Wednesday, January 26, 2022

VOTE! (for the Socratic philosopher of your choice)

What do you think? (We'll get to Pyrrho later this week in our Little History. Diogenes has been described as a poor man's Socrates. Plato called him "Socrates gone mad.")


  1. Section #9
    Aristotle was similar to Socrates in that he was not an armchair philosopher either. They both believed the best way to increase in wisdom was to go out into the world and interact with people and ask questions.

  2. Sec 6
    I would say Diogenes is most similar in their thought process and philosophy with Socrates compared to the other philosophers.

  3. Section #9
    Based off some of our discussions in class, I think Diogenes would be the most Socratic of the four. I initially wanted to go with Plato because of his close relationship with Socrates, but he just wasn't as close as Diogenes. The reason being is that Diogenes and Socrates were both people that went out to ask questions and never made any opinions on their findings (not publicly anyway). He even gets called "a poor man's Socretes" as mentioned in the post.
