Up@dawn 2.0 (blogger)

Delight Springs

Sunday, November 3, 2024

Final report presentations

Indicate your preference(s) in the comments space below ASAP, I'll fill out the remaining un-selected dates Monday.

We'll do two or three presentations per class.

Presentation to be complemented with a final report blog post due Dec.6. Everyone will need to sign up as an AUTHOR on this site, in order to post, before then. Post an early draft for constructive feedback or to use in your presentation.

NOV 5 [Don't forget to vote!]

  • Something from Why Grow Up (WGU) thru p.165. #H1 Karim
  • John Kaag, Sick Souls Healthy Minds: How William James Can Save Your Life (SSHM), Prologue. 
  • Fantasyland (FL) 40 When the GOP Went Off the Rails
  • William James (WJ), Is Life Worth Living? (1897) - in Be Not Afraid: in the Words of William James (BNA, on reserve)


  • WGU -p.192. #H1 Kenji, #H2 Kaitlyn Woodland, #H3 Evan Burrell
  • SSHM ch1 Determinism and Despair, & WJ, The Dilemma of Determinism (1897) - in BNA, on reserve - #H1 Ally Brumfield, #H2 Sawyer Crain, #H3 Bobby Goodroe
  • Kieran Setiya, Life is Hard Intro-1 Infirmity (on reserve), #H2 Samwaeil Bowles

NOV 12 

  • WGU -thru p. 234 #H1 Brandon Furr, #H3 Braden Clapper
  • SSHM ch2 Freedom and Life, #H1 Amelie Oakes, #H2 AIdin Card, #H3 Andrew Griffith
  • WJ, The Moral Equivalent of War (1903) - in BNA, on reserve - #H2 Alan Hernandez 
  • Setiya 2 Loneliness #H1 John Pardue, #H2 Gavin Cooley,  #H3 Talan Lynch

NOV 14 

  • SSHM ch3 Psychology and the Healthy Mind #H1 kayla lee, #H2 Nick Luse#H3 Hadleigh Flowers
  • Setiya 3 Grief. #H1 Alayna Frazier, #H3 Roman
  • Question Everything (QE) IX What is it like to be a woman? (on reserve in lib'y) #H1 Mai Gibbons, #H2 Elloise Layus, #H3 Brooke Hale

NOV 19

  • SSHM ch4 Consciousness and Transcendence #H1 Hunter Dickson, #H3 Hunter Clouthier
  • Setiya 4 Failure #H1 Faith Carbonari,  H02 Erick Martinez, #H3 Aerika VanDerSlik
  • QE X Why does art matter? #H1 Zoe,  #H2 Annlee Head, #H3 Jairo
  • QE XI Is this the end of the world as we know it? #H1 John Wise,#H2 Maheswari Ramesh

NOV 21

NOV 26

  • SSHM ch6 Wonder and Hope #H01 Hayden Dye, #H2 Haley Gauda#H3 Floris
  • Setiya 6-7 Absurdity, Hope #H1 Coven Gallers, #H2 Aidan Taylor, #H3 Daniel Chera
  • QE XIII Now what? #H1 Ella Helms, #H2 Will Stout
  • WJ, What Pragmatism Means (1903) - in BNA, on reserve - #H2 Sage Robinson, Gary Wedgewood, #H3 Traden Davis



  1. NOV5: Something from WGU through p.165.

    1. Jumping the gun but that's okay, given your other obligations and schedule conflict.

  2. Ho2
    1. Do we need god
    2. Is this the end of the world as we know it
    3. What is it like to be a woman

  3. Hold that request until tomorrow, please.

  4. H03
    1: Does art matter?
    2: Truth and consequences

  5. this was me I forgot to put the name

  6. 1. SSHM ch6 Wonder and Hope
    2. SSHM ch3 Psychology and the Healthy Mind

  7. 1. QE X Why does art matter?
    2. SSHM ch3 Psychology and the Healthy Mind
    3. WGU pg 234

  8. #H01
    SSHM CH.5: Truth and consequences
    Setiya 4: Failure
    Setiya: Loneliness

  9. H02 Erick Martinez
    1. Setiya 4: Failure
    2. Setiya 2: Loneliness
    3. Setiya 3: Grief

  10. H01
    1. QE IX What is it like to be a woman?
    2. SSHM ch6 Wonder and Hope

  11. H02- Maheswari Ramesh
    1. QE XI- Is this the end of the world as we know it?
    2. QE XII- Do we need God?
    3. QE XIII- Now What?

