Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Yes to Life, in Spite of Everything: Viktor Frankl’s Lost Lectures on Moving Beyond Optimism and Pessimism to Find the Deepest Source of Meaning – The Marginalian

"To decide whether life is worth living is to answer the fundamental question of philosophy," Albert Camus wrote in his classic 119-page essay The Myth of Sisyphus in 1942. "Everything else… is child's play; we must first of all answer the question." 

Sometimes, life asks this question not as a thought experiment but as a gauntlet hurled with the raw brutality of living. 

That selfsame year, the young Viennese neurologist and psychiatrist Viktor Frankl (March 26, 1905–September 2, 1997) was taken to Auschwitz along with more than a million human beings robbed of the basic right to answer this question for themselves, instead deemed unworthy of living. Some survived by reading. Some through humor. Some by pure chance. Most did not. Frankl lost his mother, his father, and his brother to the mass murder in the concentration camps. His own life was spared by the tightly braided lifeline of chance, choice, and character...

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