…Historian Johann Neem, a specialist in the American Revolution, turned to political theorist John Locke to explore the larger meaning of Trump's destructive course. The founders who threw off monarchy and constructed our constitutional government looked to Locke for their guiding principles. In his 1690 Second Treatise on Government, Locke noted that when a leader disregards constitutional order, he gives up legitimacy and the people are justified in treating him as a "thief and a robber." "[W]hosoever in authority exceeds the power given him by the law and makes use of the force he has under his command…ceases in that to be a magistrate; and, acting without authority, may be opposed, as any other man, who by force invades the right of another," Locke wrote.
Neem notes that Trump won the election and his party holds majorities in both chambers of Congress. He could have used his legitimate constitutional authority but instead, "with the aid of Elon Musk, has consistently violated the Constitution and willingly broken laws." Neem warned that courts move too slowly to rein Trump in. He urged Congress to perform its constitutional duty to remove Trump from office, and urged voters to make it clear to members of Congress that we expect them to "uphold their obligations and protect our freedom."
"Otherwise," Neem writes, "Americans will be subject to a pretender who claims the power but not the legitimate authority of the presidency." He continues: "Trump's actions threaten the legitimacy of government itself."
👣Solvitur ambulando
💭Sapere aude
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