Friday, November 10, 2023

Questions NOV 14


    1. WJ, The Dilemma of Determinism - #10 NICK B. #11 ELI H. #13 ADELE

    2. SSHM ch1 - #10 CA'MARI. #11 CHLOE P. 13 GABRIELLA

    3. Life is Hard by Kieran Setiya (LH) Intro, ch1 - #10 RACHEAL. #11 KENLEY. #13 SOPHIA

    4. FL 41-42 - #10 ANTHONY B. #11 MADELYN. #13 MARIAM

1. James wrote Principles of Psychology to answer what question?

2. What did Aristotle say about habit?

3. What realization would make young people give more heed to their conduct?

4. James complained in 1884 that what devoured his time?

5. James thought everybody should do what each day?

6. How is habit "the enormous fly-wheel of society"?

7. There is "no more miserable human being" than ...

8. There is "no more contemptible type of human character" than ...

  1. What are three kinds of grief? Have you experienced any of them?
  2. What's the closest KS has come to grief?
  3. What "five neat steps" of grief does KS say there is no evidence for?
  4. What stoic attitude did Epictetus say would prevent you from being grievously upset at the death of a loved one? What does KS say about that?
  5. What does KS say should be our goal with respect to grief?
  6. The fact that someone is not alive, says Julian Barnes, does not mean what?
  7. What does KS call Epicurus's attitude towards death?
  8. If we did not grieve, we would not ____.
  9. How do the Dahomey of Western Africa celebrate the life of the deceased? 
  10. What do conventions of mourning give us?

Discussion Questions:
  • Do you want to "be somebody"? What does that mean? Does it make happiness harder to achieve?
  • Does adult life make it harder to identify your "real" self? 70
  • Is it good that "habit is the enormous fly-wheel of society"? 77
  • Which comes first, happiness or laughter 87
  • Is it bad to entertain emotions you don't act on? Why?
  • Is habit, on balance, good for society?
  • Are there any small habits you'd like to gain or lose? What's stopping you?
  • COMMENT?: Are there any sequences of mental action you want or need to frequently repeat (or stop repeating)?


  1. SSHM Ch3

    1. James wrote Principles of Psychology to answer what question?
    "How does life give rise to human consciousness?"

    2. What did Aristotle say about habit?
    "We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence is not an act. It is a habit."

    3. What realization would make young people give more heed to their conduct?
    James said, "Could the young but realize how soon they will become mere walking bundles of habits they would give more heed to their conduct while in the plastic state." I think James is saying I shouldn't play video games for twelve hours straight...

    4. James complained in 1884 that what devoured his time?

    5. James thought everybody should do what each day?
    "Everybody should do at least two things each day that he hates to do, just for practice,"

    6. How is habit "the enormous fly-wheel of society"?
    Things are kept the same and in place for as long as possible.

    7. There is "no more miserable human being" than ...
    one in whom nothing is habitual but indecision

    8. There is "no more contemptible type of human character" than ...
    that of the nerveless sentimentalist and dreamer, who spends his life in a weltering sea of sensibility and emotion, but who never does a manly concrete deed.

    - Kelly Molloy, Section #13

  2. Section 11
    SSHM Ch3
    1. William James wrote The Principles of Psychology to answer the question: How does life give rise to human consciousness?
    2. Aristotle said " We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence is not an act. It is a habit."
    3. James said, " Could the young but realize how soon they will become mere walking bundles of habits,"
    4. James complained in 1884 to his lifelong tutor Scotsman Thomas Davidson about how lecturing and teaching duties had been consuming his time.
    5. James thought that everyone should do at least two things they hate every day for practice.
    6. James said that" habit alone is what keeps us all within the bounds of ordinance." habits keep things in line as long as possible.
    7. One whom nothing is habitual but indecision.
    8. that of the nerveless sentimentalist and dreamer, who spends his life in a weltering sea of sensibility and emotion, but who never does a manly concrete deed.

    1. Three types of grief are relational grief, grief of someone who dies, and grief of the sheer loss of life.
    2. The closest Kieran Setiya has come to grief is watching his mother sail off into the darkness of Alzheimer's.
    3. Denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance.
    4. If you kiss them and tell them you love them, then if they happen to die you will not miss them. He does not think that is how it works, or at least not that easy.
    5. He says our goal with grief should be grieve well, not to extinguish grief.
    6. The fact that someone is dead does not mean they no longer exist.
    7. He calls it sophistry.
    8. If we did not grieve, we would not love.
    9. They celebrate the death with drinking, dancing, singing, and dirty jokes.
    10. Conventions of mourning give a structure to grief it would not otherwise have. They make the possibility of grieving well more legible.

