Monday, January 24, 2022

Back entrance


  1. This cartoon is interesting because most people tend to look at "gurus" as some sort of being that has everything figured out and therefore has no interest in what "normal" human beings are fascinated with. However, the person in this image has realized, by looking from a different perspective, that this "guru" may be more like the average person than assumed or portrayed.

  2. "Don't meet your heroes." Even saints in the Catholic Church don't gain the title of saint until they die. Its important to remember that religious figures and institutions are still human, and can still fall short of their own teachings. In a way, the practice of preaching an apprehended good often becomes a matter of do as I say, not as I do.

  3. Section #9
    I think this cartoon has such an incredible message. Often, especially in today's society and social media, we tend to idolize "gurus" and often forget they are ordinary people. We put these celebrities or influencers on high pedestals but never look at them as the normal people they are but instead ridicule and judge them when they reveal their true selves or flaws.
