Monday, January 17, 2022

Questions Jan 18

 Welcome to CoPhi! 

One of our daily tasks in class is to ask and address relevant questions: textual questions that may appear on exams, and discussion questions we can talk and post about. I'll post some in advance of each class, and we can add to them when we meet. If we use a question you've suggested, you can "take a base" on the scorecard. (Don't worry, I'll explain what that means.)

Since we've not read any assigned texts yet, today's questions are just for discussion -- they won't be on the first exam.

  • Who are you?
  • Why are you here?
  • What is philosophy?
  • Do you have a favorite philosopher?
  • Do you have a pithy personal philosophy?
  • Your suggestions...
Post your responses to these questions in the comments space under Introductions, below. Remember to include your section # (6 or 9).


  1. Section 6
    Who are you? Cole
    Why are you here? To think and think about thinking
    What is philosophy? That's a great question
    Do you have a favorite philosopher? Thoreau
    Do you have a pithy personal philosophy? Be the moon above the clouds : )

  2. Section 6
    Hi! My name is David Reyes. The reason I am here is to learn more about philosophy and obtain a greater understanding of it. In my opinion, philosophy does not have a specific definition, instead the way I see it is as different ways of thinking and ideas. I also imagine the great minds that came before us, when I think about philosophy. I currently do not have a favorite philosopher, but I hope to find one this semester! My pithy personal philosophy would be “everything happens for a reason”.

  3. Phillip Smith
    Dr. Oliver
    CoPhilosophy – Introduction
    20 January 2022

    1. My name is Phillip Smith, and I am an Education Major.
    2. I am here because I needed a fine art, and I thought this class looked interesting
    3. Philosophy is defined as the “Love of Wisdom.”
    4. As of right now I do not have a favorite Philosopher.
    5. Nothing is impossible if you can find the will to do it.
