Friday, April 29, 2022

Walt Whitman and Healthy-midness

 By K'Shawnn Andrews


Healthy-mindedness can be defined as a way of feeling happy about anything immediately.
This is an abstract way of thinking that ignores everything evil and only focus on the good side of everything. To understand the fully helathy-mindedness, it is very important to know who influenced the topic.

Walt Whitman 1819–1892

Walt Whitman is the one who inspired healthy-mindedness because he is an example of a person who is inable to feel evil. Walt Whitman also known as the Bard of Democracy is known for his peoms and his very sharp writing style. During his younger days he would often move to different news stations because of how harsh he would critcize his colleges, peers, and even his bosses! 

However, throughout his entire time as a journalist he would he would work on his life's work Leaves of Grass. But that wasn't any easy feat, it wasn't until he was in last years that his life's work was validated by other in the community. Throughout his life ge was described as a person who had the inabily to feel fear, get angry nor could he curse very well. This made him a very optimistic person. His favorite past time was to wlak outside and watch insects, grass, and all other kinds of animals. This is why he is considered to be one  of the people who inspired healthy-mindeness.

The Religion of healthy-mindedness

What is Religion? Religion is a set of organized beliefs, practices, and systems that most often relate to belief and worship of a controlling force such as a personal god or another supernatural being. When something makes a person feel good they tend to indulge in it more and make it a habit. Whether, it is a sport, drugs or alchol; healthy-mindedness is no different. For a person who is healthy-minded what they focus on is extreme optimism. For a person who is a extreme optimist healthy-mindedness can be seen a a religion because it reinforces looking at the brighter of things. Something that either comes nature or something that they focus on.

However the opposite side of the argument is pessimism. To this person no matter what it is they always have a negative stance on a situation. For example......

No matter the situation these two different types of people have diffent outlooks on life. According to William James it is a bad thing to be an optimist or pessimist, a person should be neutral. However, Walt Whitman was an optimist who had his lifes work rejected for almost his entire life. If he had discontinued working on Leaves of Grass would he have still made the same impact with his writings  is a question that is looked at when thinking about this topic. 

No matter what side in this disscusion a person may choose; their thoughts can only be decided by themselves. However, I think that what ever a person is an optimist or pessimist, they shouldn't be boxed into either one because people shouldn't be forced into anything that benifits others at the expense of themselves. 

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