Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Midterm report presentations

UPDATED 10.19 Let me know in comments below if you're still not on it.
Suggested topics. We’ll schedule three or four presentations per class, 10 minutes each plus discussion time. Your goal is to tell us something interesting and important about your topic that we’d not have learned by reading our assigned texts. Indicate your top two preferences in the comments space below, remember to include your section #. When midterm presentations conclude we'll commence final report presentations, in the same order. (Your final presentation can be a continuation of the midterm topic, or you can select a new topic related to our concluding texts.)

If it's a nice day when you report, you can take us outside (so avoid being tied to a PowerPoint or other indoor-dependent tech).


SEP 27

1. Immanuel Kant vs. Jeremy Bentham: Is ethics about creating the greatest happiness for the greatest number?: #7 Griffin Kennedy, #11 Desiree Douthier


2. Arthur Schopenhauer's philosophy of pessimism: #7 Jon Blalock [This topic is available, if anyone wants to impress me at the last minute. -jpo]

#11 Hannah Crumley, Leah Knight #12


3. The rise of virtue ethics: Lydia Ashby #7, #11 Sabirin Elmi, Daisy Gonzalez #12


4. [FL 19-20 or HWT 20-22] Kaleb Toon #12


SEP 29

1. Charles Darwin's natural selection: its importance for philosophy: #7 Sam Hutto, #11 Alexa Nolan, Betti Houser #12


2. Karl Marx's revolutionary philosophy: Amy Menendez #7,  Seth Cook #11, Edgar Reyes #12


3. Moksa: Heidi Engle #7, Rumi Wein #11, Emily Seeto #12


4. [ FL 21-22 or HWT 23-24]



1. William James's pragmatic philosophy: #7 Matthew Zipp, #11 David King, #12 Chris Barnes


2. Friedrich Nietzsche's philosophy: What's an "ubermensch"? What is "eternal recurrence"?: #7 Cason Neill #11, John Wright #12


3. Freud’s Civilization and Its Discontents OR The Future of an Illusion: #7 Will Abell, #11 D'Andre Phillips, #12 Mia Hubbard


4. Nietzsche and Dostoevsky on Nihilism, David King #11

[FL 23-24 or HWT 25-26]


OCT 6 - Exam 1 (So probably time for just one or two presentations today) 

1. Bertrand Russell's "Why I Am Not a Christian" or "The Conquest of Happiness" : Chloe Rush #7, Cesar Zapata #11


2. The French Existentialists (Sartre, de Beauvoir, Camus): Jon Blalock #7Kenny York #11, Kharis Djao #12


3. The distinctiveness of American pragmatism: Will Abell #7, Laney #11, Josh Holmes #12


4. [HWT 27-28]


OCT 13

1.Ludwig Wittgenstein’s philosophy: Cole McBee #7, Wilder Strong #11, Josh Keifer #12


2. Hannah Arendt on “the banality of evil”: Savannah Spann #7, Isaak Cadet #11, tyler walker #12


3. Karl Popper & Thomas Kuhn on philosophy of science: #7 Alex H, Sydney Boyce #11, samantha pleitez #12


4. Phillipa Foot’s & Judith Thomson’s thought experiments: Benjamin Anderson #7, Yesenia Garcia #11; Grecia Landeros #12



OCT 18

1.  John Rawls’ theory of justice: mona ikbariah #7, Ardiola Medi #11, Devon McNeal #12


2. Alan Turing & John Searle on Artificial Intelligence: Aaron Petty #7, Reid Robertson #12


3.Peter Singer’s utilitarian philosophy Sophia Williams #7, Karissia Gonzalez #11, Gabriel Rocha #12


4. Free Will in relation to John Rawls' theory of justice, Jacob Cuva #7

5. Aviree Moore #11 Dante Alighieri's philosophy of morality and judgement (Divine Comedy)

OCT 20

1. Meghan Hodges #7 Hypatia (her history and death); Ariana Arenas #11 Hypatia's history, her endurance in a patriarchal society, and death; 

2. Ashley G #7 Diogenes of Sinope: one man's peculiar approach to philosophy; Rudolph Serrat #11 Diogenes and his Cynic philosophy

3. Delanney Hight #11 Laura Bassi's feminism; Reid #12 Why philosophers ask questions 

4. [WGU -p.122. FL 31-32] Rejgar Tovi- #7, Nathan Buckley #11, William McDonald #12

   --Some topic suggestions related to WGU: Kant on Enlightenment; Orwell and Huxley on dystopia; Jean-Jacques Rousseau's philosophy of childhood education in Emile; Rousseau's relationship with David Hume; Voltaire's view of  Rousseau; Rousseau and Kant on the meaning of freedom; Rousseau's character flaws in relation to his philosophy; Hannah Arendt on natality; Nietzsche's "metaphysical wound" (see p.93); Philosophy's role in helping us grow up; ...


