Up@dawn 2.0 (blogger)

Delight Springs

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Possible final report option

 Hypothetical Question: if you had the option of doing a 10-minute presentation during class prior to Thanksgiving for your final report, instead of a final blog post due in December, would you? 

If so, reply affirmatively in the comments space below.


  1. Depending on the content for it, yes I probably would.

  2. I would likely not as I would prefer to make a final blogpost.

  3. Only reply to say YES or MAYBE...

    The content is negotiable, my preference is that you choose a topic related to what we're reading and discussing between now and the end of the semester: Why Grow Up, Sick Souls Healthy Minds, and the later chapters of Fantasyland. But if you have a different idea, propose it.

  4. Since we've talked about authoritarianism recently as well as the Nazis, I would be interested in doing a presentation arguing that the allies allowed for the rise of the Nazis.

  5. No, I would not but thank you for the suggestion.

  6. Yes! In this past weeks questions, there was 'Why didn't Sandy Hook change everything?' and I started doing some research and ended up writing three pages on the subject. Could easily tie to each of the readings.

  7. Again:

    Only reply to say YES or MAYBE...
