Wittgenstein- #5 William P. #6 Kal I.
Hannah Arendt- #5 Jadyn Cortes. #6 Adam S. #7 Sidney S.
FL 27-28-
Something in QE Part IV - Should speech be free?- #5 Inas I
Something in QE Part V - What is happiness?- #6 Liz E. #7 Alexzander P.
1. What was the main message of Wittgenstein's Tractatus?
2. What did the later Wittgenstein (of Philosophical Investigations) mean by "language games," what did he think was the way to solve philosophical problems, and what kind of language did he think we can't have?
3. Who was Adolf Eichmann, and what did Arendt learn about him at his trial?
4. What was Arendt's descriptive phrase for what she saw as Eichmann's ordinariness?
- Thoreau was among the first western philosophers to do what? How does this make him like Marcus Aurelius? Is that good, philosophically?
- What's the difference between wilderness and wildness? Is it good to be wild, in the Thoreauvian sense? Are you wild that way?
- What was Thoreau's view of the rationalism-empiricism debate, and the reliability of the senses? Do you agree with him?
- What's another way Thoreau is like Marcus, and how is he like Socrates? Do you "vacillate" too?
- Why did Thoreau say he went to live at Walden? Do you think such an experience would expand your sense of what it means to live and/or "see"?
- What did Henry David Thoreau do in 1844, at age 27? What American fantasy does Andersen say this epitomized? Do you agree? Do most Americans make an effort to live in harmony with nature? Do you?
Discussion Questions:
- Was Wittgenstein's main message in the Tractatus correct? 203
- What are some of the "language games" you play? (What are some different things you use language for?) 204
- Can there be a "private language"? 206
- "Eichmann wasn't responsible..." 208 Agree?
- Are unthinking people as dangerous as evil sadists? 211
- Is "the banality of evil" an apt phrase for our time? 212
- Was Popper right about falsifiability? 218
- Was Kuhn right about paradigms? 220
- How would you respond it you woke up with a violinist plugged into your kidneys? Is this a good analogy for unwanted or unintended pregnancy? 226
- Pro wrestling is obviously staged. Why is it so popular?
- What do Burning Man attendees and other adults who like to play dress-up tell us about the state of adulthood in contemporary America? 245
- What do you think of Fantasy sports? 248
- Was Michael Jackson a tragic figure? 250
- Is pornography "normal"? 251
I was quite confused on the whole language discussion until Wittgenstein’s example of the ‘S’ in the diary. This made his discussion on the private and public ways we use language clear to me. The idea that language cannot be private is interesting to me. I say this mainly because I initially thought of your inner voice or inner monologue everyone has in their head. Would your inner voice be considered a private language? Would thinking be considered a private language? I am curious on how Wittgenstein would answer this… do any of you have ideas on these questions?
ReplyDeleteI can not believe that Eichmann did not see a single thing wrong with his actions?! Did I read that correctly? He claims that he was just doing his job and that he never cared to think or see what he was doing or what his work did to others? That is the privilege of the highest evil… sending thousands of humans to their death and not caring once to think about what you are doing, and then having the nerve to quote Kant’s theory of moral duty— which also discusses human beings deserving equal respect— is BEYOND me??? My jaw was on the floor reading that, because to a level I can understand why he is saying it wasn’t his fault. He technically was following orders, but the thing that I can’t get over is that after all of this has happened he still denies what he did was wrong to a degree. He is trying to escape the trial as 100% innocent… which is absurd to me, because even if you were following orders he still didn’t have the nerve to question or ask what he was truly doing to the people… FOR HEAVEN SAKE HE NEVER EVEN SAW ONE OF THE TRAINS OF PEOPLE?! I think if he had been the one driving the trains or if he had actually cared slightly about people he would have seen how disgusting his job was and he would have mostly continued to do it out of fear, but then hopefully he would have acknowledged his part in the crime…
ReplyDeleteThe thought experiments about the trains in chapter 37 stumped me. I honestly do not know what I would do. It scares me to think I wouldn’t be able to move the switch and it would in turn be partially my fault for killing five people even though I would have saved one person. This is troubling to me, because I don’t know what to make of my decision. I would be devastated either way and blame myself for the death of either one or five people. I am curious on how you guys would answer this… would you flip the switch or let the train stay on the path?