  12. H01 Hayden Dye
    1) SSHM ch6 Wonder and Hope
    2) Setiya 4 Failure
    3) Setiya 2 Loneliness

  13. 1.) SSHM ch5 Truth and Consequences
    2.) SSHM ch4 Consciousness and Transcendence
    2.)Setiya 6-7 Absurdity, Hope

  14. H1
    Psychology and the healthy mind
    why grow up page 192

  15. H01

    1. Setiya 6-7: Absurdity, Hope
    2. QE X: What does art matter?
    3. Setiya 4: Failure

  16. H03

    1. Setiya 2 - Loneliness
    2. Setiya 6-7 - Absurdity, Hope
    3. SSHM 4 - Consciousness and Transcendence

  17. #H01

    1. Do we need God?
    2. Is this the end of the world as we know it?
    3. Why does art matter ?

  18. #H02

    1 - Truth and Consequences
    2 - Loneliness
    3 - Failure

  19. H03

    1. WJ, On a Certain Blindness in Human Beings
    2. SSHM CH. 6, Wonder and Hope
    3. Setiya CH. 6-7, Absurdity and Hope
    4. QE CH. 11, Is this the end of the world as we know it?
    5. SSHM CH. 3, Psychology and the Healthy Mind

  20. Daniel Chera #HO3

    1. QE- Why does art matter?
    2. Setiya- Absurdity, Hope
    3. Setiya- Injustice

  21. Gavin Cooley H2

    1. Setiya 2 Loneliness
    2. Setiya 3 Grief
    3. SSHM ch3 Psychology and the Healthy Mind

  22. 1,. QE - why does art matter?
    2. Setiya 2 - Loneliness
    3. SSHM CH. 6 - Wonder and Hope

  23. 1. QE XII Do we need God
    2. QE XI Is this the end of the world as we know it
    3. QE XIII Now what?

  24. H01

    #1: SSHM ch4 Consciousness and Transcendence
    #2: SSHM ch6 Wonder and Hope
    #3: Setiya 4 Failure

  25. Section: H03
    1.What is it like to be a woman?
    2. Psychology and the Healthy Mind

  26. Section H03
    1. WGU. Pg 234
    2. Failure
    3. Absurdity/Hope

  27. Nick Luse H02
    1. Consciousness and Transcendence

    1. 2. Psychology and the Healthy Mind
      3. Injustice

  28. 1. SSHM Ch6 Wonder and Hope
    2. Injustice
    3. SSHM Ch. 4 Consciousness and Transcendence

  29. H01
    1. Setiya Injustice
    2. SSHM freedom and life

  30. H01
    1. QE XIII Now what?
    2. Setiya 2 Loneliness

  31. H01

    1 - Setiya lonlieness
    2 - Setiya Grief
    3 - Setiya Injustice

  32. H01
    1- Setiya Loneliness
    2- Setiya Failure
    3- Setiya Grief

  33. H03
    1. Setiya- Failure
    2. Setiya- Injustice
    3. SSHM- Psychology and the Healthy Mind

  34. H03-
    1. SSHM Psychology and a healthy mind
    2. SSHM Conciouness and transendence
    3. Setiya 4 Failure

  35. I will do Nov. 26, What Pragmatism Means, Gary Wedgewood if no-one in the class needs to do this for credit.

  36. I would like to do WGU p 192

  37. Maria Lassiter H2

    1. Setiya 5 Injustice
    2. Setiya 3 grief
    3. QE What is it like to be a woman

  38. Gino Palilla H#2

    1. WJ on a certain blindness in human beings
    2. SSHM ch6 Wonder and Hope
    3. WJ what does pragmatism mean?

  39. Traden Davis H#03

    1. WJ, What Pragmatism Means (1903)
    2. WJ, The Moral Equivalent of War (1903)
    3. Setiya 5 Injustice

  40. 1. Determinism & Despair
    2. Setiya 6-7
    3. Setiya 3

  41. 1. Question Everything (QE) IX What is it like to be a woman?
    2. SSHM ch3 Psychology and the Healthy Mind
    3. Setiya 6-7 Absurdity, Hope #H1 Coven Gallers, #H3 Daniel Chera

  42. H02
    1. Setiya 6-7 Absurdity, Hope
    2. Setiya 3 Grief.
    3. Question Everything (QE) IX What is it like to be a woman?

  43. H02
    1. Setiya 3 Grief
    2. The Moral Equivalent on War

  44. H01
    1. QE XI Is this the end of the world as we know it?
    2. WJ, On a Certain Blindness in Human Beings (1899)

  45. More requests before I make assignments?
