Wednesday, October 19, 2022

John Rawls and what is just (Midterm Report Video)

 For this clip I discuss a bit about my interpretation of John Rawls' views on "who should deserve what" and other aspects of his Theory of Justice. Also, here are the discussion questions:

1) Do you think those who were born gifted deserve more than those who were not?

2) Do you think we chose our destinies, or do you think our decisions are made before we are consciously aware of them?

1 comment:

  1. "Life is unfair." Some who cite that quote--pretty sure JFK was not the first to say it--think it's the end of the conversation, but Rawls knew it's just the beginning. None of us chose our "initial position," and if justice IS fairness then none of us should be content with a random dispensation of goods and opportunities. People born with silver spoons (or feet) in their mouths don't deserve anything more than an opportunity to compete fairly.

    I do think we choose our trajectories, and that (as Will said) our destinies are less in the stars than in ourselves.

    Nice fast-paced video, Jacob. I don't know how anyone has the patience for so many cuts and edits, when I had to make pandemic videos I just let it rip-warts and all. Not sure anybody watched them anyway.

    Class, post your responses to Jacob's questions.
