Friday, February 9, 2024

Cosmic perspective

This guy's self-esteem is sub-or micro-cosmic… It's not really the positively perspective-shifting View from Above that Eric Weiner mentions.


  1. We really are just specks floating on a rock in space. It is kind of like 'Horton Hears a Who.' Just because we are practically nothing in the span of the universe doesn't mean we are insignificant in our world. Sure once we die the sun will rise and the world will keep spinning,, but we will also leave behind others whose lives we were significant in. Our existence, no matter how minor, is significant to some degree.

  2. Matteo D'Urso (Section 13)September 18, 2023 at 9:59 PM

    We don't matter; we do matter. It's all based on your perspective.
