Tuesday, February 1, 2022

How Do You Respond When an Anti-Vaxxer Dies of Covid?

Don't give in to schadenfreude. It warps the soul.

..."Come on!" some might say. "It's a natural emotion." That's true — and emotions are usually beyond our control. If someone coughs intentionally (or thoughtlessly) in your face on the subway, it's natural to get angry. At least for a few seconds.

But what you do with those emotions — give in to them, prolong them or intensify them — is a moral decision. After your fellow subway rider coughs in your face, you don't need to express your anger by punching him. Simply letting your emotions take you wherever they please is what a baby does, not an adult... nyt


  1. The "I told you so" attitude is something that we all innately feel, but I think it's a good thing to be reminded that as humans we should emphasize and take the higher ground. After reading the book "Tuesday's with Morrie" I find myself thinking back to that book in times when I find myself angry for simple reasons, such as when someone cuts me off in traffic. Life is too short to be filled with negative emotions such an anger, fear, and worry, and for us to overcome those emotions and strategize a better approach, I believe that is the key to holding true happiness in one's life.

    1. I like how you mentioned one's own happiness. At the end of the day, we're living our own life making our own decisions, and have no control over other's actions. Overcoming those emotions and strategizing a better approach is definitely the smarter choice. But it's difficult when you realize how long we've been in this pandemic now, and smarter actions still aren't being made. But the "I told you so" attitude wouldn't be appropriate, as someone's life was still lost.

  2. At the end of the day, it should be heart breaking that anyone dies from Covid-19. I know and have heard of several cases of where people have passed away from it, with and without the vaccine. Personally, I believe we all need to look past the politics and the personal opinions and realize that someone's son, daughter, mother, father, or grandparents has passed away and people are aching their loss. Feelings and emotions are natural, but the verbal and physical response is personal choice. So, declaring hatred or saying, "I told you so," is a hateful and demeaning attitude, and does more damage and causes more hate. I think it can be implied, " you have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all," especially when it comes to someone you don't know, and they are in mourning over a loved one.

  3. I read a book by a Japanese author analyzing Adler psychology in a philosophical view (The Courage to be Disliked.) He discusses something similar with a story of a man overcome with rage when a waitress spills hot coffee on his new jacket. Is he justified in losing his mind and yelling mercilessly at her? IS he justified in being upset? is he justified still if he happened to have a knife and stabbed her? Can you truly not control your emotion? What is emotion in this case?

  4. It is a terrible thing if anybody dies from covid, but this should prove that the vaccination does fully protect you from the vaccine. there are chances of catching it and dying with or without the vaccine.
