Thursday, December 8, 2022

How Standardized Testing is Ruining our Education System Ashley Gracia#7


If the video is not working, please follow this link.

The video linked in the presentation can be found at this link. I recommend the entire video, but I only really discuss it up until the timestamp [2:44]


  1. The YouTube video worked, after a short delay to load.

    I agree with you & Alfie, the standardized approach is reductive and misleading. It reflects a great deal more, and less, than "intelligence"... and worst of all, it squelches the native curiosity of childhood and turns learning into a chore rather than the adventure it should be.

    You & Charley take care. Hope to see you around.

    1. I completely agree. It also takes away from what it means to be both a teacher and a child.