OCT 25 

1. [WGU -p.165] Kayla Pulling #7, William James #7, #12 Nathan Sysenkham

   --Some topic suggestions related to WGU: How education, travel, and/or work may contribute to growing up; the importance of raising free and happy children (and how to do it); the impact of the Internet on brain development, attention, etc. (see p.145); Rousseau on walking (see Reveries of the Solitary Walker); ...

2. [FL 33-34] Noah Ferguson #7


OCT 27 

1. [WGU -p.165-192. Simone Dobelbower #7

    --Some topic suggestions related to WGU: Kant, Arendt, Hegel, and/or Marx on the meaning of work; Paul Goodman's Growing Up Absurd "Planned obsolescence" (see p.178); Herbert Marcuse's One Dimensional Man and the culture of advertizing; ...

2. [FL 35-36] Abanoub #7


  1. mona ikbariah #7
    - John Rawls’ theory of justice
    - Alan Turing & John Searle on Artificial Intelligence

  2. Cason Neill #11
    1. Friedrich Nietzsche's philosophy: What's an "ubermensch"? What is "eternal recurrence"?
    2. Bertrand Russell's "Why I Am Not a Christian" or "The Conquest of Happiness"

  3. Betti Houser #12
    1) Charles Darwin's Natural Selections: it's importance for philosophy
    2) Alan Turing & John Searle on Artificial Intelligence

  4. Reid Robertson #12
    1) Charles Darwin's Natural Selections (specifically focusing on inherit curiosity)
    2) Alan Turing and John Searle on Artificial Intelligence

  5. Chloe Rush #7
    1. Bertrand Russell's "Why I Am Not a Christian"
    2. John Rawls' theory of Justice

  6. Meghan Hodges section 7
    1) Hypatia (her history and death) This is my major preference!!!
    2) Ancient mythology and the emergence of philosophy

  7. Laney #11
    1. The distinctiveness of American pragmatism
    2. The French Existentialists

  8. Sydney Boyce, #11
    1. Karl Popper & Thomas Kuhn on philosophy of science
    2. Alan Turing & John Searle on Artificial Intelligence

  9. Isaak Cadet #11
    1. Hannah Arendt on “the banality of evil”
    2. Friedrich Nietzsche's philosophy: What's an "ubermensch"? What is "eternal recurrence"?

  10. Devon McNeal, #12
    1: John Rawls' Theory of Justice
    2: Karl Marx's Revolutionary Philosophy

  11. Leah Knight #12
    1. Arthur Schopenhauer's philosophy of pessimism
    2. Bertrand Russell's "Why I Am Not a Christian" or "The Conquest of Happiness"

  12. Daisy Gonzalez #12
    1.) The Rise of Virtue Ethics
    2.) Ludwig Wittgenstein’s Philosophy

  13. Josh Holmes #12
    - John Rawls theory of justice
    - The distinctiveness of American pragmatism

  14. Kaleb Toon #12
    1. HWT 20-22
    2. Karl Popper & Thomas Kuhn on Philosophy of Science

  15. John Wright #12

    1. Friedrich Nietzsche's philosophy: What's an "ubermensch"? What is "eternal recurrence"?

    2. Freud’s Civilization and Its Disconents OR The Future of an Illusion

  16. Kharis Djao #12

    1. The French Existentialists (Sartre, de Beauvoir, Camus)
    2. Alan Turing & John Searle on Artificial Intelligence

  17. Amy Menendez #7
    1. Karl Marx's Revolutionary Philosophy
    2. William James's pragmatic philosophy

  18. Aaron Petty #7
    1. Alan Turing and John Searle on Artificial Intelligence
    2. Charles Darwin's Natural Selection: Its Importance to Philosophy

  19. Cesar Zapata #11
    1. Rene Descartes " Could you be dreaming?"
    2. Bertrand's Russell's " The conquest of happiness "

  20. tyler walker #12
    1. Hannah Arendt on "the banality of evil".
    2. Peter Singer's Utilitarian Philosophy.

  21. Wilder Strong #11
    1.Ludwig Wittgenstein’s philosophy
    2.The distinctiveness of American pragmatism

  22. Lydia Ashby #7
    1. Rise of Virtue Ethics
    2. Peter Singer's utilitarian philosophy

  23. Heidi Engle #7
    1. Moksa
    2. Hannah Arendt “the banality of evil”

  24. Benjamin Anderson #7
    1. Phillipa Foot’s & Judith Thomson’s thought experiments
    2. The Rise of Virtue Ethics

  25. Aviree Moore #11
    1 ~ Dante Alighieri's philosophy of morality and judgement (Divine Comedy)
    2 ~ Epicurean Stoicism: Epicurus

