Sunday, December 10, 2023

Sick Souls Heathy Minds: Prologue

David Sheinfeld

Dr. Phil Oliver


December 10, 2023

    The prologue to SSHM serves as an introduction to the concepts and ideas covered later in the book. It introduces the many struggles both the author John Kaag and William James would have to overcome. It describes how both Kaag and James, who at one point in their lives struggled with mental health issues, would look to philosophy to overcome their depression.

    The book begins with the introduction of William James and his struggles with meaninglessness. As a young man, he was very discontent with his life. Although he was a skilled polymath, he struggled to find meaning in life. He felt he was being "Pulled in too many directions, like a man on the rack" and that he was made of many "desperate pieces.". Also, James felt philosophically stuck. He felt that humans had no free will and that they were just "cogs in an unfortunately constructed machine". Deep in his existential dread, he came close to ending his life. However, instead of succumbing to his depression, James would develop a philosophical remedy to his problem of a "Sick Soul".

                                             Sketch made by William James   
    William James describes someone who has a "Sick Soul" as a person whose existence is "little more than a series of zig-zags" and "Their spirit wars with their flesh". James's solution to the sickly soul is his philosophy of "Healthy-Mindedness". Although it's effective in warding off existential dread, it is not a cure. This philosophy of "Healthy Mindedness" is utilized by the author John Kaag to overcome his own depression.

    John Kaag describes his own encounter with existential dread and depression. He talked about how he had been through a divorce and lost his estranged father. At this point in his life, he had been writing a book on William James's Pragmatism. WJ's pragmatism holds that "Truth should be judged on its practical consequences, on the way that it impacts life". One issue with WJ's pragmatism was the view that life was meaningless. If one doesn't care about their life why should they care about truth. WJ sought to solve this issue with his philosophy of Healthy-Mindedness. Kaag stresses that WJ's philosophy saved his life and taught him how to enjoy it.

    In 2014, Kaag had gone for a bike ride around the campus of Harvard. While riding, Kaag had noticed that the front of William James Hall had been blocked off by police tape. A man had unfortunately taken his own life by jumping off of the roof of the 15-story building. A reason for why the man had taken his life is described by William James in 1895. He says, "Maybe life is worth living, it depends on the liver. Maybe certain lives are so impossible or unbearable that they are better off cut short.". James would also argue that perhaps there is always a time or opportunity to find meaning in life. To cut one's life short would deny oneself the potential for a long, happy life filled with purpose. The meaning of life isn't always rigid and can change and morph over time to something completely different. Life is ever-changing and rife with possibilities and ending it prematurely may take many good and bad possibilities away. People are only given one life, it must be cherished because it is finite, short, and unique.
                                                                                                    William James Hall

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