Up@dawn 2.0 (blogger)

Delight Springs

Monday, November 23, 2020

The way out

 LISTEN. It's time to wrap things up. We'll not be Zooming any more, this Fall semester, after Thanksgiving.

For our last week, in both CoPhi and Environmental Ethics, I'm inviting students to think about our larger legacy. Will we be well regarded by our descendants, after we've thinned out?

"...we're gonna be like him! I mean, he was probably one of the BEAUTIFUL people. He was probably dancing and playing tennis and everything. And now look: this is what happens to us. You know, it's very important to have some kind of personal integrity, you know? I'll be hanging in a classroom one day, and I want to make sure when I thin out, that I'm... well-thought of." Manhattan

Or will they excoriate us, as short-sighted and selfish Oncelers?


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