Friday, April 1, 2022

Final report presentations

Final report presentations begin April 7, here are your assigned topics. 10 minutes, please. 

You can swap topics with a classmate prior to your respective reporting dates, with mutual consent obviously. Use the comments space below to do that.

As with midterm presentations, tell us more about your topic than we would have learned just from our assigned texts. Give us a couple of discussion questions, and possible exam questions.

You may choose to write about your assigned presentation topic in the final blog post (due April 29, but post earlier if you want possibly-helpful constructive feedback; author invitations to be sent soon)... or you can expand upon your midterm topic in the final blogpost.

Let me know if I've missed anyone. But be advised: If you've not been attending, you may be bumped from the presentation schedule.

APR 7 
  • Is Life Worth Living? by William James -- #6 Kloey   #9 Katie
  • Conspiracism in America, from John Birch to Q (FL 39) -- #6 Conor   #9 Connor
  • Science denialism (FL 40) -- #6 Frank   #9 Ella
  • The Dilemma of Determinism by William James -- #6 David  #9 Gerges

APR 12 
  • Anti-vaxxers (FL 41) -- #6 Becky #9 Nick
  • Gun violence in America (FL 42) -- #6 Sameria #9 Karmina
  • "Augmented"/virtual reality (FL 43) -- #6 Eden #9 Andrew Burton
  • The world of Disney (FL 44) -- #6 Weston #9 Austin (Daniel)
APR 14 
  • The Moral Equivalent of War by William James -- #6 Daniel #9 Philip
  • The Gospel of Relaxation by William James -- #6 Liam #9 Jarrett
  • Magical thinking in Silicon Valley and on Wall Street (FL 45) -- #6 Joseph #9 Kayla
  • Right-wing media in America (FL 46) -- #6 Aric #9 Michelle
APR 19
APR 21 


  1. Section 6
    My presentation topic is over The Dilemma of Determinism by William James.
    Discussion Questions:
    1. Do you happen to agree with James's idea of chance/indeterminism? Why or why not?
    2. Do you think other countries can have the same idea of libertarian free will, that people have in the US? Do you think it is a factor in why more might people agree with determinism?
    Test Questions:
    1. True or False - William James believed in determinism, disregarding the beliefs of chance. (False)
    2. What word did William James want to get rid of in the Dilemma of Determinism? (Freedom)

    1. My presentation:

  2. Section 9
    My Presentation will be over the Gospel of Relaxation by William James
    Discussion Questions:
    1. Is there a correlation between the Gospel of Relaxation and the ideal form of nihilism?

    Test Questions:
    The Gospel of Relaxation is a philosophy that claims that all problems with anxiety can be solved merely through faith and religion. (False)

    William James solely believed that while some people turn to religion for comfort, the only pragmatic solution to life is to be an atheist. (False)

  3. Section 6
    My presentation topic is Magical thinking in Silicon Valley and on Wall Street

    Discussion Questions:
    What are some other occurrences of magical thinking?
    How can we not fall into the trap of magical thinking?

    Test Questions:
    Chapter 45 of fantasyland covers what important American financial event?(2008 Financial Crisis)
    Magical thinking is always bad.(False)

  4. Section 9

    My presentation is on Williams James lecture, "Pragmatism Concept of Truth." As a pragmatist he believed that truth is someone's idea that through time and events would relieve weather their truth is fact or not. He uses the example of Japan, if someone had never visited Japan but believe Japan exists, how do they know that it truly does exist. Well, it simple, that person has the ability to validate their belief, however, it is not as easy to validate religion and moral codes for each individual. In the end of his lecture, he claims that regardless of what someone believes, as long as it is helping them become a better person, benefit society, and does not provoke harm on anyone else, then there is no reason to dispute their belief.

    Discussion Questions:
    Do you believe there is a point, that allowing someone to believe their “truth” should be disputed?
    What is the most important value that you believe individuals should possess to have a successful life/community?

    Test Questions:

    William James believed that as long as someone 'truth' was harmless then it was alright to continuing believing in. (True)


  5. Section #9

    My presentation was on "How a Philosophy Professor Found Love in a Hidden Library."
    John Kaag's book, "American Philosophy: A Love Story, " is an affirmation of a familial kind of love beyond the self that challenges some of the self-centered philosophy of the writers by highlighting some of the more intimate moments of their lives.

    Do you think that the love someone has in their life affects their ideas of philosophy?
    Is it better to believe in free will or determinism when it comes to love and marriage?

    Test questions

    What town was John Kagg driving to for organizing a conference on William James?
    What was Kaag’s book called?
