Friday, November 3, 2023

Sapolsky and Setiya on Free Will

"… Sapolsky has a lot to teach about the science of decision making and about empathy for the unfortunate. But [compatibilist] Hume remains a better guide to the philosophy of free will. I suppose that verdict makes this a negative review, and I don't feel great about that. Books require a lot of work, and authors have feelings. Still, I take comfort in the fact that, although I wrote these words of my own free will, Sapolsky doesn't think I did—or that it's fair to blame me for their potential ill effects."

—Kieran Setiya

1 comment:

  1. #13

    Personally, I believe in free will. I can somewhat see the perspective of determinists, but I still disagree with it. I feel like our choices are determined by our experiences, consciously. And I get that Setiya doesn't want to bash Sapolsky's writings, but people are allowed to express a different opinion.
