Friday, September 23, 2022

Questions SEP 27

MIDTERM REPORT PRESENTATIONS BEGIN (Catch up on Berkeley, Leibniz, Hume, & Rousseau etc.); Kant, Bentham, Hegel, Schopenhauer-LH 19-23. FL 19-20, HWT 20-22....

REPORTERS, remember to give us at least a couple of discussion questions about your presentation. Questions about presentations may be included on exams.


1. Kant said we can know the ____ but not the ____ world. Can we?

2. What was Kant's great insight? Is this a credible form of "armchair philosophy"? Or does it also depend on experience?

3. What, according to Kant, is irrelevant to morality? Is it really?

4. Kant said you should never ___, because ___. Kant called the principle that supports this view the ____ _____.  Have you ever violated this principle? If so, do you regret it?

5. Who formulated the Greatest Happiness principle? What did he call his method? Where can you find him today? If everyone followed this principle would it be a better world?

6. Who created a thought experiment that seems to refute Bentham's view of how pleasure relates to human motivation? Would you opt for the machine? Why or why not?

7. What did Hegel mean when he spoke of the "owl of Minerva"? What did he think had been reached in his lifetime? What would Socrates say about that?

8. What Kantian view did Hegel reject? What would Kant say?

9. What is Geist? When did Hegel say it achieved self-knowledge? Does this seem supernatural and mystical to you, or could it be naturalistic?

10. What "blind driving force" did Schopenhauer allege to pervade absolutely everything (including us)? Could anyone really know that?

11. What did Schopenhauer say could help us escape the cycle of striving and desire? Is that the only way? Is that cycle really universal?


1. What one word most characterizes the ideal Chinese way of life?

2. Western suspicion of hierarchy is built on what?

3. What did the late Archbishop Tutu say was "the greatest good"?

4. What omission in western ethics would seem bizarre to the classical Chinese thinkers?

5. What is the most famous Confucian maxim?

6. Virtue is never solitary, said Confucius, it always has ____.


1. How, according to Scientific American in 1915, are motion pictures like drugs?

2. What came into existence simultaneously with America and created the concept of celebrity?

3. What place did film critic Pauline Kael call a "fantasy-brothel"?



  1. LH:
    1. Kant stated that we can know the phenomenal world, but not the noumenal one. I am not entirely sure of what he means by noumenal, but I do believe that many people see the world as it is displayed to them, and some people see a further vision of it.
    2. Kants greatest insight was that we could discover features of our own mind that created the tint in our minds. I believe that it is credible, however it may be more difficult to some to achieve this state of thinking.
    3. Sympathy. I agree with him.
    4. Lie, because it is morally wrong. A Categorical Imperative. Yes, and while it may not have been a serious situation, I do not regret it.
    5. Jeremy Bentham. The Felicific Calculus. Animal Welfare. No, because everyone has a different view of what makes them happy so if everybody did what they wanted to make them happy, some people would inevitably be unhappy.
    6. Robert Nozick. Absolutely not, I believe a life of illusion and without risk is not one worth living.
    7. Wisdom will only come at a late stage. Crucial stage in history.
    8. Rejected the Noumenal view. Kant would state that his idea is just another version of the tinted glasses.
    9. Spirit. Through the March of Reason. I believe that it is a rational idea. Reminds me of a Parapatetic view
    10. Will. I don't think so
    11. Art.

  2. HWT:
    1. Harmony Best describes the ideal Chinese way of life
    2. Western suspicion of hierarchy is built on two pillars. The first is a justice-based projection of oppressive political structures and the second is an embrace of the enlightenment ideal of the autonomous, free rational agent.
    3. He said the greatest good is social harmony.
    4. The omission of rituals in western society. Rituals are also important for nurturing social harmony but are often dismissed in the west
    5. Junzi. It means an exemplary person or a person of excellence.
    6. Neighbors
    Laney #11

    1. What do you think personally about Chinese philosophy?

    2. I like the idea of harmony, but after reading the chapter I don’t like the aspects of it where it’s taken so seriously that some people, for example, would spend all their money pleasing their parents desires for them rather than just living their own lives

  3. Chloe Rush #7
    1. Kant says that we can know the phenomenal world but we will never know the noumenal world. I do believe that we are able to see the phenomenal world but when it comes to the noumenal world, it is hard for me to imagine seeing the world other then phenomally, so, I'm not really sure.
    3. Kant mentions that sympathy is irrelevant to morality. I agree to some extent. While I do think you can have good morals without being sympathetic, I believe that being sympathetic can help you act on those morals.
    4. Kant said that you should never lie, under any circumstances because it is morally wrong. He puts it as the categorial imperative principle. Yes, I have violated this principle because my friends and I were put into a potentially dangerous situation. So, no, I do not regret it.

  4. mona ikbariah #7
    1- Kant said we can see the phenomenal world but not the noumenal world.
    2- Kant’s great insight was that with reason we can discover features of our mind that shape our experiences. Sitting in an armchair thinking hard, we could make discoveries about reality that had to be true, yet weren’t just true by definition: they could be informative.
    4- Kant said that a person should never lie because it is always morally wrong regardless of the situation. This principle was known as hypothetical imperatives.
    5- Jeremy Bentham formulated the Greatest Happiness principle. Bentham called his method the felicific calculus.
    6- Robert Nozick invented a thought experiment.

    1. What do you think about Kant's thoughts about the phenomenal vs noumenal world?

  5. Kant says that we can know the phenomenal world but not the noumenal world. While I think it is interesting to think of the world this way, I don't really think there could be any other world than the phenomenal world. We feel, and see, and smell, and taste. Therefore, to me, there is only the phenomenal world.

  6. LH
    1: Phenomenal, Noumenal. While we have direct access to the phenomenanl world, there are energies and feelings that we all get at different times throughout our lives or days that could be described in the noumenal world. I believe that intuition or other animalistic instincts that we were either born with or gathered throughout our lives could be described as noumenal.

  7. Kayla Pulling #7
    1. Daoism
    5. "Cultivation of the self is the root of social order. "
    3. Social Harmony
