Thursday, December 1, 2022

Right Wing Media In America

 Right Wing Media in America (Cesar Zapata #11) 

    The rise in media during the 1930s was centered on printing newspapers for the American people. Due to Franklin D. Roosevelt's passing, The New Deal Policy, many conservative corporations such as Hearst Communications and politicians collaborated to oppose the liberal policy. Many believed it went against conservative values, as the New Deal was suppressing individual freedom and gave too much power to the government. Gaining influence on the nation through newspapers led to the rise of conservatism. Although many newspapers today are liberal, it is important to acknowledge how they impacted Americans at the time. 

    Along with newspapers came broadcast radio talk shows. In 2007 there were 2570 hours of conservative talk broadcasted each day compared to only 254 hours for progressive shows. Statistically, the radio shows were 91% conservative dominant. According to The Center for American Progress Report, it was mainly due to structural imbalances and not popular demand.

      The Rush Limbaugh Show is an example of one of the most popular conservative talk shows.  Limbaugh had the most listened-to radio in America with roughly 15 million weekly listeners. He has made a name for himself as President Trump at the time awarded him the Medal of Freedom in 2020. He later passed away on February 17th, 2021 yet, over 31 years he has made an appeal to the conservative people through many controversial opinions.  The video below consists of many statements stated by Rush himself that could offend viewers, watch at your discretion. 


    As for today, it is clear that many conservative influencers have made a presence on platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. Donald Trump is the main figure as he was the 45th President of the United States. It is incomprehensible how many people follow his words as if they were sacred texts. 

View of How Did Donald Trump Incite a Coup Attempt? | tripleC:  Communication, Capitalism & Critique. Open Access Journal for a Global  Sustainable Information Society

    This tweet would later lead over 2,000 Trump supporters to raid the Capitol Building of the United States after the loss of the 2020 election. The last time was during The War of 1812 by British forces. His Twitter was later banned due to incitement of violence. He then voiced to his people that he would move to Parler where he could be able to say whatever he wants. 

    He made headlines with a public figure, artist  Kanye West after he was seen wearing the " Make America Great Again " red baseball cap in 2018. Kanye West tells Trump when he put on the hat that it apparently made him feel like Superman.  Recently he was with Alex Jones, another figure who has ideals alongside Trump. Where he praises the Nazis and acknowledges that he " sees good things about Hitler"

    Alex Jones himself was able to gather people together as Trump did yet through the use of conspiracy theories. He led people to believe that the Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting was staged and that the students were paid, actors. He targeted the parents of the kids and the followers backed Jones up as they harassed and threatened the victim's parents for years after his comments. He was later banned from social media platforms Instagram and Facebook. 

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