Meditations on First Philosophy
by René Descartes
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"René Descartes is a superb writer who, in his first Meditation (which is the one I'm recommending) takes skepticism—which is an unwillingness to assume anything, a philosophical stance where you question everything—about as far as it can go. Meditationsis written as if he is going through a process in real time, he's imagining himself sitting by a fire taking all the thoughts that he's had in his past, the different ways of acquiring information, cross-questioning himself about whether he could have been deceived about any of those, and employing what's come to be known as 'Cartesian Doubt'. It's not taking as true anythingabout which there is the slightest possible doubt. In ordinary life, that's not a way to behave." Read more...
Key Philosophical Texts in the Western Canon
Nigel Warburton, Philosopher
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