Up@dawn 2.0 (blogger)

Delight Springs

Friday, March 29, 2024

Questions APRIL 2

 WGU -p.165

1. Kant's definition of maturity is what?

2. Education, travel, and work share what common purpose, ideally?

3. You're not grown-up if you've not rejected what? 

4. Why should languages and music be learned as early as possible?

5. What is the message of Rousseau's Emile?

6. What does it mean to love a book?

7. The internet, says Nick Carr, is a machine geared for what?

8. If you don't travel you're likely to suppose what?

9. What did Rousseau say about those who do not walk?

10. What is travel's greatest gift?

Discussion Questions
  • What are some other signs of being grown-up, besides the ability to think for yourself? 123
  • Are you good at accepting compromise? Are the adults in your life? 124
  • Have you "sifted through your parents' choices about everything"? 125
  • Do you "love the world enough to assume responsibility for it?" 126
  • Has your educational experience so far broken or furthered your "urge to explore the world"? Do you still "desire to learn"? 127
  • Should corporations like Coca-Cola be allowed to have "pouring rights" in public schools? 132
  • "You must take your education into your own hands as soon as possible." Did you? How? 140
  • Should the age of legal maturity be raised to match the age of brain maturity? 140
  • "Minds need at least as much exercise as bodies..." 141 Do you get enough of both forms of exercise? Too much of one or the other? Do you subscribe to Mens sana in corpore sano?
  • Do you love books and reading? 143 
  • Do you agree with Mark Twain?: "A person who won't read has no advantage over a person who can't."
  • Are you willing to go a month without internet? Or even a day? 148
  • Were Augustine and Rousseau right about travel? 150-51
  • Does group travel "preclude real encounters" with a place? 158
  • Do you hope to live and work one day in another culture for at least a year? Do you think it will contribute to your maturity? 162-3


  1. H02 - WGU 1
    Kant defines maturity as being autonomous from other people and having your own thoughts.

  2. H02 - WGU 5
    The message of the book is that a natural education is more beneficial than the formal education that society supports.

  3. WGU 2
    Education, travel, and work share the common purpose of allowing us to understand others and ourselves in order to build the confidence we need to express ourselves and our opinions.

  4. WGU 3
    You are not a grown up if you have not rejected any of your parents choices. This is because their choices were made in a different time and not in the world that you now live in.

  5. WGU 4
    Languages and music should be learned as early as possible because they teach children that not everything worth learning can be learned by following natural inclinations. They also are better learned at a young age because you must start at the very beginning or “linguistic toddlerhood.” That is why they’ll be easier to learn for children rather than adults, because they don’t have to regress so far. Also, learning a second language as a child can mold your brain in a way that will make it easier to learn another.

  6. Jackson Stewart H01April 1, 2024 at 11:03 PM

    WGU #9
    What did Rousseau say about those who do not walk?
    "those who do not walk, sit 'sadly, like prisoners, in a small, closed-up cage."

  7. Do you love books and reading?
    No. When I was younger I read so much that my parents would threaten to ground me from reading instead of from the TV. As I've gotten older and been forced to read for classes, I've liked it less and less. I have an appreciation for books, but I just can't bring myself to read anymore.

  8. Do you agree with Mark Twain?: "A person who won't read has no advantage over a person who can't."

    To an extent yes. I think some people have natural advantages from luck, but the majority of people who put in no effort to extend their knowledge will not get further than people who unfortunately do not have the resources they need.

  9. Has your educational experience so far broken or furthered your "urge to explore the world"? Do you still "desire to learn"?
    It has furthered my urge to explore the world. Learning about history and science specifically have made me want to know so much more than just textbook information. I still have a strong desire to learn. That is why I want to be a teacher.

  10. https://www.canva.com/design/DAGAu76oG2A/HZRw-iKVPHO5-5mc1UqmPg/edit?utm_content=DAGAu76oG2A&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton Hannah Ferreira's presentation

  11. Kendal Johnson H03April 2, 2024 at 12:34 PM

    3. You're not grown-up if you've not rejected what?
    You're not grown-up if you haven't rejected your parent's choices.
    10. What is travel's greatest gift?
    Travel's greatest gift is getting to understand where you come from.
    4. Why should languages and music be learned as early as possible?
    Languages and music should be learned as early as possible because a child's brain is easily shaped by experience. If a kid learns a second language early it will be easy for them to learn a third or fourth language.

  12. Adriana Ramirez Speis H03 WGU
    1. Kant defines maturity as thinking for yourself.
    3. You’re not grown up if you haven’t sifted through and rejected some of your parent’s ideas and choices.

  13. 10. What is travel's greatest gift? Travel’s greatest gift is understanding where you came from.

  14. Are you willing to go a month without internet? Or even a day? 148 In my normal day-to-day life, I don't think I'd be able to go without the Internet just because I rely on it to do my schoolwork and communicate with people. However, if I was on vacation and had no obligations, I could definitely go without it.

  15. Have you "sifted through your parents' choices about everything"? 125
    I definitely think I have. As I've grown and come to form my own opinions of the world, there are ideas and ways of doing things from my parents that I've accepted into my own life and one's I have rejected. I think this is an important step for any young adult.
