Saturday, February 3, 2024

"Why do we work so hard /To get what we don’t even want?"

 Nice epicurean message here...


The day is short
The night is long
Why do we work so hard 
To get what we don’t even want?

We work so hard to get ahead of the game
Work half our lives until we’ve won.
And then one day we sit on the edge of our bed
And we think, “Lord, what have I done?”

The day is short
The night is long
Why do we work so hard 
To get what you don’t even want?

The man in the suit comes home and kisses his babies goodbye.
“Daddy’s got to go on a trip, honey, oh no, don’t you cry.”
He’s gone for a week then he’s home for a day.
Well, pretty soon the babies won’t cry when Daddy’s gone away. 

The day is short
The night is long
Why do you work so hard
To get what you don’t even want?

You know we go to the mall and we go from store to store.
Everybody seems to be wasting time until death walks through the door.
And then you look at all your merchandise and you see
We paid too high a price, you’ll see

The day is short
The night is long
Why do we work so hard 
To get what you don’t even want


  1. Love this! I totally agree, most of the time people will work way more in life than ever get to enjoy it. People are always stressed trying to achieve a goal or even work to stay afloat and by the time they might get to enjoy their hard work they are too old, or just too tired.

  2. Matteo D'Urso (Section 13)September 12, 2023 at 12:11 AM

    Answering the question: Society.

  3. I think this is good for most as many work their lives away, a give up time with family and give up their social life without benefiting much. In fact I think most are affected negatively by this.
