Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Writing Center

The Margaret H. Ordoubadian University Writing Center (UWC) tutors are ready to serve MTSU writers this semester! The UWC serves all MTSU students and staff, from freshmen to PhD students, on writing from any discipline, and in any genre. We support writers working on D2L discussion posts, PhD dissertations, research posters, and everything in between. digital class visit, a brief introduction to the UWC

What can students expect? Starting Jan. 18th, students have three opportunities to meet with a trained writing tutor:

Face to Face: students meet with a tutor in the UWC (LIB 362) ​
Live Chat: students to use their mic and camera and meet tutors in real time to work on a shared document
Document Drop: students upload their text and assignment sheet, identify specific feedback needs, and receive tutor feedback through email

How else can the UWC support your student writers this semester? We also support writers through course-specific or assignment-specific 45-minute writing workshops. The UWC administrative team has worked closely with faculty from diverse programs and departments, such as Biology, Music Publicity, and Professional Studies, to create workshops and writing support for students in those courses. Please head to our new workshop request page to find out what type of workshops we offer, schedule a writing workshop, and steps to co-create a specialized writing workshop.

Wishing everyone a lovely start to the semester.

Erica Cirillo-McCarthy, PhD
Director, The Margaret H. Ordoubadian University Writing Center
Assistant Professor, Department of English
Middle Tennessee State University

Preview YouTube video Welcome to the University Writing Center (Fall 2021-Spring 2022)

Welcome to the University Writing Center (Fall 2021-Spring 2022)

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