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Delight Springs

Monday, September 23, 2024

Why Is Trump Spreading Rumors About Haitian Immigrants? Rousseau Knows.

 Inequality wasn't new to the 18th century. It had been a central attribute of the feudal world. But its ability to survive feudalism's decline during the Enlightenment was alarming, and it became increasingly important for Rousseau to understand the techniques by which it was maintained.

One tool that sustained inequality, Rousseau observed, was divisiveness. It is, he observed, in conditions of extreme inequality that cynical leaders would foment "everything that might weaken men united in society, by promoting dissension among them" and sowing the "seeds of real division." Those in power accomplish this, he speculated, by fostering a "mutual hatred and distrust, by setting the rights and interests of one against those of another."

In a world where a few have much and the many have comparatively little, political leaders seek to distract the people from the fact of their meager wealth and status. They can achieve this by pitting the relatively poor against one another. So long as the poor come to see other segments of their economic class as "the problem," the position of the rich and powerful is secure.

The rhetoric of division is, for Rousseau, a tool of distraction. This is why he elsewhere cautioned the people against being "seduced by private interests which some few skillful men succeed by their reputation and eloquence to substitute for the people's own interest." Namely, he worried about the talents of skillful demagogues.…


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