  26. #12 Gabriel Rocha
    1. Hannah Arendt on “the banality of evil”
    2. John Rawls’ theory of justice

    1. Your first two preferences had already been requested. Please make another selection.

    2. #12 Gabriel Rocha
      1. Peter Singer’s utilitarian philosophy
      2. LH 34-37

  27. Yesenia Garcia #11
    1. Phillipa Foot’s & Judith Thomason’s thought experiment
    2. John Rawls’ theory of justice

  28. Josh Keifer #12
    Karl Marx's revolutionary philosophy
    John Rawls’ theory of justice

  29. Most of you who've indicated your preferences so far have been accommodated. Some others have also been scheduled. If you've not yet been scheduled, take a look at the remaining opportunities after Oct 6 and indicate below if you have a preference.

  30. Jon Blalock #7
    1. The French Existentialists (Sartre, de Beauvoir, Camus)
    2. The distinctiveness of American pragmatism

  31. Ariana Arenas #11
    1. The French Existentialists (Sartre, de Beauvoir, Camus)
    2. John Rawls’ theory of justice

  32. Ariana Arenas #11
    Hypatia's history, her endurance in a patriarchal society, and death

    1. Hypatia is your preferred topic? Not the Existentialists?

  33. Ardiola Medi #11
    1. John Rawl's Theory of Justice
    2. The French Existentialists

  34. Kenny York #11
    1. The French Existentialists
    2. Peter Singer’s utilitarian philosophy

  35. Cole McBee #7
    1. Ludwig Wittgenstein’s philosophy
    2. Peter Singer’s utilitarian philosophy

  36. 1. Diogenes of Sinope: one man's peculiar approach to philosophy

  37. Sophia Williams section 7
    Peter singer's utilitarian philosophy
    The French existentialists

  38. Will Abell #7
    1. The distinctiveness of American pragmatism
    2. Peter Singer's utilitarian philosophy

  39. Rejgar Tovi-Section 7
    1. Ludwig Wittgenstein’s philosophy
    2. Peter Singer’s utilitarian philosophy

  40. i do not have a preference, but i do wish to do it at one of the later dates as to prepare as well as possible.

  41. Jacob Cuva #7

    Request Topic: Free Will in relation to John Rawls' theory of justice
    OCT 18th

  42. Savannah Spann #7
    1. Hannah Arendt on “the banality of evil”
    2. Peter Singer’s utilitarian philosophy

  43. Josh Keifer #12
    I would like to switch to a later date if possible. I forgot I had an economics exam on September 29th. Peter Singer's utilitarian philosophy or Ludwig Wittgenstein’s philosophy would be great. Thank you again.

  44. samantha pleitez #12
    Karl Popper & Thomas Kuhn on philosophy of science

  45. Reid #12

    I plan on doing my report on why philosopher's ask questions and how we got to even thinking about asking questions.

  46. David King #11

    Nietzsche and Dostoevsky's perspectives on Nihilism.

  47. Any volunteers in #12 for Karl Marx's revolutionary philosophy on Sep 29? -before I volunteer someone?

  48. Alex Hulshof #7
    1. Nietzsche and Dostoevsky on Nihilism
    2.Karl Popper & Thomas Kuhn on philosophy of science

  49. Laura Bassi- one of greatest female philosophers

  50. Aviree Moore #11
    1 ~ Dante Alighieri's philosophy of morality and judgement (Divine Comedy)

    1. Apologies: originally did it on my phone. Good for any time available to present.

  51. Laura Bassi- one of greatest female philosophers or
    Peter Singers utilitarian philosophy

  52. Grecia Landeros
    Phillipa Foot’s & Judith Thomson’s thought experiments
    Free Will in relation to John Rawls' theory of justice

  53. Kayla Pulling #7
    1. Karl Popper and Thomas Kuhn on philosophy of science
    2. Friedrich Nietzsche's philosophy: What's an ubermensch? What is eternal recurrence?

  54. Rudolph Serrat #11
    Request topic: Diogenes and his Cynic philosophy.

  55. Karissia Gonzalez #11
    1. Peter Singer's Utilitarian Philosophy
    2. WGU 122

  56. Please indicate below if you're not yet on the schedule.

    1. William McDonald #12 I have still not received a topic or day, thanks

    2. Nathan Buckley #11 I have not received a topic or date

    3. Simone Dobelbower #7
      I still haven't been put on the schedule yet

    4. I still need a topic
      Taylor Bawcum #7

  57. I still need a topic rejgar Tovi #7

    1. You're on the schedule for Oct.20: [WGU -p.122. FL 31-32]... Take a look at those texts, see if there's something there you'd prefer to report on.

  58. i need a topic Abanoub #7

    1. Take a look at FL 35-6, see if anything there interests you. For example: what's a "Squishie," and how is it like or unlike a Cynic? Or, what's up with Survivalists?
