experience to better the lives of those less fortunate or less privilaged than others. I don't really have a favorite philosopher because I tend to agree with some points but disagree with other points regardless of who the philosopher is. My own personal philosophy is just "why not, if it doesn't hurt anyone or yourself, then why not?" I'm excited to experience this class and see how this semester goes!

  3. Hello! My name is Leah. I am in class #12-2:40. I took this class because I needed a credit (obviously), but I am interested in this class because I want to know more about philosophy. I have somewhat understood philosophy as an elaborate attempt to understanding the whys of the world. There are so many things that are beyond human comprehension that the closest we can get to truly understanding the unknown is to pass information on to others and debate our findings. I have little to no knowledge in this field. Thus, I have no expectations for this class and simply hope to be surprised and become somewhat more knowledgeable.

  4. Hi, I'm Sydney! I am in section #11. I chose to take philosophy because I thought it would be an interesting way to get the credit that I needed. I hope to learn things that will widen my perspective on life. I don't really have a huge definition of philosophy. The word "philosophy" brings to my mind pictures of people with big brains, saying things about the world that no one had thought of in the most complicated way possible. A philosophy that I want to embody would be Colossians 3:12-17, which basically describes aspects of Jesus when it says to be kind, compassionate, humble, kind, loving, thankful, etc. I am excited for this class!

  5. Hello! I'm Reid. I'm in section 12 and I use he/they pronouns. I wanted to take this class because I've been fascinated by different perspectives and how people think. I know a few philosophers from a web series I watch where the creator helps both himself and the viewers solve relatable problems with both logic and compassion. I hope to dive further into philosophy and learn how to better handle harder questions I try to avoid.

  6. Hi! I’m Samantha. I’m a transfer student from lipscomb and I’m taking this class as a requirement for my major but am excited to learn. I think of philosophy as the study of wisdom, knowledge, and behaviors. I’m also in section #12!

  7. Hi! I'm Zakk. I am in section 7. I chose to take this class for a multitude of reasons. First, I needed the credit. Second, because I have always been interested in philosophy. I have always been incredibly interested in the way people think and the different takes and opinions on life that are out there. I find human thought fascinating. We can be so alike yet so different in our thought processes. The third reason I am in this class is because I need perspective. As an individual, I have reflected upon myself and learned that I need to see a different perspective than just my own. I chose to come to college because I know that I am capable of achieving great things, contrary to some peoples beliefs or perception of me. College for me had little to do with my parents and more to do with me. I want to prove to myself and to everyone that doubted me that I am capable and can be anything I want to be, I want to be successful and that is why I am in college. I am hoping for a great semester! Thanks so much! - Zakk Fowler

  8. My name is Heidi. I'm in section #7. I'm a freshman. I'm taking this class because I needed to fill a credit; however, I'm also interested to see if I enjoy the class. I understand philosophy as mankind's attempt to understand purpose. Whether an individual's personal philosophy stems from religion, relationships, activism, or anything else that makes them feel a wholeness of self or a sense of community, it's ultimately about fulfilling the need for purpose. I'm excited to see how my understanding of philosophy changes during this course and also how my perspective changes.

  9. Hi! My name is Kenny, I am a freshman, and I am in section #11. I chose to take philosophy because it has always been a subject that interests me (6th-8th grade at a college prep academy mostly, public high school did not offer it). I am at MTSU seeking a degree in audio production. While in college, I also hope to broaden my understanding of the world and, beyond that, our very existence. I look forward to the discussions and debates this class may hold because, as Andrew Forsthoefel said at our Convocation, sometimes the best way to learn who you are is to listen. And maybe that can be the answer to a lot of other existential questions. To me, that is the goal of Philosophy. To use our collective human intelligence to evolve and develop in search of enlightenment.

  10. Hello! My name is Anlee and I am transfer student from Western Kentucky University going into my sophomore here at MTSU. I am in section #12. I chose learn about philosophy because I didn't get to do so in high school. I know somewhat about philosophy but don't really at the same time. That is why I chose to be in this class because I want to learn more to what I know somewhat of. I think philosophy is more of knowledge about the human life and how it evolves in many ways.