  3. Section 13
    1. How does life give rise to human consciousness?
    2. “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence is not an act. It is a habit.”
    3. How soon they will become walking bundles of habits… We are spinning our own fates, good or evil, never to be undone.
    4. Teaching Duties
    5. At least two things he hates to do each day, just for practice.
    6. It keeps things the same, in place, for as long as possible.

  4. #11 SSHM
    1. James wrote Principles of Psychology to answer what question?
    -"How does life give rise to human consciousness?"

    2. What did Aristotle say about habit?
    -"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence is not an act. It is a habit."

    3. What realization would make young people give more heed to their conduct?
    -"Could the young but realize how soon they will become mere walking bundles of habit."

    4. James complained in 1884 that what devoured his time?
    -Teaching duties.

    5. James thought everybody should do what each day?
    -Two things he hates to do, just for practice

    6. How is habit "the enormous fly-wheel of society"?
    -Keep things the same place for as long as possible.

    7. There is "no more miserable human being" than ...
    -I couldn't find it.

    8. There is "no more contemptible type of human character" than ...
    -I couldn't find it.

    1. LH
      1. What are three kinds of grief? Have you experienced any of them?
      -Relational grief, someone who died, and sheer loss.

      2. What's the closest KS has come to grief?
      - Watching his mother going into Alzheimer. She is still alive.

      3. What "five neat steps" of grief does KS say there is no evidence for?
      Denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance.

      4. What stoic attitude did Epictetus say would prevent you from being grievously upset at the death of a loved one? What does KS say about that?
      -"Tell yourself that it is a human being your kissing..." Its not an easy thing to do.

      5. What does KS say should be our goal with respect to grief?
      -Grieve well, not extinguish grief.

      6. The fact that someone is not alive, says Julian Barnes, does not mean what?
      -"Doesn't mean that they do not exist."

      7. What does KS call Epicurus's attitude towards death?

      8. If we did not grieve, we would not ____.
      -"If we did not grieve, we would not love"

      9. How do the Dahomey of Western Africa celebrate the life of the deceased?
      -Drinking, dancing, singing, and dirty jokes.

      10. What do conventions of mourning give us?
      -"Gives a structure to grieve it would not have otherwise have. They make the possibility of grieving well and legible."

  5. SSHM

    1. James wrote Principles of Psychology to answer what question?

    How does life give rise to human consciousness?

    2. What did Aristotle say about habit?

    Excellence is not an act, it is a habit.

    3. What realization would make young people give more heed to their conduct?

    “they will become mere walking bundles of habits”.

    4. James complained in 1884 that what devoured his time?


    5. James thought everybody should do what each day?

    2 things you hate to do.

    6. How is habit "the enormous fly-wheel of society"?

    Things are kept the same as long as possible.

    7. There is "no more miserable human being" than ...

    Nothing is habitual.

    8. There is "no more contemptible type of human character" than ...

    Someone who lives in emotion and is a dreamer.

  6. LH

    1. What are three kinds of grief? Have you experienced any of them?Relational, sheer loss, death.
    2. What's the closest KS has come to grief? Watching his mother have Alzheimer’s.
    3. What "five neat steps" of grief does KS say there is no evidence for?Denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance
    4. What stoic attitude did Epictetus say would prevent you from being grievously upset at the death of a loved one? What does KS say about that? “Tell yourself that it is a human being you’re kissing...". It isn’t easy.
    5. What does KS say should be our goal with respect to grief? Grieve well, don’t extinguish.
    6. The fact that someone is not alive, says Julian Barnes, does not mean what? Doesn’t mean they don’t exist.
    7. What does KS call Epicurus's attitude towards death? Sophistry
    8. If we did not grieve, we would not ____. Love.
    9. How do the Dahomey of Western Africa celebrate the life of the deceased?  Singing, dancing, drinking, dirty jokes.
    10. What do conventions of mourning give us? Gives a structure to grievance.

