Tuesday, December 3, 2024


It's exam day (hope you remembered WJ's advice on how to prepare), our last day in class. Your final report blog posts are due Friday.

Last words, for now:

WJ's last published essay was inspired by his odd correspondent *Benjamin Paul Blood, who was convinced that nitrous oxide and other "anaesthetic" substances provide a revelatory key to greater depths of reality. That essay concluded:

...Let my last word, then, speaking in the name of intellectual philosophy, be his word.–“There is no conclusion. What has concluded, that we might conclude in regard to it? There are no fortunes to be told, and there is no advice to be given.–Farewell!” --A Pluralistic Mystic

But of course there is advice to be given: Be not afraid, keep asking questions, pay attention, stay healthy, don't worry, be happy, enjoy the journey, don't be a stranger...

And consider taking Bioethics in the Spring, and Philosophy of Happiness in the Fall.
*Read about Blood and his improbable family in John Kaag's book American Bloods: The Untamed Dynasty That Shaped a Nation


Course evaluations close on 12/12/2024. Look for link delivered to your inbox, embedded in D2L; and/or through D2L notifications.

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