  11. Hi my name is Chloe, I am a freshman and I am in section 7. I wanted to take philosophy because I know very little about it. I'm hoping that it will help me to understand the way people think, which will help me in my future endeavors. When I think of philosophy, I think of studying why people chose to live their lives the way they do. I am very excited to engage in the class discussions because I think it will broaden my horizons.

    1. Aaron (Section #7)
      I think it's interesting how you hope this class will help you understand the way people think. I'm majoring in Sociology which is about understanding people, so I also like to figure out why people think a certain way. And in addition I also hope Philosophy will help give me more perspective on people.

  12. Hey, my name is Meghan, but you can call me M. I’m a sophomore in section 7. I know a little bit about philosophy, but I am excited to learn more. I am taking this class because I am interested in philosophy, and I needed to fill a credit. When I think of philosophy, I honestly thing about grey haired men with beards in togas discussing world views and ideas. I also think of people learning about different views from their own and how to actively and informatively defend their own world views.

  13. #7 Hi, I am Caroline Finklea. I am a sophomore and a film and video major. I am in this class because 1) it is a core credit and 2) it is an interesting topic that I would/will love to learn more about. My understanding of philosophy is that it’s the questions of life, death, and everything in between. It is a lot of opinions and debatable topics and questions that test your morals and ethics.

  14. Hello, my name is Abanoub and I am a freshman in section 7. I wanted to take philosophy because I needed the credit but also it's always been a very interesting topic to me, to the point that my whole YouTube feed is full of philosophy related topics. When i think of philosophy, I think of the study of questioning and seeking knowledge. I don't really have my own philosophy yet nor do i have a favorite philosopher.

  15. I'm Mia! I'm a sophomore in section #12. I don't know much about philosophy but i thought this would be a great class for me to understand more and broaden my education on a topic that interests me somewhat based on the course description!

    1. Hi Mia, I'm Anlee in section #12 as well!! I am the same way of my knowledge of philosophy like you. Can't wait to be in class with you!!

  16. Hello, my name is Rejgar Tovi, and I’m a freshman in section #7. I don’t know much about philosophy besides that the army is always quoting philosophers. I am taking this class because it is required for my major, and I hope to find a different way of thinking! I do not have a favorite philosopher.

  17. Hello, my name is Sabirin Elmi and I am in section 11. I chose to study philosophy for credit reasons but also because I find the subject/concept intriguing. I think philosophy means to learn and understand the ways the world and our minds work . I understand it as the pursuit of knowledge and the studying of our universe's big questions . I hope to gain valuable knowledge from this class.

    1. Hello Sabirin, I agree with you on what you think Philosophy means and also find the particular subject interesting as well.

  18. My name is Lydia Ashby and I'm a freshman in section #7. I'm here because I thought to myself "why not" so here I am. I know about Plato and that he sounds like playdough and that he was a "thinker" of ancient Greece but that's about it. I guess my favorite is Plato because he sounds like playdough and I think that's funny.

  19. Hi! My name is Seth Cook and I'm in section 11. I haven't taken any philosophy courses before, nor do I know much about the subject at all, but it's always seemed like my ideal form of existential questioning (and dread, of course). I don't have a favorite philosopher, but Aristotle's name is awesome, so I guess him.

    1. Hi Seth! I love existential questioning as well. I think Aristotle's awesome too. I hope you don't have an existential dread!

  20. Hello,

    My name is Jeffery Shaw. I am at MTSU to receive a degree (or degrees) and continue my education. I was originally planning on studying business - and still believe that is the plan - but changed my major to undecided before attending customs. I believe that life is all about learning and experience, but have recently began diving deeper into how it is that we are supposed to live this life. I encounter different arguments and opinions that shape how I view certain decisions and circumstances, as well as help me form my own opinions, and have began to understand the difference between 16 year old me two years ago (protected and oblivious) and 18 year old me today (with more questions than ever, and always wondering how my decisions impact my life and how I choose to live my life). That is my view of philosophy. Everything regarding life and decisions, and how everything plays out, along with mistakes made and lessons learned.