  7. 13 LH
    1. rekational, loss, death
    2. seeing his mother with alzheimers
    3. denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance
    4. kiss them and tell them you love them so when they pass you wont miss them as much
    5. grieve well , don't extinguish greif
    6. it doesn't mean they dont exist
    7. sophistry
    8. love
    9. singing, dancing, drinking, dirty jokes
    10. structures greif

  8. #11
    1. James wrote Principles of Psychology to answer what question?
    How does life give rise to human conscious.
    2. What did Aristotle say about habit?
    Excellence is a habit and what we make habits out of defines who we are.
    3. What realization would make young people give more heed to their conduct?
    Eventually they will carry out their habits unknowingly and that will be what they are.
    4. James complained in 1884 that what devoured his time?
    5. James thought everybody should do what each day?
    do two things they don't like just for the practice.
    6. How is habit "the enormous fly-wheel of society"?
    Things remain the same for as long as possible.
    7. There is "no more miserable human being" than ...
    One whom nothing is habitual.
    8. There is "no more contemptible type of human character" than ...
    the sentimentalist dreamer.

    1. LH
      What are three kinds of grief? Have you experienced any of them? relational grief, Someone who died, and sheer loss. Yes
      What's the closest KS has come to grief? Seeing his mother with Alzheimer's.
      What "five neat steps" of grief does KS say there is no evidence for? denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance.
      What stoic attitude did Epictetus say would prevent you from being grievously upset at the death of a loved one? What does KS say about that? Kiss them and you won't miss them as much.
      What does KS say should be our goal with respect to grief?
      The fact that someone is not alive, says Julian Barnes, does not mean what? grieve well, don't over grieve.
      What does KS call Epicurus's attitude towards death? Sophistry
      If we did not grieve, we would not ____. love
      How do the Dahomey of Western Africa celebrate the life of the deceased? drinking, dancing, partying, celebrating, singing, and dirty jokes.
      What do conventions of mourning give us? structure.

  9. 1. James wrote Principles of Psychology to answer what question?
    “How does life give rise to human consequences?”
    2. What did Aristotle say about habit?
    Excellence is not an act, it's a major habit.
    3. What realization would make young people give more heed to their conduct?
    They will become walking bundles of habits
    4. James complained in 1884 that what devoured his time?
    He complained that teaching devoured his time
    5. James thought everybody should do what each day?
    2 things you don't like or hate to do.
    6. How is habit "the enormous fly-wheel of society"?
    Things are kept the same as long as possible
    7. There is "no more miserable human being" than ...
    Nothing is habitual
    8. There is "no more contemptible type of human character" than …
    Someone who lives with emotion and dreams big.

  10. #11
    1. " How does life give rise to human consciousness?"
    2. "We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence is not an act. It is a habit."
    3. He said, "Could the young but realiza how soon they will become mere walking bundles of habits."
    4. Teaching
    5. Two things you hate to do.
    6. Things are kept the same as long as possible.
    7. Nothing is habitual
    8. There is "no more contemptible type of human character" than.... someone who lives with emotion and dreams big.

    1. relational grief, someone who died, and sheer loss.
    2. watching his mother experience Alzheimer's and her having to live with it.
    3. denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance.
    4. "Tell yourself that it is a human being your kissing..." Its not an easy thing to do.
    5. Grieve well, not extinguish grief.
    6. "Doesn't mean that they do not exist"
    7. Sophistry
    8. " If we did not grieve, we would not love"
    9. Drinking, dancing, singing, and dirty jokes.
    10. Gives us structure.

  11. 13 LH
    1. Relational Grief, someone who died, sheer loss
    2. Watching his mothers experience with Alzheimer's and having to live with it
    3. Denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance.
    4. "To tell yourself it is a human being your kissing" it is not easy
    5. To not extinguish grief and to grieve well
    6. It does not mean that they do not exist
    7. Sophistry
    8. Love?
    9. Singing, drinking, dancing, and dirty jokes
    10. Gives us structure

  12. Section 13
    1. James wrote Principles of Psychology to answer what question?
    James wrote principles of psychology to answer the question, “How does life give rise to human consciousness?”
    2. What did Aristotle say about habit?
    Aristotle says “We are what we repeatedly do, excellence is not an act. It is a habit”

    3. What realization would make young people give more heed to their conduct?
    The realization that we will soon be walking bundles of habits.

    4. James complained in 1884 that what devoured his time?
    James complained teaching devoured his time in 1884.

    5. James thought everybody should do what each day?
    James thought everybody should do atleast two things they hate doing.

    6. How is habit "the enormous fly-wheel of society"?
    Habit is the “enormous fly wheel of society”, since things are kept in line for as long as possible.

