Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Walking Just 10 Minutes a Day May Lead to a Longer Life (and better philosophizing!)

Ten minutes of moderate exercise daily would prevent more than 111,000 premature deaths a year, a new analysis found.

If almost all of us started walking for an extra 10 minutes a day, we could, collectively, prevent more than 111,000 deaths every year, according to an enlightening new study of movement and mortality. Published this week in JAMA Internal Medicine, the study used data about physical activity and death rates for thousands of American adults to estimate how many deaths every year might be averted if everyone exercised more. The results indicate that even a little extra physical activity by each of us could potentially stave off hundreds of thousands of premature deaths over the coming years... (continues)


  1. I think an important factor to consider in this issue is what what we doing instead of walking. In an Bloomberg article (link below) I read that Americans drive for 85 percent of daily trips, as compared to Europe's 50 to 65 percent. On trips under one mile, Europeans walk, bike, or use public transit 70 percent of the time, while Americans drive 70 percent of the time. Americans are driving instead of walking. However, the solution isn't as simple as "just walk instead". American cities are built for the car first, not people first. I think the fact that we don't walk for 10 minutes a day already is a symptom of a much larger problem of how we have decided to build our cities.