  21. Hello!
    My name is John Wright, however I prefer to go by my middle name Tyler. I am a sophomore and In section 12. I started at MTSU in 2014 and dropped out after 3 semesters. I started back a year ago and have been working to fix the mistakes I made when I first started out. It definitely took me awhile to understand what my purpose was, but I finally think I’ve figured it out. I currently work as a therapist for children who have disabilities and I have never felt more confident in myself and my purpose. When I first started out in college I took a philosophy class and realized I was way in over my head. However, now as an older, and at least slightly more mature individual, I feel like I’m more than capable of achieving my goals. I don’t really have a favorite philosopher, but I have found myself taking information from many different philosophers and books such as Plato, Socrates, Meditations by Marcus Aurelius, and The Art of War by Sun Zu. I can’t wait to meet everyone else in section 12 and have amazing discussions!

  22. Hey! My name is Josh Keifer. I am a freshman. This is my second day being at this university and it has been treating me very well. I have never taken a philosophy class before but I am fascinated with what it entails.

  23. Hello, my name is Cesar I am a freshman in section #11. I am pursuing a Psychology degree, i chose philosophy class mainly due to my own interest in the philosophical way of thinking. Recently I have felt that my way of thinking needed to evolve in order for me to navigate life in a more optimistic way. Which I feel like has made me into a new person almost, for the better. For a while I have had the " It is what it is" mindset, which I believe to be a form of stoicism. Philosopher Marcus Aureilus is popular a stoic who I seem to align ideals with yet I want to branch out to other forms of philosophy. I think this class is great way to expand my perspective on the world, learn how to navigate life, and to develop my own philosophy. It is interesting to learn how humans thought process change overtime as well as the mind overall. Looking forward to hearing other perspectives other than my own.

  24. hiya! i’m kait :)) i’m here at mtsu to learn, but i’m here on earth to teach. i want to be a history teacher, but aside from academics, i want to teach kindness and patience to everyone i meet. i don’t know very much about philosophy, that’s why i chose this class, but from what i do know it’s the study of human life and values and things like that. sorta how someone views life. i’m very excited to learn more!!

  25. Hello
    My name is Colby, I am a sophomore transfer student from Massachusetts. I moved here about 4 weeks ago and decided to apply to MTSU. I never had the chance to take this class in high school because they never offered it as a course. I don't know much about philosophy, but I hope to learn more about it the more I am in this class. What I do know about it is that it all has to do with reasoning and understanding human nature.

  26. Hello, my name is Will, I came to MTSU not only to get a college education, but to challenge myself on and academic and adult level. I want to be a history teacher as well as a baseball coach, and be the teacher/ coach I wish I had as a student. I chose philosophy as a gen-ed course, but I'm hoping to get more than a basic understanding and credit hours. I believe philosophy is the search for general meaning as a civilization. My philosophy is that there really is no one set correct belief, but it is possible to reach a general consensus as a people. Section 7 by the way.

  27. Hi! My name is Grecia (grey-sea-uhh) Landeros I am a freshman and I major in business entrepreneurship and minor in business administration. I tried to take philosophy in high school but never got the chance to, and it was recommended to me so I decided to take this class. I don't have a favorite philosopher, but hopefully taking this class I get the opportunity to find one I like. #12-2:40 pm

  28. Hi! My name is Hannah and I am a freshman. I'm majoring in social work and my goal is to get my masters in counseling. I want to help people that are struggling with a variety of mental illnesses. I wanted to take philosophy for one of my gen-eds because I thought it would be interesting to learn about! I've always been interested in learning about philosophy but it was not offered at my high school. I thought that this would be a great way to learn about it! I don't have a favorite philosopher since I don't know much about philosophy but I look forward to learning more and finding a favorite philosopher.