    7. There is "no more miserable human being" than ...
    There is no more miserable human being than one whom nothing is habitutal but indecision.

    8. There is "no more contemptible type of human character" than ...
    There is no more contemptible type of human character than the nerveless, sentimental, dreamer, who spends his life in a weltering sea of sensibility and emotion, who never does a manly concrete dead.

    1. Section 13
      (it wouldn't let me put my name the first comment)
      1. James wrote Principles of Psychology to answer what question?
      James wrote principles of psychology to answer the question, “How does life give rise to human consciousness?”
      2. What did Aristotle say about habit?
      Aristotle says “We are what we repeatedly do, excellence is not an act. It is a habit”

      3. What realization would make young people give more heed to their conduct?
      The realization that we will soon be walking bundles of habits.

      4. James complained in 1884 that what devoured his time?
      James complained teaching devoured his time in 1884.

      5. James thought everybody should do what each day?
      James thought everybody should do atleast two things they hate doing.

      6. How is habit "the enormous fly-wheel of society"?
      Habit is the “enormous fly wheel of society”, since things are kept in line for as long as possible.

      7. There is "no more miserable human being" than ...
      There is no more miserable human being than one whom nothing is habitutal but indecision.

      8. There is "no more contemptible type of human character" than ...
      There is no more contemptible type of human character than the nerveless, sentimental, dreamer, who spends his life in a weltering sea of sensibility and emotion, who never does a manly concrete dead.

  13. cannon cofran
    1. James wrote Principles of Psychology to answer what question?
    “How does life give rise to human consciousness”
    2. What did Aristotle say about habit?
    “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence is not an act. Its a habit”
    3. What realization would make young people give more heed to their conduct?
    “Could the young but realize how soon they will become mere walking bundles of habits they would give more heed to their conduct while int he plastic state”
    4. James complained in 1884 that what devoured his time?
    Teaching devoured his time
    5. James thought everybody should do what each day?
    “Everybody should do at least two things each day that he hates to do, just for practice”
    6. How is habit "the enormous fly-wheel of society"?
    Things are left to be to exactly the same for as long as possible
    7. There is "no more miserable human being" than …
    One whom nothing is habitual but indecision
    8. There is "no more contemptible type of human character" than …
    Than that of the nerveless sentimentalist and dreamer

  14. Section 13
    1.He wrote Principles of Psychology to answer " How does life give rise to human consciousness"
    2. He says “We are what we repeatedly do, excellence is not an act. It is a habit”
    3."Could the young but realize how soon they will become mere walking bundles of habits."
    4. He complained that teaching devoured his time in 1884
    5.He thought that you should do two things that you hate doing everyday.
    6. Things are to stay the same for as long as possible.
    7.There is no more miserable human being than one whom nothing is habitutal but indecision.
    8.Someone who lives with emotion and dreams big.

  15. 1. How does life give rise to human consciousness?

    2. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence is not an act.

    3. The realization that they will become walking bundles of habits

    4. Teaching

    5. Everybody should do at least two things each day that he hates to do, just for practice

    6. "It alone is what keeps us all within the bounds of ordinance."

    7. "One in whom nothing is habitual but indecision."

    8. “That of the nerveless sentimentalist and dreamer, who spends his life in a weltering sea of sensibility and emotion, but who never does a manly concrete deed.”


    Relational grief, sheer loss, grief when you someone dies

    Their mother having Alzheimer

    Denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance

    "Tell yourself that it is a human being your kissing..." It's not an easy thing to do.

    Grieve well, not extinguish grief

    Doesn’t mean they do not exist.


    If we did not grieve, we would not love.

    Singing, dancing, drinking


  16. SSHM Ch 3
    1.Life giving rise to human consciousness
    2. We are what we do over and over. Excellence is a habit
    3. Do not become mindlessly trapped in one thing
    4. Teaching
    5. Do 2 things a day you hate for practice
    6. Things are the same for as long as possible
    7. One in whom nothing is habitual but indecision
    8. That of the nerveless sentimentalist and dreamer, who spends his life in a weltering sea of sensibility and emotion, but who never does a manly concrete deed.

  17. Section 13
    1.How does life give rise to human consciousness? What is the relationship between Being and Thinking?

    He planned on doing his own experiments.

    3.“James observed that the cognitive architectures of young bodies are more pliable, and therefore more open habitat formation, than old ones.” The idea of empiricism takes place here.

    1. Section 13
      3.There is no evidence
