Up@dawn 2.0 (blogger)

Delight Springs

Thursday, September 10, 2020

"Chat" on this platform, not on Zoom

Just posted this in a comment, re-posted here for those who need to see it.

I'm beginning to catch up with your posted comments, everyone. The following remarks are not aimed at all of you, but I think those to whom they apply will recognize themselves.

I'm struck by the contrast between the level of civility and respectfulness exhibited in your comments in this forum AS AGAINST the rancor and general shabbiness I've noted in many Zoom "chat" comments, now that I've had an opportunity to focus on them. I can't monitor the chat function in real time during class, it's an effort for some of us to formulate cogent and civil thoughts while maintaining a single conversation... which is what a classroom is supposed to be. There's a reason why teachers don't tolerate private conversations during class, in "normal" classrooms.

But, I can reassure those of you in section 10 who wondered if "phil can read" that I can., and I have, and I'm not pleased. 

And for those who propose starting a group chat for "phil" -- here it is. Post your comments HERE, on this platform... not during but BEFORE and AFTER class. If you've been concealing yourselves so I wouldn't see you texting and not listening, we'll consider a revision of that policy as well. 

I wasn't inclined to disable the chat function, before we began, because I naively supposed that all students would want to listen to the professor and their vocal classmates during class. But from now on we'll do our chatting in this forum, and IN CLASS. I wondered why so few of you responded to my questions, now I know: you weren't listening.

Let's do better. Parts of the Zoom chat were entirely appropriate for this forum, on this platform, and in class. Here's where we're talking, folks, when we're not in class. And we will discuss sensitive issues like race in class, when appropriate to the discussion. 

When we are in class and I ask you all what you think about things, either respond vocally to the class and to me... or else plan to post a comment later. I do want to know what you're thinking, though for some of you I also want you to work on your manner of self-expression. A little more R-E-S-P-E-C-T all around, please, and a little more forethought. Like many of you, I also dislike "discord"... Reasoned and respectful differences of perspective are something else. Let's work on grasping that distinction too.

I'm now very much looking forward to the text we'll be taking up later in the semester, Why Grow Up?  Subversive Thoughts for an Infantile Age. Some of you will need to read it very closely. And some will need to un-learn some of the "communication" skills you've evidently picked up from too much time in the comments' sections of social media.

It's been suggested to me that I should involve the Dean of Students in this situation. My preference is to see if we can't handle it ourselves, learn from our mistakes, keep "the school" out of it, and do better. But understand, this is no "joke." 

Again, to those who've been diligently attentive and present in class, and to those who attempted to terminate the class-synchronous chat, this is not directed at you. Thank you for your civility, your diligent presence, and your respect. You are good role-models. Good thing, some of your classmates clearly need your example. jpo


  1. James Robinson section 010

    How does it make you feel, when you consider that everything and everyone we've ever known appears so miniscule from so relatively near a distance (near, at least, on the cosmic scale)? Small, insignificant, lucky, privileged, grateful,... ?
    When I think about how small I am compared to the cosmos it makes me question my purpose on the earth. Another thing that crosses my mind when I try to think on a larger scale is the infinite amount of choice there is in the world, similar to the butterfly effect wherein even the smallest choices can have unforeseen effects in the future. This makes me very grateful because of the slim chance of my existence, why was I chosen to be a part of the earth? How different would I be if things were slightly changed about my past? Something else I ponder is both the extremes of the large scale of celestial bodies, as well as the smallest scale of atoms and molecules. Moreover there is an infinite amount of numbers between one and two, how can we begin to wrap our minds around the concept of infinity? When these kinds of questions start to get me down I always revert to my faith, I find comfort in knowing I don't know everything. And I have faith in my creator that I am not equipped nor supposed to know these kinds of things. I am myself and no one else, there has never been me before and there will never be me again. In conclusion when I think about myself on the cosmic scale I’m not scared or confused, I’m content in being myself. Everything I need comes from above and I will gladly stride into the future with a blindfold on.

    1. Interesting thoughts, but they'd be more appropriately shared under my Questions post last week.