  29. Hey, my name is Carter, and im a freshman majoring in Filmmaking. My goal is to work in the film industry, either in post or in camera work. I took philosophy because ive always found it extremely interesting, but have never had the chance to actually study it. My favorite philosopher is Soren Kierkegaard, and i identify a lot with the concept of existentialism. I look forward to learning more about the history of philosophy as well as opposing viewpoints to my own!

  30. Hello my name is Emily in section #12 I'm a junior that's majoring in Animation. I chose to take philosophy because my family talking about them all the time. I want to learn more and broaden my horizons when it comes to philosophical questions. I'm looking forward to learning more about the topic!

  31. My name is Aaron, and I'm a freshman. I'm here at MTSU studying sociology in hopes of becoming an criminal profiler for the FBI. I think philosophy is the discussion of general world wide truths and how each individual person finds their foundational beliefs. I don't know enough about philosophy yet to have found a favorite philospher. I don't have an easily summarized philosphy due in part to that figuring out what I believe in is a long journey. Beliefs can change, so summarizing for me isn't easy for me at the moment.

  32. My name is Kaleb; I am in section #12. I am here to receive a proper and high quality education, and to broaden my horizons beyond where I otherwise would have been able to reach. I wish to take my experiences, both in and out of the classroom and be able to learn from them, applying them into my being in the search of growing as an individual during this transitional period of college life. My knowledge of philosophy currently stands as more surface level, but I wish to expand my knowledge and understanding as the semester goes on. If I had to name a favorite philosopher, I would gravitate to Lao Tzu -- 6th century BCE ancient Chinese philosopher, supposed author of the Tao Te Ching, and the man accredited with creating the philosophy and ideals of Taoism.

  33. Hi ! My name is Amy I'm in section #7 . I am a freshman majoring in Microbiology. I actually have never taken any philosophy classes so my goal throughout this semester is to have a better understanding of how philosophy works. In class today I actually learned that philosophy meant " love of wisdom" which means to me beliefs in which we all stand for . The interesting thing about that is the ideas and truths behind these certain beliefs. Attributes like values, reasons, mind, and language I think become very vital to understanding philosophy.

  34. Hey, my name is Mona. I am a freshman in section #7-9:40. I took philosophy because I believe it helps in broadening our knowledge. What I find interesting is that everyone has different believes and point of views, so knowing about them I think is kind of fun even though we don't all agree with each other.

  35. My name is Edgar I'm a freshman in section #12. I'm a finance major but decided to take philosophy because I have recently been extremely interested in Marcus Aurelius the former Roman emperor and Stoic philosopher, so thought by taking the class I would get to learn about more people like him and maybe figure out what I believe.

  36. Hey! Im William but I go by my middle name Cole. Im a freshman in section 12. To begin with, I never thought I'd go to collage, but end of sophomore year I moved high schools and met my girlfriend. Next thing you know its senior year and we decided wed go to MTSU together. So that's how I got here. I took this class because I've always enjoyed having these types of discussions with my father and figured id go a little more in depth while I'm here. I don't currently have a favorite philosopher but I'm sure that'll soon change.

  37. Hey! my name is Maggie. I am a freshman in section 12. I ended up at MTSU kinda out of the blue I had a lot of unexpected major changes in my life in June so I decided to not move into UTC (where I planed to go since beginning of freshman year) and stay closer to home. I don't know much about Philosophy but I am excited to learn more!

  38. Hey! I'm Nathan but I go by Nate. I am a sophomore in section 11. I decided to transfer to MTSU from UTC because this school benefits my major more than UTC, aswell as its closer to home. I chose to take this class because its one of my requirements for my finance major, aswell as I'm intrigued as to what ill learn from this class!

  39. Posted for Yesenia:

    Hello, my name is Yesenia. I am in section #11. For me philosophy is questioning your existence and searching for your answers. I am in this class for curiosity. I had previously heard there is a tie between philosophy and psychology, which is my major. I just wanted to learn more about it. I do not know philosophers to be able to have a favorite one. My personal philosophy would be : “Camarón que se duerme, se lo lleva la corriente.” Which Can be translated to : “Shrimp that falls asleep, gets carried away be the stream.” You are the shrimp in life.

