Up@dawn 2.0 (blogger)

Delight Springs

Monday, September 30, 2024

FINAL WEEK to Register to Vote in Tennessee

 Register where you can most easily get to the polls after Fall Break. (There is no voting in Tennessee during Fall Break.)

If you are driving back home to vote, WHEN have you calendared to go? If you are voting absentee, WHEN did you apply for their absentee ballot?


Out of county students (with a TN DL) can register to vote in Rutherford County. Using their local address, they can register online: mtsu.edu/vote.


Out of state students (with a U.S. Passport) can register to vote in Tennessee, in Rutherford County. They must register on a paper form (available at VR tent on KUC knoll all this week, ADP office HONR 221, Gore Center TODD 128, Center for Education Media LRC 101S, Seigenthaler Chair BRAGG 271C).


Be registered. Be ready.


   Register to vote! mtsu.edu/vote

ADP MTSU Logo Fall 2013



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