Saturday, October 22, 2022

Questions Oct 25

WGU -p.165. FL 33-34

1. Kant's definition of maturity is what?

2. Education, travel, and work share what common purpose, ideally?

3. You're not grown-up if you've not rejected what? 

4. Why should languages and music be learned as early as possible?

5. What is the message of Rousseau's Emile?

6. What does it mean to love a book?

7. The internet, says Nick Carr, is a machine geared for what?

8. If you don't travel you're likely to suppose what?

9. What did Rousseau say about those who do not walk?

10. What is travel's greatest gift?

Discussion Questions
  • What are some other signs of being grown-up, besides the ability to think for yourself? 123
  • Are you good at accepting compromise? Are the adults in your life? 124
  • Have you "sifted through your parents' choices about everything"? 125
  • Do you "love the world enough to assume responsibility for it?" 126
  • Has your educational experience so far broken or furthered your "urge to explore the world"? Do you still "desire to learn"? 127
  • Should corporations like Coca-Cola be allowed to have "pouring rights" in public schools? 132
  • "You must take your education into your own hands as soon as possible." Did you? How? 140
  • Should the age of legal maturity be raised to match the age of brain maturity? 140
  • "Minds need at least as much exercise as bodies..." 141 Do you get enough of both forms of exercise? Too much of one or the other? Do you subscribe to Mens sana in corpore sano?
  • Do you love books and reading? 143 
  • Do you agree with Mark Twain?: "A person who won't read has no advantage over a person who can't."
  • Are you willing to go a month without internet? Or even a day? 148
  • Were Augustine and Rousseau right about travel? 150-51
  • Does group travel "preclude real encounters" with a place? 158
  • Do you hope to live and work one day in another culture for at least a year? Do you think it will contribute to your maturity? 162-3
1. Who was Mary Baker Eddy, and what was her basic idea?

2. How is Oprah like Ronald Reagan?

3. What's the "law of attraction"?



  1. Laney #11
    1. The ability to think for oneself
    2. They all strive to change the world views that we were born with, learn how people and places differ, and to build a backbone for the freedom we need in order to think differently
    3. If you haven’t rejected your parents choices
    4. They should be learned as soon as possible so you don’t have to regress so far as you learn it
    6. To love a book means to wrestle with it and to take it seriously enough to be unsettled by it
    7. Dividing attention
    8. You’re likely to suppose that your own cultural assumptions are rights and are the only one
    9. He said those that do not walk sit sadly like prisoners in a small closed up cage

  2. Kayla Pulling #7
    3. "a new thought of spiritual belief that positive or negative thoughts bring positive or negative experiences into a person's life."
    1. Mary Baker Eddy found Christian Science in the 19th century, her basic idea was to promote healings through mental and spiritual teachings.
    5. Young boys should avoid formal schooling and become educated by nature instead.