  40. I try not to be the shrimp. But I also try to get a good night's sleep.

  41. My name is Jon and I am in section #7. Philosophy to me is the different ways people look at life and how to live. I took this class to learn about the history and to maybe find something out about myself. I don't have a favorite philosopher or a personal philosophy, but I hope to discover these things throughout this course!

  42. Hello my name is Cason, and I am in section 11. Philosophy, to me, can be anything from personal worldviews or beliefs to how you conduct yourself on any given day. I am a philosophy major because I find this subject extremely interesting, and I feel like it is an excellent degree to have when applying at law schools. Kant is my favorite philosopher I've encountered so far in my studies.

  43. Hi my name is Taylor but I go by my middle name Chace. I am in section #7. I am a transfer student this year.I am in this course because I had a professor at my last college who loved talking about philosophers so it sparked my interest. Philosophy to me is the idea, or knowledge of how the world works. I do not currently have a favorite philosopher but I am sure I will once I finish this course.

  44. My name is Eli and I’m in section #7 I’m kind of excited about philosophy. I think it will be mind opening. I’m excited to take the class outside of the classroom. I am also a business major and a sophomore.

  45. My name is Matthew and I am a transfer student this year. I am here at MTSU to pursue a degree in audio engineering. Philosophy to me is the different perspectives of life and the world. i do not have a favorite philosopher but hopefully that will change as we get further into class.

  46. Hi, my name is Ariana I am in section #11. The reason I choose this class was because I wanted to understand more about our existence. I believe that philosophy is about looking at different viewpoints and understanding each side to it and as Leah previously stated on her comment the "why's" of the world, which I personally believe best defines philosophy. As of yet, I do not have a favorite philosopher, however that will most likely change as the semester progresses.

  47. Hi! I'm Ardiola. I am in section #11. I chose to take philosophy because I believed it would help me further my critical thinking skills and provide me with the tools to understand and discuss complex ideas. I understand philosophy as an attempt to identify and answer questions about our reality. In taking this course I hope to use what I learn in my academic career and personal life.

  48. Hi, my name is Daisy Gonzalez and I am a junior with a Graphic Design major. I chose to take Philosophy because I am very curious by nature and love to question everything. I consider myself to be very philosophical naturally. I hope to learn about more less-known philosophers and their philosophies since I only know the most infamous ones. Lastly, I believe philosophy is a way of thinking that questions all due to the innate pursuit of becoming more knowledgeable. I posted this again in case the first one didn't work!

  49. Hi, my name is Sophia and I am in section seven. I am taking philosophy, because it is one of my majors. My other major is political science, and I plan on attending law school when I graduate at mtsu. I have always been interested in philosophy, because it becomes relevant in many of my day to day conversations.

  50. Hey there! My name is Simone and I'm in section #7. I chose to take Philosophy because I want to learn about others' perspective about the world we live in. Philosophy to me is the lens that someone sees through. I don't know too terribly much about Philosophy other than what was covered in high school. Hopefully that will change by the end of the semester!

  51. Hi, I'm Gabriel. I'm in section #12. I'm here at MTSU to learn and, hopefully, capacitate myself to become a better professional. I do not know much about philosophy, besides that it means "love for wisdom/knowledge" or something similar. I don't have a favorite philosopher either, but I've heard a few stories and phrases from Seneca and I liked it very much.

  52. Hi, I am Alex Hulshof. I am in section #7. I am studying business management at MTSU and chose this school because it is close to home. I am taking philosophy because I need the credit, but I am interested in learning more ab philosophy and what is has to offer me. I don't know much about it, and only know the great philosophers like plato.

