Amanda Litman makes the case for engaging with politics at the local level.
This isn't a conversation raging against the decaying of American democracy. This is a conversation about saving that democracy by participating at its most fundamental level: the local level. The one where you can have the most impact. And so it's the rare conversation about democracy that left me feeling better, rather than worse, about what's possible. I think it'll do the same for you. nyt
This isn't a conversation raging against the decaying of American democracy. This is a conversation about saving that democracy by participating at its most fundamental level: the local level. The one where you can have the most impact. And so it's the rare conversation about democracy that left me feeling better, rather than worse, about what's possible. I think it'll do the same for you. nyt
This is an idea that is often challenged by members of my own family. Often times we are discouraged because we do not recognize just how influential we can be in pushing for the change that we wish to see in our world. This article is encouraging in the fact that it is an example of how what we may chalk up as a minuscule act can have great effect.