Friday, April 29, 2022

The Religion of Healthy-Mindedness/Apocalyptic religion

                                 Healthy-Mindedness/Apocalyptic religion

The Religion of Healthy Mindedness and Apocalyptic Religion both have something in common. This is the word religion. You may be asking what is Religion? Religion is the belief in and worship of a god or gods, or any such system of belief and worship. In these texts both authors are able to provide their insight on how they believe religion affects people. As well as breaking down what type of believers they think religion hosts.                                                            

                                    Walt Whitman 1819-1892

Walt Whitman was an american poet that had a heavy influence on the lecture The Religion Of Healthy-Mindedness and is considered to be one of the best poets in history. Walt is an example of a person who doesn't allow himself to feel evil. During his younger days Walt was transferred a lot from station to station because of how he criticized others. Walt later gained appreciation after getting recognized for his book Leaves of Grass. His positive attitude changed society's outlook on Walt making him a perfect example of someone that is Healthy-Minded. In the lecture Walt is spoken of as a person who doesn't exhibit or feel fear.  


                                        The Religion of Healthy-Mindedness

Regardless of your viewpoint, the religion of Healthy mindedness is the idea that life is beneficial with the power of positive thinking. This stems from a hear no evil, see no evil and/or do no evil mindset from the christian religion. Which soon sparks the conversation about two types of believers or children of god. The once-born and the twice-born. The once-born are considered to still have a religious belief based on fear and watching out for a vengeful god. The twice-born believers are the ones considered to have transcended beyond thinking about a fearful/vengeful god and live their religious life with a positive outlook. 

                                    Kurt Andersen 1954-Now

Kurt Andersen is a famous American writer that wrote the book Fantasy-land. In His lifetime Kurt has had multiple New York times best sellers. These achievements are only a few compared to Kurt's lifetime. Kurt famous book Fantasy-Land consisted of a chapter labeled Apocalyptic Religion. This chapter goes into detail about religion, the end times and creationism.

                                           Apocalyptic Religion                                            

In this chapter Kurt states that Creationism is the belief that the universe and living organisms originate from specific acts of divine creation, as in the biblical account, rather than natural process like evolution. This is the reason why religion plays a major role in the economy. Kurt breaks up the "creationist" into two types of believers. The scary horror story believers who believe god causes disasters and accidents as a result of sin. Next are the happy fairy-tale believers that believe prayer can bring riches and wealth focusing on the positive things their god does. 

                                           Religion: Two types of believers

Both texts speak on religion and break down the believers into two types. Once-born believers are a lot like the extreme Scary horror story believers. They both have a vengeful outlook on what their god is capable of. Next are the happy fairy-tale believers that can resemble the likeness of the twice-born believers. Their beliefs are based on more of the positive things god can do for us. Like Whitman, who was labeled an atheist, these believers looked at the more positive non-evil side of life. This ultimately breaks the conversation of believers into two.

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