  53. Hello,
    My name is Jacob and I am in section 7. Although already taking three philosophy courses prior to this, I never really gained a fundamental background on the subject in terms of its origins. My understanding of philosophy on a personal level is the subjective lens through which each of us see and interpret the world. One's philosophical identity acts as a reference point to help them navigate through judgments, decisions, and ethical conundrums that are encountered on an everyday basis. Since I still don't have a great understanding of the idealogical background of most famous philosophers, the one that has impacted me the most is a modern day one who has introduced me to insights and beliefs that (some of which) I now hold close to the way I navigate through the world. For example, my beliefs about free will, mindfulness, and compassion have all been adapted after introduction this person.

  54. Hi, my name is Isaak. I am a freshman bio major in section #11-1 pm. I chose to take philosophy, because I rather enjoyed the way AP Psychology altered the way I perceived the events around me I, and hoped that this would do the same. At the moment I only really have a basic understanding of the subject and know of the likes Aristotle, Rene Decarte, Ralph Waldo Emerson, et cetera so I am quite eager to learn more. If I had to name my favorite philosopher it would probably have to be Henry David Thoreau.

  55. Hello, my name is Cole. I am in your section 7 class and currently I am undecided in my major but I will hopefully change that by this winter. I chose to take Philosophy because I wanted to learn about why certain people think the way they do and why certain groups of certain ideas are more out going with their beliefs than others. My favorite philosopher would have to be Socrates or Aristotle.

  56. Hi, my name is Griffin and I am inyour section 7 class. I am a 2nd year chemistry major. I never had an interest in philosophy till earlier this year when my roommate recommended me to take this course. Due to this late interest in philosophy I don't really have a favorite philosopher but I am interested in how philosophers have played a major role throughout history and how they have and continue to shape our society.

  57. Hello, my name is Delanney Hight, I am twenty years old and just recently switched my major from nursing to social work. I think social work is the right fit for me because I love to help people and love kids. Foster care is what I will be going into I believe and I want to change the world and prevent kids from being in homes that are unhealthy for their mental, physical, and emotional well beings. Philosophy would be good for me taking to learn wisdom and to listen first then speak, and that'll work real well with the career I'm going into, so that's why I'm taking this class!

  58. Hey, my name is Noah and I’m in section #7. I’ve heard a little bit about philosophy and I took this class because it seems somewhat interesting and it’s the only class I could find when signing up at customs. Im a freshman and looking forward to learning about philosophy

  59. Hello, I am Devon. I am in section #12, and the reason I am taking Philosophy is because it will make me think. Although we may never be able to actually know or understand, it is the fact we think about the topics that allows us to grow. I do not yet have a favorite Philosopher, but with this class I hope to. My basic understanding of Philosophy, is that it is humans questioning what it is to have sentience. Unlike phycology and sociology, that ask what makes you do the things you do. Philosophy questions, what do humans believe in? Morals, ethics, religion? Or nothing?

  60. Hi I'm Sam, im 18 and this is my first year at MTSU. I took this class because my highschool didnt offer a philosophy course and I wanted to see what it was like.

  61. Hello, I'm Alexa. I am a freshman and I am in section 11. The reason I am taking philosophy because I am a psychology major and I believe that this course will give me a bit more information that can help me with my major. I also have no clue what philosophy is about. I know a brief description of what the subject is about but I know there is more to this course. I was also recommended to take this class by my older sister.


  62. My name is Rumi Arif Wein, I am 17 and a Freshman at MTSU. I came here because of the Audio Production program which is quite acclaimed. I have been looking for an escape from my home town in New Hampshire since I can remember, and my passion for learning is being cultivated by MTSU; thats what I was looking for. My favorite philosophy is the mystic philosophy of the Sufis and the spiritual philosophy of Siddartha, Buddha. My family are immigrants, and are very close to our culture, so I have been interested and practicing Meditation since I was a Baby. I like to think my Philosophy is centered around the ideas I've learned from spirituality, and growing up inclined to a Marxist theory of economics. I like to engage in conversation about those sort of things, and I love to learn from other people. I am currently feeling very new and very grateful for this opportunity to come here; so I may be to myself, but I am very very open to new people. #11

