Up@dawn 2.0 (blogger)

Delight Springs

Friday, February 2, 2024

Philosophy tutor, Writing Center

 The tutor for this year is Elle Robinson. Her email address, should you need to contact her, is:

      ljr3s@mtmail.mtsu.edu ...

Her hours will be Mondays & Wednesdays, 6 pm until 7:45 pm, Feb 19--Apr 24. She will offer tutoring in the library.

No tutoring will be offered during Spring Break.


WRITING CENTER: The Margaret H. Ordoubadian University Writing Center is located in LIB 362 and online at www.mtsu.edu/writing-center. Here, students can receive valuable  (and FREE!) one-to-one assistance in person or online on writing projects for any course. Please make your appointment by stopping by LIB 362, calling 615-904-8237, or visiting the UWC website. Visit early and often! 


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