Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Questions APR 11

 1. James wrote Principles of Psychology to answer what question?

2. What did Aristotle say about habit?

3. What realization would make young people give more heed to their conduct?

4. James complained in 1884 that what devoured his time?

5. James thought everybody should do what each day?

6. How is habit "the enormous fly-wheel of society"?

7. There is "no more miserable human being" than ...

8. There is "no more contemptible type of human character" than ...

  1. What are three kinds of grief? Have you experienced any of them?
  2. What's the closest KS has come to grief?
  3. What "five neat steps" of grief does KS say there is no evidence for?
  4. What stoic attitude did Epictetus say would prevent you from being grievously upset at the death of a loved one? What does KS say about that?
  5. What does KS say should be our goal with respect to grief?
  6. The fact that someone is not alive, says Julian Barnes, does not mean what?
  7. What does KS call Epicurus's attitude towards death?
  8. If we did not grieve, we would not ____.
  9. How do the Dahomey of Western Africa celebrate the life of the deceased? 
  10. What do conventions of mourning give us?

Discussion Questions:
  • Do you want to "be somebody"? What does that mean? Does it make happiness harder to achieve?
  • Does adult life make it harder to identify your "real" self? 70
  • Is it good that "habit is the enormous fly-wheel of society"? 77
  • Which comes first, happiness or laughter 87
  • Is it bad to entertain emotions you don't act on? Why?
  • Is habit, on balance, good for society?
  • Are there any small habits you'd like to gain or lose? What's stopping you?
  • COMMENT?: Are there any sequences of mental action you want or need to frequently repeat (or stop repeating)?


  1. 1. James wrote Principles of Psychology to answer what question?\
    How does life give rise to the human consciousness?
    2. What did Aristotle say about habit?
    “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence is not an act. It is a habit”
    3. What realization would make young people give more heed to their conduct?
    To realize that they will soon be fully formed of the habits they developed in their youth.

    1. 3. I have realized this the older I've gotten.There are so many habits I have developed as a child such as anxious/nervous habits. These have stuck around and have become even more a part of my life than when I was younger.

  2. SSHM 4
    In 1884, James complained to his tutor, Thomas Davidson, that teaching devoured all of his time without any intellectual profit. I can definitely see this happening. It is probably very difficult for a teacher to focus both on teaching the material to students while also having the time to continue their intellectual pursuits.

    1. As a future educator, I can definitely say that that is something I am worried about. However, I feel like I can learn more from my students than I could researching my own interests.

  3. SSHM 6
    Habit is “the enormous fly-wheel of society” because it is conservative in nature and implies a structured routine. James believed that habits were key to a good life but could also keep us in bounds. They prevent us from pushing barriers and taking risks.

  4. SSHM 8
    William James said, "There is no more contemptible type of human character than that of the nerveless sentimentalist and dreamer.” Here he talks about the importance of acting on thoughts and not just merely dreaming of them.

  5. Jackson Stewart H01April 11, 2024 at 12:00 AM

    LH #8
    If we did not grieve, we would not ____.
    "If we did not grieve, we would not love."
    LH #9
    How do the Dahomey of Western Africa celebrate the life of the deceased?
    "The Dahomey of Western Africa celebrate the life of the deceased with drinking, dancing, singing, and dirty jokes."

  6. H02 - LH 8
    I we did not grieve, we would not ____.

  7. H02 - 1
    James wrote Principles of Psychology to answer what question?
    How does life give rise to the human consciousness?

  8. 1. James wrote Principles of Psychology to answer what question?
    How does life give rise to human consciousness?
    4. James complained in 1884 that what devoured his time?
    James complained that his teaching duties devoured his time.
    2. What did Aristotle say about habit?
    "We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence is not an act. it is a habit."

  9. LH Adriana Ramirez Speis H03
    1. KS recognizes three types of grief: relational (lost or broken relationship), sheer loss of life and harm that befalls someone who dies. I have experienced all forms of grief.
    2. The closest KS has come to grief is watching his mother’s Alzheimer’s progress, though she is not dead.
    8. “If we did not grieve, we would not love.”
    9. The Dahomey celebrate life by drinking, dancing, singing and telling dirty jokes.
    10. Conventions of mourning “give a structure to grief it would not otherwise have.”