  63. 11# What it do, my parents named me Wilder cause they knew id be famous. I'm not yet but i like to be optimistic. I've come to Mtsu for a somewhat controversial but unbelievably interesting reason. Drugs lol.
    Psilocybin is a naturally occurring psychedelic drug found in countless mushrooms and they've been ingested by humans since we were still climbing in trees. Every modern study involving psilocybin and mental health shows that after just a single dose you can drastically reduce symptoms of depression, anxiety, ptsd, ocd, and countless other related conditions. It can also help cure addictions from gambling to meth I mean it is REDICULOUS that psilocybin is still illegal ESPECIALLY since we knew how good it was back in the 60s before it was even made illegal. On the bright side, since it was made illegal, we still know very little about the molecule and how exactly it interacts with the brain. And with the laws regarding psilocybin loosening up, i might actually be able to have a job researching and experimenting with it which is pretty much the dream. Id also like to mention the mind altering effects are powerful and the impacts it has on your personal philosophy and philosophy in general are incredible. Plato himself partook in psychedelic ceremonies which very likely helped him form his philosophies. google it.
    Other than that stuff, I'm pretty uninteresting but i got mad shroom knowledge.

    1. What up Wilder! This is Rudolph #11 and I loved your post. I find it all very interesting. I for one did not know that shrooms were used for so many medical reasons. 😅 I can tell that you are truely passionate about the subject, I have no doubt that your passion will propel you into your desired field. I personally, agree with Plato in that a person has to think beyond to truely see the big picture. Researching Shrooms and finding out all the benefits they may offer the world is just part of thinking beyond. I hope to hear your name again in the future and see more medical uses with Shrooms. Good luck friend.

  64. Hey! I’m Tyler, and I’m a freshman this year. I’m in section #12. I would like to say that I’m here because of one specific conversation I had with a person. I used to be a journalist for my school's newspaper, and one time I was assigned an interview, but it turned out that my interview-ee was very much into Philosophy, and with everything questions or point I would make, they always had something to question back at me. And by the end of the interview, I was very confused, but it a good way. What was supposed to be only a thirty-minute interview ended up being a three-hour conversation, and as a person who isn't incredibly great with social interactions or speaking up for something I think, I just walked away from that conversation feeling great, so I wanted to join this class to keep doing that.

  65. Hello, my name is Scarlett and I am freshman majoring in psychology. I'm in section #12. when I seen the list of classes my advisor wanted me to choose from I got a little scared because none of them really looked intriguing but then I seen philosophy on the list. I've always been an avid reader so it got my interest none the less. I've met a few people that were super into it and I just thought the readings were too complicated to try. so this is me giving it a shot and wanting to sound more sophisticated when I engage in conversations.

  66. Hello everyone! My name is Rudolph Serrato (#11), philosophy has always peeked my intreast. Although I am not majoring in philosophy I decided to take this class to learn more about the subject. I have a natural desire to experience more of life and all the wonderful lessons life has to teach. One of my favorite things about philosophy so far is that there is always multiple ways to discuss a topic or someone else's point of view. The exploring both sides of the coin is something I have always been thought. As I continue to read and learn more about our great philosophers of the past, I have not just thought of each side of the coin but now find my self wanted to go further with questions such as who's coin is it? Or where did the coin come from? Any background to said coin? Lol 😅 and that's what I personally feel like is one of the best parts of philosophy and taking this class. I look forward to meeting everyone and hope to have a great time!

  67. Hello, my name is Nathan Sysenkham (#12) and I'm currently a freshman interested in philosophy. Although, I am not too familiar with philosophy and what is has to offer I think I have a decent understanding. One of the reasons I am taking this class because I am very interested in other people views/beliefs. I believe there is never enough knowledge you can obtain and there would be no reason to not learn from me. Also, I believe the more knowledge you hear puts you ahead of the curve compared tot people not opened to hear anything. I am ready for what all there is learn this semester!
